Academic Catalog

Anti Harassment and Anti Bullying Policy


The university is committed to fostering a professional and ethical learning and work environment. All Deans, managers, instructors  and the wider University community have a responsibility to prevent harassment, bullying, violence etc. in the learning environment and their work areas and promptly report any concerns.  All University members are responsible for treating others with dignity and respect, discouraging harassment, and supporting those who may have experienced harassment, including assisting them in filing a formal complaint if necessary.

1. Prohibited Behaviors

The following behaviors are strictly prohibited:

  1. Verbal BullyingName-calling, derogatory remarks, or offensive language directed at a fellow student or faculty member.

    • Threats, intimidation, or humiliation through spoken or written words.

  2. Physical Bullying 

    • Any form of physical assault, violence, or harm directed at another student or at a faculty member.

    • Damaging or stealing personal belongings.

  3. Social Bullying 

    • Excluding, isolating, or spreading rumors about a student with the intent to harm their reputation or relationships.

    • Encouraging others to participate in any form of bullying.

  4. Cyberbullying 

    • Harassing, threatening, or spreading harmful content about a student through electronic means, including social media, emails, or other digital platforms.

  5. Stalking

  6. Victimization 

  7. Verbal and Non-Verbal Harassment

  8. Intimidation, threats or violent acts 

  9. Drugs and alcohol usage or distribution

    • Possession, use, distribution, or sale of Prohibited Substances on University property.

    • Prohibited substances encompass alcohol beverages (e.g., wine, beer, distilled spirits), any drugs or substances, prescription drugs (unless used as directed by a qualified physician), and non-prescribed drugs, medications, or substances used differently from their intended purpose.

    • Community members including students and faculty exhibiting impaired behavior, judgment, or performance due to drugs or alcohol will be prohibited from entering University premises or participating in UD related functions.


2. Reporting 

Students, faculty, staff and community members are encouraged to report any incidents or suspicions of the above immediately. Reporting options include:

  1. University authorities: Students can approach or email university faculty, staff, or counselors to report incidents. 

  2. Faculty and staff should report incidents to HRD to report.


3. Investigation and response upon receiving a report the university will:

  1. Initiate a prompt and impartial investigation to determine the facts surrounding the incident and to determine if the UD Code of Conduct was violated.

  2. Ensure that both the complainant and the accused are treated fairly and with respect during the investigation.

  3. Implement appropriate supportive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of all parties involved.

  4. Take disciplinary actions, if warranted, according to the disciplinary policies of UD considering the severity and frequency of the bullying.

  5. Protection and Support

UD is committed to providing support to victims of bullying, harassment, and threatening behavior. Supportive measures may include counseling, academic assistance, or any other necessary resources to aid in their recovery.


4. Prevention and Awareness

The university will conduct awareness programs, workshops, and training sessions to educate faculty, staff and students about prevention, reporting mechanisms, and the importance of fostering a respectful and inclusive community.