Academic Catalog

Student Rights and Responsibilities


At the University of Dubai (UD), the educational process is a collaborative venture between the university as the education provider and students as the recognized beneficiaries. Without the intentional engagement of students, little, if any, learning will take place.

1. Student Rights

1.1 Freedom of Expression 


A. Freedom of Speech 

  This includes the right to express or disseminate information and ideas, as well as the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas. The University highly praises the rights of freedom of speech, expression, petition or appeal, and promotes a balanced and respectful debate. With this privilege comes a responsibility on the part of students to refrain from any debate that may cause or promote hatred, bigotry, discrimination, harassment, distress to any of the University community members and University visitors. In addition, students must respect the laws and conventions of the UAE and Islamic values.

  B. Free Speech in Cyberspace

Students have the right to express themselves on technology platforms and social media such as email, blogs, creating web pages or hosting a chat room. These platforms, however, must be regulated by the University to ensure that no abusive or profane language is used. 


C. Dress Code

Students have the right to dress as they wish as long as they conform to the standards stipulated by the dress code of the University of Dubai.

Inappropriate clothing includes:

  1. Revealing clothes that expose the student’s back, shoulders, chest, stomach, navel or cleavage.

  2. See-through clothing, or those intended to be worn as undergarments that reveal any body parts or give the same impression.

  3. T-shirts that carry inappropriate, provocative or offensive phrases, slogans, words or pictures

  4. Tops with spaghetti straps, sleeveless tops, tube blouses, halter tops or muscle shirts.

  5. Dresses, shorts, skirts or other attire that is above the knee.

  6. Apparel with revealing holes, rips or tears that are revealing.


General Provisions

If a student violates the guidelines stated in this policy, the UD faculty or staff have the right to send the student home to change his/her outfit. In such a case, the student will be considered absent.

If the student continues to violate the UD dress code guidelines set in this policy considering earlier advice by the UD faculty/staff or security, the student may be subject to disciplinary action. (See policy S 6.11)

1.2 Freedom of Religion

Students have the right to practice their religion individually so long it does not disrupt educational activities or interfere with the rights of others.

1.3 Student Clubs

Students have the right to form clubs and organizations that may be academic or non-academic in nature, but which promote camaraderie and congeniality among the members. The formation of clubs and organizations is regulated by the DSS. 

1.4 Learning Environment

Students are entitled to have access to faculty offices (during office hours), classrooms, laboratories, the library, all types of available academic technology, as well as open presentations, and other resources necessary for the learning process.

1.5 Equal Protection 

All students have the right to equal protection. This means students have the right to be free from discrimination at UD.  No student may be denied an equal educational opportunity or discriminated against because of:

  • Race

  • Age

  • National origin

  • Religion

  • Color

  • Gender

  • Economic status

  • Physical, intellectual or sensory handicap


1.6 Harassment 

Harassment on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, disability or religion is a type of discrimination and is prohibited. Students must report any form of harassment immediately to the DSS for immediate action. Harassment can come in various forms, including, but not limited to

  • Assaults or unwanted touching

  • Theft or vandalism

  • Threats of bodily injury

  • Unwanted sexual advances

  • Derogatory comments, slurs, or gestures  


Right to Privacy

Students have the right to have their academic and medical records kept confidential. UD is not permitted to share any of this information unless prior written consent is given by the student. 



1.6 Searches on Campus and Law Enforcement

  1. Searches on Campus

Different rules apply when a student is on campus, and the rules are different depending on who is doing the searching – university officials or law enforcement personnel. 

A search by a UD official is considered reasonable as long as the official has a reasonable suspicion that the search might uncover evidence that a student has violated a university rule. To conduct a search, a police officer requires a search warrant. Students have the right to refuse their consent for a search, however, the primary objective of reaching a resolution must be the utmost consideration when deciding whether to cooperate or not. 

B. Drugs 

Using and bringing drugs on campus is strictly prohibited.  Students have the right to report any suspicious activity to UD management for their own safety and security and for that of others. 


1.7 Students’ Records: Privacy and Access

Students have the right to privacy and are allowed access to their academic and personal reports and records, such as academic grades, disciplinary actions, attendance records, test scores and health records. In certain cases, UD may disclose students’ records without prior consent to third parties such as: 

  1. School officials who have “legitimate educational interests”

  2. Legal authorities in compliance with a court order

  3. Financial aid providers who have requested financial records 

  4. Accreditation bodies 

  5. Potential employers 


1.8 The Right to Education

Students have the freedom to study subjects that concern them and to form conclusions for themselves and express their opinions. 


1.9 Class Attendance

The student has the right to be informed about the UD attendance policy and how to follow up on his attendance status on a regular basis.  


1.10 Disciplinary and Grievance Procedures

Each student subject to disciplinary action arising from violations of the UD Code of Conduct is assured a fundamentally fair process. 

Students are obliged to respect and obey UD rules and policies while on campus or when representing UD in the community.  UD respects all students’ fundamental rights, including the rights to free speech and freedom of religion.  

  1. Before UD can expel or discipline a student for violating its rules, the student has the right to “due process,” or fair procedures. This means, except in emergencies, before a student is excluded from class, suspended or expelled, a student has the right to know what he/she is accused of doing and what rule he/she is accused of breaking. 

  2. A student also has the right to an opportunity to tell his/her side of the story. When the sanctions are more severe, such as a long-term suspension or expulsion, a student has the right to a more formal hearing process where he/she can present his/her case and challenge the sanction UD wants to impose.

2. Student’s Responsibilities 

Along with rights come certain responsibilities, academic and non- academic integrity are essential part of student responsibilities. 


2.1 Academic Responsibilities

  1. Students play an important active role in the creation of a high quality education environment. They cannot be passive, nor can their participation be superficial. 

  2. The outcomes of the learning process in the form of projects, assignments, papers, presentations, examinations and other demonstrations of learning should show clear evidence of significant student engagement. 

  3. In-depth learning requires performance over time and continued accumulation of knowledge and skills. Short-term experiences and engagement with the subject matter should not make up the whole of students' experiences. 

  4. Students need to acknowledge their responsibilities to their fellow students by actively participating in group learning experiences.

  5. Students who fail to shoulder the above responsibilities and take up challenging tasks are considered inappropriate for the purpose of fulfilling the course learning objectives. 

2.2 Non-Academic Responsibilities

  1. Students at UD are expected to act consistently with the values and ethics of the university community and to obey local and federal laws of the country. 

  2. Students are responsible for exercising their freedom with honesty, integrity, and respect for the principles of justice, equality, and human rights.  

  3. Every student is responsible for abiding by all UD policies.

  4. Every student is responsible for contributing to making/maintaining the UD community safe and respectful. 

  5. Students are expected to be individually responsible for their actions whether acting individually or in a group. UD considers that students have an obligation to make legal and responsible decisions concerning their conduct, to serve as a model and convey UD’s expectations of conduct to external guests. 

  6. Every student is responsible to learn, and obey all health and safety procedures outlined for classrooms, laboratories and off campus activities. 

  7. Students are responsible for activating their UD email accounts, to read emails directed to their UD email accounts, and for the responsible use of available on-campus technology.