Academic Catalog

Student Appeals

The students may appeal a decision by following this procedure:

1. Final Grade Appeal

A student who believes that a final grade has been inequitably awarded should file an appeal at the Registrar’s office by completing the Grade Appeal Form (GAF) within 14 days following the announcement of the grades by the Registrar. The Grade Appeal form is available in the Registrar’s office and a cost of AED 500 + VAT is applied.

1.1 Procedures

  1. Upon receiving the GPF, the Registrar shall forward the appeal to the concerned Dean and Program Director for action. 

  2. The Dean shall appoint a review committee of three faculty members (not including the course instructor) to review the final exam paper and schedule a meeting time.  The faculty members selected are normally subject- related. 

  3. The three faculty members must meet the student to review individual questions by comparing the student’s answer sheet with:

  • The model answer sheet;

  • The answer sheet of an A grade student,

  • The answer sheet of a B grade student; and

  • The answer sheet of a C comparable grade student.

  1. The review must be completed within five working days upon receiving the appeal from the Registrar’s office.

  2. The decision of the committee must be sent to the Dean and Program Director within one day from the end of the review. 

  3. The Dean or Program Director must send the decision of the committee to the Registrar.

  4. The Registrar must inform the student in writing of the review outcome within one day from receiving it from the Dean or Program Director.

  5. Copy of the review outcome must be kept in the student file.

2. Disciplinary Sanction Appeal

A student may appeal a  sanction only once after it is imposed by the review committee and only if s/he can provide additional information/new evidence to support his/her case by filling out the “General Petition Form” (Appendix I). The student should submit the form with supporting documents to the Manager of DSS. who will forward them to the UD President. Grounds for appeal include:

  1. Misapplication or misinterpretation of the rule alleged to have been violated.

  2. Discovery of substantial new facts which were not available at the time of the hearing. 

  3. Disciplinary sanction imposed is grossly disproportionate to the violation committed; this is applicable only when there is no current policy for the violation.

  4. Procedural errors which are prejudicial and which were committed during the disciplinary meeting or hearing.

If deemed appropriate, the UD President will then form a new committee to review the case and submit its findings/recommendations. The student may not appeal the second decision.