Academic Catalog

Faculty Compensation and Benefits


1. Benefits to Full-time Faculty
Full-time faculty members joining UD will be entitled to the following benefits and privileges: 

Salary Package for Academic Personnel
Upon his/her appointment, a full-time faculty member enjoys a competitive salary package which includes allowances for housing, education, furniture and travel. The figures are stated in Table

Table 1: Monthly Full-Time Faculty Salary Brackets


Monthly Salary Range* (in AED)

Full Professor


Associate Professor


Assistant Professor


Senior Lecturer

25,000 – 30000



*All-inclusive except for the medical insurance which is covered directly by UD

Visiting faculty members usually enjoy the same compensation as stated in Table 1 according to their academic rank. Exceptions must be approved by the President based on the recommendations of the VPAA.  

The cost-of-living allowances (COLA) for new appointments are normally revised every three years to ensure competitiveness with the market and to accommodate inflation.

For currently employed faculty members, an end of year increment is offered to faculty members annually, which includes an inflation-based raise and a performance-based component. The rates are decided by the President on an annual basis. 

Payments for teaching overload

Full-time faculty members teaching additional courses beyond their regular teaching load1 are compensated at the rates of AED 300 per hour for an undergraduate course and AED 350 per hour for a graduate course. These rates also apply for summer teaching. If the teacher is teaching a mix of undergraduate and graduate courses in a regular semester, or is involved in thesis/dissertation supervision, then a rate of AED 300 per hour will be used to compute the remuneration for the overload. 

Other teaching-related Compensation:

There will be no compensation for final exam preparation nor for course file preparation for both full time and part-time faculty members. 

Medical and Life Insurance

Provisions are made to cover medical insurance for the faculty members, reference FP5.23 for details.

Shipping Allowance

At the time of employment, faculty members recruited from outside the UAE will be provided with a shipping allowance (to Dubai) at actual invoiced cost but not to exceed AED 5,000. Original receipts should be attached to the claim form.  Shipping allowance is also provided upon termination and/or end of employment contract from Dubai to the place of recruitment OR to the faculty home country for an amount of AED 5,000.

End of Service Gratuity

Faculty members are entitled to a gratuity for each year of service in accordance with Federal Law of 2021 on Regulating Labor Relations with Related Resolutions and Ministerial Decisions for the U.A.E. 

  1. In order for a faculty to be entitled to gratuity the following conditions must apply:

    • Employees that have completed one year or more in continuous service.

    • Employee has not been dismissed for gross misconduct, or resigned to avoid this form of disciplinary action (Refer UAE Law).

  2. Faculty other than UAE nationals shall receive end of service payment for the first five years of service, of 21 days’ basic salary for each completed year of continuous service. This will be calculated at the rate applicable in the final month of service. After the completion of five years, the employee shall receive an end of service payment of 30 days’ basic salary for each year of service. This is in accordance with the labor laws of the UAE. Any fraction of the year shall be granted to the faculty in proportion to the number of days worked in that year.

  3. Unpaid leave days taken during the probation period will not be factored in the calculation of any end of service benefits.

  4. Payment: Gratuity payments will only be released to the faculty on their last working day with the University on receiving clearance from the HR Department that all other items owing to the University of Dubai have been duly returned. However, the gratuity and the employee's final settlements will be transferred to the employee's bank account where the University issued the employee a salary transfer letter for loan purposes. Unless the employee provides the HRD with a clearance certificate from the bank mentioned in the salary transfer letter.

  5. The gratuity payments are based on the existing UAE labor law subject to be changed if the law modifies this term.

Note:  In the event of the employee owing the University of Dubai money at the end of service, this will be deducted from the gratuity payment.

Benefits to Part-time Faculty

Part time instructors are compensated for delivering a total number of hours for undergraduate and graduate programs as per the rates shown in Table 2. No additional payments will be given for the preparation of course files or final exams. These rates may be subject to annual review.

Table 2: Part-Time Teaching Rates


Per Hour (in AED)

All destinations - Graduate


All destinations - Undergraduate


Part timers are not entitled to any additional benefits from teaching assignments. 

Internship Program  
The following is the compensation policy for faculty responsible for the internship program:

  1. For all tasks, meetings, events and responsibilities to oversee and implement the internship program, a class with up to (20) students will be counted as 3 credit hours and as part of the faculty member’ teaching load, if possible. A class with a smaller number of students is dealt with like other offered courses.

