Academic Catalog

Faculty Hiring Plan


This policy outlines the process used at UD for planning faculty recruitment as per the philosophy discussed in the employment policy (FP 5.2). Duties of faculty along with workloads are discussed in FP 5.1 and FP 5.6. This policy also provides guidelines on the hiring of part-time and visiting faculty members. 

1. Planning for Faculty Recruitment

  1. Planned faculty and staff requirements for the following academic year are developed by the Program Directors and Deans after the preparation of the following year’s planned course offerings, expected by the end of November of each year.

  2. The request for appointment must be justified and substantiated by relevant information such as planned enrollments, number of courses/sections offered, classroom ceiling, capacity of classrooms and computer labs, and most importantly student-faculty ratios per program. 

  3. Once the needs are clearly substantiated and established, the requests are forwarded by the Dean/Program Director to the VPAA. The requests must be approved by the VPAA and the President.

  4. Based on the President’s approval, the Human Resources Department is responsible for advertising these positions and forwarding all received resumes to the concerned Dean/Program Director.


2. Factors to be Considered in Developing the Hiring Plan

The following factors are taken into consideration when preparing the college faculty plans:

  1. Current students’ enrollment: The number of scheduled sections is divided by 4 (the normal workload is 4 sections per faculty member) to obtain the number of faculty members needed to teach these sections.

  2. Students’ enrollment growth rate (projection plan): Currently, the University of Dubai assumes a 5% annual growth rate in students’ enrollment. The added number of students is converted to a number of added sections upon multiplying by 5 courses (average student load per semester) and dividing it by 30 (average class size). The number of courses is then divided by 4 to obtain the number of faculty members needed to teach these added courses.

  3. The study plan: Courses (core and specialized) are to be offered based on the graduation plans for various majors. The number of sections may vary based on the expected course demand. 

  4. The competition: The number of students expected to be lost (attrition) is estimated. This number is converted to a number of spared courses upon multiplying by 5 courses and dividing by 30 (class size). The number of courses is then divided by 4 to obtain the number of spared faculty members.

  5. Workload reductions due to research and administrative work: The number of reduced credit hours is worked out.  It is then divided by 4 to obtain the number of faculty members needed to undertake these assignments.


3. Planning Assumptions

The following assumptions must be considered in determining faculty needs:

  1. The maximum class ceiling as determined by Scheduling and Class Size Policy EP 3.14.

  2. The number of CH for each course is 3 credit hours.

  3. The teaching load for a faculty member (12CH for Assistant Professors and 9CH for higher ranks per semester).

  4. The release time for a research output generated by an Assistant Professor is 3 credit hours per semester following the paper acceptance.


4. Part-Time/Adjunct Faculty Members 

  1.  UD may appoint part-time faculty members for one or more semesters /terms to cover specific teaching needs or faculty shortages. 

  2. The appointment of part-time faculty members is made by the Program Director/Dean and must be approved by the VPAA.

  3. Part-time faculty shall not exceed 25% of the total faculty members in any program regardless of the overall number of sections/courses offered.

  4. The teaching load for a part-time faculty member may not exceed a total of 6 (six) credit hours in any regular semester/term in either of the undergraduate or graduate programs or in a combination of both. Exceptions needs the approval of the VPAA.

  5. The part-time faculty member must have the same qualifications for appointment as a full-time faculty of the same field. 

  6. The teaching assignment for a part-time faculty member must be appropriate to his/her rank and discipline as per his/her terminal degree qualifications. Exceptions can be made for those with exceptional record, related research output, or significant experience and accomplishments.

  7. The part-time faculty member must be given the same access to teaching resources and internal faculty developmental activities (including orientation) as full timers.

  8. A part-time faculty member must provide office hours to meet the needs of the students, and must submit a full course file upon course completion.

  9. The part-time faculty member will be contracted on an hourly basis without any additional benefits as per the rates listed in FP 5.3 - Compensations & Benefits Policy. 

  10. Part-timers should not be hired when the teaching needs can be fulfilled by a full time faculty member (from the same or other UD colleges) unless the full timer’s load exceeds the maximum load by more than 45 hours. Exceptional cases must be approved by the VPAA. 

  11. There is no time limit on the re-appointment of part-timers i.e. the contract can be renewed as much often as needed.

Additional details on UD’s employment Policy are in FP 5.2


5. Visiting Faculty Members 

  1. UD accommodates short-term visiting faculty members from UAE-recognized universities to spend up to one year at UD. Extension can be made for another year based on the recommendations of the Program Director/Dean and the approval of the VPAA.

  2. Visiting faculty members from partner/exchange universities are governed by the stipulations in the signed MOU's. 

  3. Appointment is at the visiting faculty’s current rank.

  4. A visiting faculty member wishing to spend less than a term/semester at UD needs a special permission from the VPAA. Approval depends on the nature of the required assignment, expected contribution to college goals, and budgetary constraints. 

  5. The teaching load for a visiting faculty member is to be decided based on the college requirements, and needs the approval of the VPAA/President. 

  6. The payment scale for a visiting faculty member usually follows UD’s pay scale (See FP 5.3). Exceptions need the approval of the President. 

  7.  A visiting faculty member may apply for a full-time position using the same procedures as a new applicant.


6. Distinguished Professor 

  1. The title of Distinguished Professor is bestowed by the President upon the recommendation of the Dean/VPAA to an international faculty member with a renowned reputation who has exceptional scholarship and a high level of international recognition of his work.

  2. A distinguished professor can be appointed for a minimum of 1 term/semester and a maximum of two years. Shorter periods of appointment need the approval of the VPAA/President.

  3.  If he/she wishes to stay longer, this may be considered on a yearly basis, with the approval of the VPAA and President. 

  4. The pay scale of a distinguished professor is determined by the President and does not have to follow UD’s standard salary scale. However, it must not exceed the cap outlined in UD’s strategic plan. 


7. Emeritus Professor 

  1. This is an honorary title bestowed by the President to distinguish/recognize a (retired/retiring) faculty member who has demonstrated an exceptional record of teaching, research, or service during his/her past service at UD. The Emeritus status needs the approval of the Board of Trustees.

  2. The candidate must have served UD for at least 15 years before retirement. 

  3. The position must be granted within a maximum of one year from the date of the faculty retirement.

  4. While the position does not entail any financial benefits as the candidate’s employment at UD has ended, the President may assign an honorarium for the candidate if he/she is given any short-term assignment.  

  5. Emeritus faculty members may be granted the same administrative privileges as full time faculty members, if needed

  6. Emeritus faculty members are not entitled to serve on any University body.

  7. Exceptions to the above are at the discretion of the President.