Academic Catalog

Student Disciplinary Policy



1. Student Academic and Non-Academic Misconduct

1.1  Student Behavior

The UD Code of Conduct lays forward those acts and violations that constitute unacceptable conduct for students of UD. The University expects its students to be self- disciplined in both their approach to studying and in their general conduct and behavior. Allegations that students have failed to comply with the principles of conduct in this Policy may result in the University taking action under the Student Disciplinary Actions and/or such other University disciplinary actions, as listed below, as it considers reasonable and appropriate.


1.2 Non-academic Misconduct

Non-academic misconduct includes classroom misconduct, lab misconduct, library misconduct and other forms of misconduct.

  1. Classroom Misconduct

Class Disturbance: For any act of class disturbance (use of phone, frequent use of bathroom, internet browsing, playing with electronic devices, talking, laughing, …), the instructor may, if he/she sees it appropriate, to mark the “Class Disturbance” check box in CAMS and the system will automatically flag it as a warning. The second disturbance marked will cause a 5% deduction from the student’s total grade. The third disturbance marked will lead to the dismissal of the student from the class with an “F” grade. 

For any violent or highly irritating forms of disturbance, the instructor may expel the student from the class but not mark him absent. An immediate investigation of the case should be conducted unless the matter is resolved with the instructor prior to the start of investigation. Cases referred to the Student Investigation Committee will receive the appropriate  disciplinary action as specified by the UD Code ofConduct.

 Table 1: List of Violations & Disciplinary Actions


Disciplinary Action(s) (Refer section 2)


Wasting class time arguing with instructor publicly about absences/

warnings/late attendance.



Using mobile devices in class.



Leaving the classroom repeatedly for any reason.



Disturbing the class.



Eating or drinking in the classroom.



Addressing the instructor inappropriately.

A, B, C


Arriving more than 10 minutes late for class.



Arriving between 1-10 minutes late for class.



Stalking/humiliating the instructor or any student in the class.

C, F

10 Adhering to virtual classroom protocols, such as keeping microphones and cameras on when required, and engaging respectfully in discussions.

 11 Not participating in required online discussions, group projects, or other interactive elements of the course


B. Lab & IT Misconduct

The scope of the UD Code of Conduct includes misuse of any computing facility (including computers, workstations and microcomputers, communication networks or peripheral units of any of these and any associated software and data), for any purpose.


Disciplinary Action(s)

(Refer to section 2)


Eating or drinking in laboratories.



Modifying or changing the integrity of computing equipment, communications network, systems software, or other stored information.



Damaging computing equipment belonging to the University of Dubai.

E, F


Introducing, deliberately, any virus-type programs or files by any route, including File Transfer Protocol (FTP).

E, F


Misusing the printer by printing unnecessary materials (e.g., web pages, large graphics) or printing multiple copies of documents.



Using computer facilities for inappropriate purposes. Such uses include, but are not limited to, game playing, chatting, accessing socially unacceptable material, personal advertising, storing non-academic material, use of peripherals or computing resources (e.g., printing) for private purposes.



Creating, storing, exchanging, displaying, printing, publicizing or circulating offensive, annoying or illegal material in any form. This includes blasphemous, abusive, libelous, sexist, racist and pornographic material.



Operating any equipment unsafely.



Accessing the University of Dubai network, or other computing facility provided by the university, when not authorized to do so.


 10  Failing to secure personal information, leading to unauthorized access or breaches


11  Misuse of online learning platforms, such as posting inappropriate content or using the platform for non-academic purposes

 A, F, M

12  Creating or using multiple accounts to access restricted content or bypass platform restrictions


13  Using university email or communication tools for non-academic purposes, such as spam or unauthorized solicitation

 D, F

C. Library Misconduct

UD Library serves its community by providing high quality services, and a pleasant environment that is conducive to study and research. In order to accomplish this, all Library visitors are requested to refrain from the following activities:


Disciplinary Action(s) (Refer to section 2)


Mutilating Library materials or files by marking/underlining text.

A, E


Removing pages or portions of pages, removing binding or staples, or in any other way damaging or defacing Library materials.

A, E


Tampering with security/electronic devices.



Concealing or misfiling deliberately Library materials in the Library for the exclusive use of an individual or group.



Refusing to abide by the Library regulations regarding the return of materials and payment of fines and/or penalties. These would include penalties on lost or damaged items, and preventing the patron from using "circulation"

services, until penalties are paid, or books returned.



Disturbing behavior which interferes with normal use of the Library. Such

inappropriate behavior includes activities that are distracting or disruptive to others.



Consuming of food or beverages.



Accessing or using any Library facility, equipment or service without proper

permission by authorized persons.



Damaging or defacement of Library equipment.

A, E


Removing or attempting to remove Library materials without authorization.



Violating the Copyright Law.


Visitors committing any IT related misconduct when using the Open Learning Resources of the library, will receive the appropriate disciplinary action as specified in the table above.

D. SIC Hearing Misconduct



Disciplinary Action(s) (s) (Refer to 2)


Refusing to attend hearings.

A, F


Lying, refusing to answer questions, or acting rudely during the hearing.

A, F


Humiliating SIC members.



Stalking or threatening SIC members.