  2. A part-time faculty member handling internships will be paid the equivalent of ninety-two hours based on the part-time hourly rates specified in Table 3. This will encompass all aspects of the course from the initial workshops to the final release of the grades. The amount may be paid in one or more installments during the semester. 

  3. UD pays faculty members for their visits expenses. To support related payment claims, the faculty member must note the following:

  • Each faculty member will maintain a log of his/her visits. Faculty members using their own cars will record for each visit the number of kilometers associated with the trip. A rate per kilometer will be determined and the faculty member will be compensated accordingly on the production of detailed information for each leg of trip through the claim form. 

  • Faculty members without their own car will be reimbursed for the taxi fare. The taxi receipts should be attached to the claim form with the details of the visit.

  • The faculty will be compensated on a reimbursement basis for parking fees. Parking fees will require support for proof of expense in the form of either the parking receipt or parking stub.


4. Industry Projects

4.1 Number of sections and total hours: A one 3-credit hour course will be counted for up to 20 registered students per section. A class with a smaller number of students is dealt with like other offered courses.

4.2 Supporting Timesheets: Each student is required to meet his/her supervisor for about 30 minutes once a week for at least five weeks to review the work done during each week. When a student comes to meet his/her supervisor, he/she signs an attendance sheet. These attendance sheets are maintained by the College Executive Assistant. Supervisors also maintain another attendance sheet that records each student’s progress and equivalent hours for attendance, proposal development, discussion, proposal, writing the final version of the report and oral presentation of the report.

5. Other Benefits and Compensation

5.1 Compensation for MBA Action Research Project/MSc and LLM Thesis

This supervision is counted within the faculty’s teaching load at a rate of 0.25 CH/student/term or semester for up to 4 terms for the MBA program and 2 semesters for the other Master’s programs. A faculty member can simultaneously supervise as many students as her/his teaching load permits. However, the College Dean may choose to reduce the cap given certain situations. An Honorarium of AED 1,000 shall be paid for an internal or external MBA/LLM/MSc project/thesis examiner.


5.2 Final Projects for CEIT Undergraduate Programs

Every project is compensated 2,500 AED per semester , the project usually has 3-4 students, and may have 2 or 5 in special cases. If there are multiple supervisors, the amount is divided equally between them


5.3 Compensation for Preparing and Marking a Challenge Exam for BBA, Pre-MBA & Pre-MSc.

A faculty member will be paid AED 500 for preparing and marking a student script of a Challenge Exam. The College/Department must schedule one challenge exam only for a course in the term/semester. If more than one student is taking the Challenge Exam of a particular course at the same time, the faculty member will be paid an additional AED 50 for marking each additional student’s script.


5.4 Compensation for Preparing and Marking a Make-up Exam

A faculty member is not compensated for preparing or correcting a make-up exam.

5.5 Compensation for Supervision of PhD Dissertation

Starting from the AY 2022/23, supervision is counted as part of a faculty member’s annual teaching load and is calculated at a rate of 0.5 CH/term for the primary supervisor, or 0.25 CH/term for the primary and secondary supervisors in a joint supervision. A faculty member should not supervise more than five (5) PhD students at the same time, subject to the faculty’s workload and UD’s overload policy. Remuneration for supervision is given for a maximum of 8 terms.

An external examiner of a PhD dissertation will be compensated at a rate of AED 3,500 per dissertation, which is payable upon receipt of the evaluation report filed by the examiner. An external dissertation examiner can perform his duties via online tools.  

Internal examining members participating in the viva examinations will be compensated at the rate of AED 1,500 per dissertation.

More details are discussed in EP3.16 PhD Academic Regulations Policy.

6. Teaching in Summer/ (Short terms)

Summer teaching is optional and is not considered as part of a faculty’s annual teaching load. Full-time faculty members are compensated for teaching in summer and short terms at the rates of AED 300 per hour for an undergraduate course and AED 350 per hour for a graduate course. 

Part time instructors are compensated as per the rates shown in Table 2. 

7. Compensation for Faculty Assigned Senior Administrative Duties 

Faculty members who are assigned senior administrative duties are paid an honorarium during their period of service, as determined by the President.

8. Research Support Benefits

Please refer to R 4.1Research Support Policy.



1. Please refer to the FP 5.6 Faculty Workload Policy.