Academic Catalog

Radicalization and Extremism Policy


This policy aims to identify signs of radicalization and extremism within the university community. It provides mechanisms for reporting such behavior and outlines the steps for intervention and support when individuals display signs of radicalization or extremist ideologies that may threaten the safety and well-being of the university community.

1. Prevention of Radicalization and Extremism 

  1. Awareness Programs: 

    • Conduct awareness programs during orientation sessions to educate students and faculty about the risks of radicalization and extremism. 

    • Foster open dialogue on diverse viewpoints to encourage critical thinking.

    •  Educate students and faculty by providing information about the law and the potential consequences of violating the law during orientation.  Federal Decree Law No. 2 of 2015 (PDF) on Combating Discrimination and Hatred.

  2. Reporting Mechanisms: 

    • Establish a confidential reporting system for faculty and students to report suspicions or concerns regarding radicalization or extremism, such as a whistleblower hotline (email or phone) to report anonymously.

    • Ensure that reported cases are treated with utmost confidentiality and sensitivity.

  3.  Support and Counseling: 

    • Offer counseling and support services for individuals who have been reported  for radicalization or who have concerns about others.

    • Collaborate with external organizations and experts for guidance and intervention. Establish links and organize workshops with the International Institute for Tolerance in Dubai, the Hedaya Centre in Abu Dhabi, and the Sawab Centre.

  4. Faculty Training: 

    • Provide training for faculty to recognize signs of radicalization and extremism 

    • Educate faculty on how to address these issues through training.

2. Prevention of Bullying

  1. Workplace Anti-Bullying: 

    • Implement an anti-bullying policy for faculty and staff, emphasizing a zero-tolerance approach to bullying.

  2. Student Anti-Bullying:

    • The UD code of conduct that explicitly prohibits bullying in any form.

    • Encourage students to report bullying incidents through a confidential reporting system.

  3. Awareness and Education:

    • Conduct workshops and training sessions for both students and faculty on recognizing and preventing bullying.

    • Promote a culture of respect and tolerance through awareness campaigns and distribution of the UD Code of Conduct.

  4. Support and Counseling: 

    • Offer counseling and support services for individuals who have experienced any form of bullying on or off campus. 

3. Response Protocol

  1. Investigation: 

    • The Risk Committee will be  responsible for investigating reports of radicalization, extremism, or bullying.

    • Ensure fair and impartial investigations, respecting the rights of all parties involved.

  2. Supportive Measures: 

    • Offer support to victims, witnesses, and those accused during investigations.

    • Implement appropriate disciplinary actions for substantiated cases, following established procedures.