Academic Catalog

Information Release Policy


University of Dubai (UD) respects individual privacy and strives to maintain the confidentiality of records to the best interests of the students and the institution.

1. Record Confidentiality 

  1. The Registrar’s office is the custodian of all student related information present in his files. Students’ files and records can be managed and updated only by an authorized Registration Department (RD) Coordinator.

  2. Students’ records may not be amended without the prior approval of the Registrar, and such approved amendments are strictly based on official documents.

  3. The CAMS Systems’ Manager and the QAIE office may have access to certain information as approved by the Registrar- for IT maintenance or institutional effectiveness reports. 

  4.  Regulations regarding access to students’ information on the CAMS system: 

    • The Registrar is authorized to view and/or amend all information. 

    • Amendments of student records, such as grades must be approved by the concerned faculty, Program Director and Dean.

    • The Manager of Admissions is authorized to view the information related to the admissions section only. 

    • The Manager of Registration is authorized to view the information related to the student. 

    • A student has the right to view his/her transcript, final course grade results (consisting of class work, mid-term and final exam marks) for the courses he/she has registered for in the current or previous semesters). Access is password-protected. 

    • Student-related information and records can only be released by the Manager of the RD. 

    • In accordance with the data protection and confidentiality agreements signed between UD and partner universities and external entities, the partner university or external entity is authorized to receive any necessary personal data (e.g., passport, visa) and related academic documents (e.g., transcripts, grades, certificates). This is to fulfill the requirements for program completion, contingent upon receiving the student's written consent at the time of admission.

    • Records from students’ files may not be disclosed without the prior approval of the Registrar and the student’s written request presented in person. However, in certain cases, UD may disclose students’ records without prior consent to third parties such as:

    • School officials who have “legitimate educational interests” 

    • Legal authorities in compliance with a court order

    • Financial aid providers who have requested financial records

    • Accreditation bodies

    • Potential employers

  5. No record from students’ files may be disclosed without the prior approval of the Registrar and the student’s written request presented in person. However, in certain cases, UD may disclose students’ records without prior consent to third parties such as:

  • School officials who have “legitimate educational interests” 

  • Legal authorities in compliance with a court order

  • Financial aid providers who have requested financial records

  • Accreditation bodies

  • Potential employers


2. Information Release

Students are required to indicate on their Application for Admission Form whether they approve UD to release information related to their academic performance to parents/guardians/financial sponsors/others.  

3. Process of Student’s Information Release:
Individuals/other parties requesting information related to the student’s record through email, phone or in person.

  1. The Registration Department (RD) officer checks the student file physically or through the digital copy saved on the Shared Drive and or CAMS Document Tracking.

  2. If the student did not authorize anyone (family, parents, guardian, financial sponsors/other parties) to access his file, then no record from the student's files may be disclosed.

  3. If the student did authorize anyone to access his file, then no record from the student's files may be disclosed without the prior approval of the Registrar and the student’s written request presented in person or through email. The written consent from the student must specify the information to be released from his academic records which may include:

    • Transcripts with final course grades

    • Certificates submitted at the time of Admission

    • Academic Warning Letters/Academic Probations

    • Attendance in registered courses for the current or previous semester/term

    • Disciplinary Warning Letters

    • Medical Certificates

  4. The RD officer verifies the identity of the individual/other parties seeking the student’s related information.

  5. Student-related information and records can only be released by the head of the RD in person or through email.

  6. However, in certain cases, UD may disclose students’ record without prior consent to third parties such as:

  • School officials who have “legitimate educational interests”

  • Legal authorities in compliance with a court order

  • Financial aid providers who have requested financial records

  • Accreditation bodies

  • Potential employers