Academic Catalog

Faculty-Staff Personnel Records Policy


An official human resources personnel file for all UD employees will be retained in the fireproof HRD file room on the 3rd floor.  Fireproof cabinets containing all employees’ information are kept locked at all times. The Manager is designated as the official custodian to UD’s personnel files.

The HRD is to coordinate and process matters relating to the appointment of new faculty and staffing including, but not limited to, immigration and residence permits, benefits, administering evaluation of non-academic employees, and maintenance of personnel files.  Therefore, the HRD team has access to the HRD file room with the Manager’s approval.

The types of documents maintained and retained in human resources files may include the following:

  1. Resumes or Curriculum Vitae, 

  2. Academic Certificates / Qualifications,

  3. Letters of Experience / Reference,

  4. Passport / Visa Copy and Photos,

  5. Application for Employment, 

  6. Employment Contract,

  7. Contract Renewal Notices/ Amendments,

  8. Probation Confirmation Letter,

  9. Change of Status forms, Faculty/Staff Information Sheets, Performance Evaluations,

  10. Release time (All kinds e.g. research, curriculum-related, accreditation and other assignments etc.) Summary matrix for the FDP evaluation form-( form 2)

  11. Warning letters

  12. Grievances,

  13. Corrective Action Records,

  14. Vacation and Leave Records,

  15. Bank Account Details,

  16. Travel Requisitions,

  17. Salary Certificates Issued by the HRD,

  18. Resignation / Termination Letter

  19. Resignation Checkpoints Sheet,

  20. Other documents related to the employee’s employment at the University.


2. Internal access to the human resources files is subject to the formal approval of the Manager of the HRD as per the following guidelines:

  1. An employee, after verification of his/her identity, may review non-confidential information pertaining to him/her contained in the file. 

  2. The University’s Human Resources Staff is authorized to request, receive and review for official purposes a human resource file; subject to the approval of the Manager, HRD

  3. A properly identified and authorized representative of an employee, with a signed authorization from the employee, may review any information pertaining to the employee contained in the official file. If the authorized representative wishes to make a copy of any information in the employee’s file, a written request for copies shall be addressed to the HRD Manager and is subject to the approval of the HRD Manager.

  4. Department heads and other University officials may request to review their subordinates’ human resources files provided there is an official work-related need for such access.  This must be accompanied by a formal request and is subject to the approval of the HRD Manager or the University President.

  5. External request for information related to employment status/history about an employee without a written authorization from the employee/individual shall be at the discretion of the Manager of the HRD. If approved The HRD shall release only the following information: Employment status (for presently employed/former employees), verification of dates of employment, and/or job position or title. 

  6. Nothing in this policy shall be construed as a prohibition against a letter of recommendation or other employment-related information being released upon signed authorization of a present or past employee. This information shall be based on documented facts or shall be stated as the opinion of the writer. 

  7. Other external access to human resources files shall be authorized only by the Manager HRD or the UD President, under the following circumstances:

  • To protect the legal interests of the University. 

  • In response to a law enforcement authority, when appropriate. 

  • Pursuant to a disclosure request from a Governing / Accrediting body. 

  • In compelling circumstances affecting the immediate health or safety of the individual. 

A University employee is prohibited from releasing any information about another employee to an outside employer or agency without a written authorization from that individual. Also, UD employees are not permitted to share their salary details with colleagues.

An employee has the right to request correction or amendment of any information contained in his/her human resources file. 

All personnel files must also be kept in digital format and stored securely.

All human resources PAPER personnel files are retained for a minimum of five years subsequent to an employee’s departure. Digitally-scanned material is stored in the archive.