Academic Catalog

Graduate Assistants Policy


The University of Dubai offers two types of assistantships to students: RA and TA . The former pursues research-related activities, and the latter helps the faculty member in teaching and administrative-related activities. Graduate assistantship provides students with an opportunity to develop their academic skills. This policy outlines related policies and procedures. 


1. Policy

  1. A faculty member requiring the services of a RA or a TA may request to hire one by putting forth a request (form in Appendix I) to the Dean at the beginning of any regular semester. 

  2. The faculty member may select a candidate to work with him/her, if the candidate meets the eligibility requirements listed in this policy. If the faculty member has no preferred candidate, then the position/opening will be announced by the College. 

  3. The Program Director will short-list candidates based on criteria set in this policy which includes positive recommendation letters from two faculty members. For RA openings, priority will be given to students who have previously participated in research projects.

  4. Recommendations for appointment must be approved by the Dean and the VPAA.

  5. Appointments are made on a semester by semester basis. 

  6. The student must continue to be in good standing (GPA of at least 3) to maintain the appointment. 

  7. All graduate assistantship positions must have been planned in the College’s budget. Exceptions are positions supported by external grants. 


2. Eligibility
To be eligible for appointment as a RA/TA, the applicant must:

  1. Be enrolled as a full time graduate student at UD or a Master’s graduate. 

  2. Be interested and committed in working as an RA/TA.

  3. Have earned a minimum of B+ in the relevant courses being tutored or in courses related to the area of research.

  4. Be in good academic standing (above 3.0 GPA) and making satisfactory progress toward the completion of his/her degree.


3. Required Documents

Interested applicants must submit the following:

  1. Completed application form (Appendix II)

  2. Two recommendation letters from UD or faculty members (Appendix III)

  3. Transcripts of grades

  4. Updated curriculum vitae


4. Procedures

  1.  If the faculty member has no preferred candidate, the College must announce the opening for at least two weeks. 

  2. Candidates must be short-listed by the Program Director and the concerned faculty member. 

  3. The short-listed candidates will be interviewed by the Program Director and the concerned faculty member based on criteria set in this policy and the recommendation letters of the two faculty members. 

  4. The final recommendation is to be approved by the Dean in concurrence with the VPAA.


5. General Job Expectations

  1. Maintain the highest level of professional and ethical standards.

  2. Establish good relationships with students and act as a role model.

  3. Identify and respond to students’ educational needs.

  4. Participate in all training and learning activities if required.


6. Scope of  Work for Teaching Assistants

Specific services provided by the TA include (but not limited to):

  1. Course Preparation

    • Help the instructor prepare course materials.

    • Conduct student discussion sessions following the instructor’s requests. 

    • Provide and discuss solutions during class to assignments/mid-term exams based on the model solution prepared by the instructor/TA. 

    • Provide practice/review sessions on a weekly basis to learning materials perceived as difficult by at-risk students.

    • Monitor students’ progress on term projects.

  2. Administrative 

    • Place course materials on library reserve.

    • Maintain Course Management System (on Moodle).

    • Offer office hour assistance to students (in specific peer tutoring), and perform clerical tasks associated with course instruction. 

    • Mark homework assignments under strict faculty guidance, based on a faculty-developed marking scheme (rubric).

    • Help in proctoring midterm and final examinations.

    • Keep a written record of all activities undertaken.

  3. Tutoring Labs/Computer Labs

  • Help students in various subjects during Tutoring Lab Hours.

  • Provide help to students in using software packages or IT related issues.


7. Scope of Work for Research Assistants

Specific services provided by RA include (but not limited to):

  1. Relevant literature search and review

  2. Data collection &/or entry

  3. Data analysis using analytical software

  4. Drafting research report

  5. Preparing research-related reports and/or presentations

  6. Support research publication for a conference proceeding or journal.

  7. Programming/software engineering or related work

  8. Other related activities 


8. Duration of Appointment & Compensation

  1. The TA is hired for a maximum of 150 hours per semester at the average rate of 10 hours per week for 15 weeks, or as required. 

  2. The RA is hired for a maximum of 150 hours per semester at the average rate of 10 hours per week for 15 weeks or as required.

  3. Graduate assistantships are awarded on a semester-by-semester basis but can be renewed for a maximum of two years. 

  4. TA’a and RA’s hired from external grants may have different duration of appointment and compensation. 

  5. The RA/TA is compensated at an hourly rate decided by the President. RAs are required to submit the Research Project Control Sheet & Salary Claim form (Appendix IV) through the College Executive to the HR Department to claim payment.  


9. Other Clauses

  1. The RA/TA must be closely supervised by the concerned course instructor/faculty member in charge, who will be responsible for keeping track of the RA/TA’s working hours. The faculty member must provide an evaluation of the performance of the graduate assistant at the end of each semester of employment to the Dean, with a copy stored by the College Executive.

  2. The faculty member must discuss the graduate assistant’s contribution to his/her teaching and research activities in his/her end of year performance evaluation report (FDP).