Academic Catalog

Student Counseling


The University of Dubai offers its current students some counseling services aiming at helping students overcome some of the challenges accompanying their education.

1. Student Counseling
Students often experience stress (e.g., personal, social, and financial) during their university life. While many students cope, others feel frustrated and overwhelmed. The counselor at the Student Counseling Unit (SCU) is expected to support UD students by addressing and helping them successfully overcome academic, psychological, social, relational and personal challenges at UD. 

2. Services
The Student Counseling Unit offers, within the limits of its resources, confidential and culturally appropriate counseling services to all registered students experiencing problems or concerns that affect their personal academic progress and sense of well-being. Students often seek counseling to examine issues such as relationships, family problems, stress, cultural differences, assertiveness, self-esteem, depression and anxiety. The services include: 

  1. Individual Counseling: This is provided to students concerned about personal, social, academic and moral issues. The process may take up to six (6) sessions depending on the case. Each session lasts between 45 to 60 minutes.

  2. Group Counseling: This is provided to students with similar concerns but in a group format. Groups are typically formed of 6 to 8 students, and meet weekly, for a period of 60 to 90 minutes.

  3. Consultations: These are usually one-off sessions for urgent matters to help students in making the right decisions. 

  4. Training programs and life skills workshops include such topics as: exam stress, time-management skills and social skills.

3. Counseling Procedure

3.1 Steps  

  1. Pre-counseling: 

    • The student sets a time to meet with the counselor. 

    • The student reads and signs the Consent Form. 

    • The student completes the Primary Questionnaire. 

  2. Primary Session: 

    • The counselor introduces him/herself and the services and collects general information about the student and his/her concern(s).

    • The student defines his/her objectives for the session and expectations from the counselor.

    • The counselor clarifies the professional relationship between the counselor and the student.

    • The counselor conducts an assessment of the situation and identifies a service or approach that will best assist the student. 

    • The counselor and the student set a time frame for the case (number of sessions, duration, and place). 

  3. Post-counseling: 

    • The student completes the feedback form.  

    • The counselor evaluates the student’s satisfaction level with the service and prepares a case file.


3.2 Student Rights

  1. UD students have the right to fair, appropriate and confidential counseling services.

  2. UD students have the right to halt the counseling process at any point in time.

  3. All records and information revealed in counseling remain confidential except in the following conditions:

  • When protecting the student or someone else from immediate harm. 

  • When required to do so by a court order. 

  • When authorized in writing by the student to release information to a specified college/ department/or other third party.


3.3 Shared Responsibility

  1. Visitations to the SCU will take place outside the student’s class schedule.

  2. Students are encouraged to come on time, or contact the counselor by email or by phone if they are unable to come to their appointment.

  3. Students are encouraged to be honest and open with the counselor regarding details of their case.

  4. The student’s personal commitment is crucial to an effective counseling session.

  5. The student counselor can help students only if they are willing to receive help and support. 


3.4 Student Counseling Forms
Each case file will contain the following forms:

  1. Referral Form (If appropriate/available – Appendix I)

  2. Consent Form (Appendix II).

  3. Primary Questionnaire (Appendix III).

  4. Primary Session Report (Appendix IV).

  5. Counseling Session Abstract (Appendix V).

  6. Feedback Form (Appendix VI)

  7. Case Report (Appendix VII). 

3.5 Case Closure

Each case will be considered closed:

  1. When so agreed by both counselor and student 

  2. At student’s request.

  3. Upon missing three consecutive sessions without an acceptable reason.

  4. Upon referral to a specialized psychologist if the case requires treatment beyond what SCU can provide.


 4. Referring Students for Counseling

To refer a student to the SCU, faculty members and staff complete the attached referral form (Appendix I) and send it to SCU.

Students may show signs of stress in different ways. Warning signs help in identifying the student’s need for counseling. These signs may include: 

  1. Change from high to low grades.

  2. Excessive absences from classes and exams.

  3. Depressed mood, anxiety, inferior feeling, and stress.

  4. Sudden change in behavior or appearance. 

  5. Inability to remain awake in class.

  6. Expressed suicidal feelings.

  7. Disruptive or violent behavior.

  8. Confused speech, disorganized or irrational thoughts. 

5. Office Hours
The office hours for SCU are Sunday through Thursday from 8:30AM to 4:00PM. Any student in need of an urgent appointment will be given priority in meeting with the student counselor. Walk-in visits or self-referrals by phone or email are also welcome.