Academic Catalog

President’s Message


Welcome to another fulfilling academic year at the University of Dubai (UD)!  I take great pleasure in welcoming both our new and returning students and I cannot wait to see what AY 2024-2025 holds in store for us.  We are committed to providing you with not only a quality education that prepares you for the everchanging professional world but also opportunities to explore and develop your interests.

I want to encourage you to get involved on campus, explore opportunities within our student organizations, community events, competitions, and volunteer opportunities.  Our Department of Student Services is here to guide you and to ensure that the activities you want to take part in are offered throughout the year.

As members of the UD community, we expect that you will conduct yourselves with integrity and respect with a strong commitment to our ethos.  We ask you to embrace our code of conduct and foster an atmosphere of mutual understanding, tolerance and collaboration.

Remember that you are not alone on this journey, your fellow classmates and our faculty and staff are here to support you along the way.  Together we can create an environment where all members of our community can thrive and achieve their potential.

This document serves as a guide, providing you with essential information about some of our policies, procedures and resources.  We hope that it will support your university journey and help you navigate opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.  I encourage you to familiarize yourself with its contents and utilize it as a tool.

I wish you a very successful academic year, full of opportunities, growth, discovery, innovation and success!




Dr. Eesa M. Bastaki

President, University of Dubai