E. Exam Hall Misconduct


Disciplinary Action(s)

(Refer to section 2)


Refusing to immediately adhere to the instructions received from the invigilators in the exam halls including change of seats.

A, C


Repeatedly refusing to adhere to the instructions received from the invigilators in the exam halls and thus disturbing the exam room.

C, F


Arguing repeatedly with invigilator (but not aggressive behavior)



Disturbing the exam room with loud shouting but no aggressive behavior.

C, F


Disturbing the exam room with an aggressive behavior / stalking

C, G

 6  Non-compliance with online proctoring protocols, such as disabling monitoring software or refusing to comply with exam rules

C, F, G 

F. Other Types of Misconduct


Disciplinary Action(s)

(Refer to section 2)


Disrupting or disturbing academic, administrative, social and extra-curricular activities of the university whether on or off campus.



Interfering with the duties and obligations of any student and / or member of staff or any authorized visitor to the university in either an active or

passive manner.



Engaging in verbal and /or non-verbal indecent behavior that is offensive to the institution and/or to the UAE culture.



Slandering or libeling the name of the university or otherwise bringing the university into disrepute.



Engaging in sexual harassment of a student or a staff member from the university or a visitor to the premises.



Engaging in racial harassment of any member from the university or a visitor to the premises.



Damaging and/or misusing the university property and resources or the property of others

including students and staff members, either deliberately or recklessly.

E, F


Smoking in non-designated areas of the university.



Annoying (shouting, screaming, irritating actions) other UD students/ staff/

faculty/ visitors.



Offering bribes (e.g., monetary remuneration, gifts, or favors) to any university representative in exchange for special consideration or waiver of procedures.



Threatening or using actual violence against other UD students/staff/

faculty/ visitors.



Stealing, embezzling, possessing, retaining, or disposing of any belongings or property owned or maintained by the University, another student, a person attending a University sponsored event, or any other person; or taking or using of any University owned or

contracted service without right or permission.

E, F

1.3 Student Academic Integrity
The University of Dubai (UD) is keen to ensure a University culture characterized by intellectual and personal honesty, social integration, ethical behavior and respect for the rights of the individual. UD also expects its students to be self-disciplined in both their approach to studying and in their general conduct and behavior.

The UD Code of Conduct is designed to promote this culture at UD and hence sets out the standard of conduct expected of students. Students who violate these standards will be subjected to disciplinary actions, according to established penalties as stated below. This will help UD to protect the University community by maintaining order, discipline and stability on campus.

Student academic misconduct or academic integrity violation is an academic violation that covers but is not limited to plagiarism, misrepresentation, fabrication, facilitation and cheating in exams. Apart from exam cheating and plagiarism, the decision on whether or not to treat an academic misconduct as a violation of the UD Code Conduct, is at the discretion of the instructor. For more details on academic integrity violations and disciplinary actions refer to S6.18 Student Academic Integrity Policy.

2. Disciplinary Actions & Repeat Offenses

Student violations will be referred to the SIC who will in turn recommend appropriate disciplinary actions to the President or VPAA depending on the nature of the violation. A disciplinary action refers to a decision made by the SIC in response to any student action not in compliance with the UD Code of Conduct thus is considered as a violation.

Disciplinary actions should be proportionate to the nature, severity and regularity of the violation(s). These disciplinary actions may fall into one or more categories. **Violations can receive more than one disciplinary action by the SIC team, depending on the severity of the case and can include additional disciplinary actions than are cited here. Students with repeat offenses receive higher penalties.

Any evidence related to the violation(s) must be kept with the SIC committee till the release of the SIC report (including cheat sheets). If a student manages to hide the instrument used for cheating, or the invigilator suspects there has been a possible violation but can’t see the instrument used, then the invigilator has the right to privately frisk the suspected student.  This may be done only in the presence of a witness and both have to be of the same gender as the student.  For all such cases, a hearing must be held in order to hear all parties involved and to recommend disciplinary action, if deemed appropriate, according to the outlined UD procedures.  An informal resolution may be achieved when the violation is minor and can be resolved between the respondent and a faculty/Dean/Director. 


2.1 Disciplinary Actions

  1. Warning Letter 
    In the event faculty/Dean/Director find that the violation is not of a kind likely to cause harm to another person in the UD community, a confidential warning letter is sent to the respondent concerned declaring him/her to be in breach of the Code of Student Conduct and demanding that he/she cease the prohibited behavior forthwith. The complainant shall be notified by the Dean/Director that the respondent has been warned, but that no public disclosure shall be made. The complainant shall be advised that the initial decision is strictly confidential. But a copy of the warning letter must be sent to the Chair of SIC for records by the Dean/Director.

  2. Failing Assessment including Exam, Project or Assignment
    The respondent will receive a zero as his/her mark on the assessment which may subsequently also cause failure in the course. 

  3. Failing a Course
    The respondent receives an “F” in a certain course and may not be allowed to attend classes for this course for the rest of the semester. This disciplinary action is appropriate when the respondent repeatedly violates the classroom code of conduct (section 3.2.1). It is also appropriate when the student objects to the invigilator’s instructions during an exam. Re-offence leads to ‘Suspension.’

  4. Failing a Semester
    The SIC committee may choose to fail the respondent in all courses currently registered in the semester/term.  This is also the penalty for ‘Repeating Courses.’  

  5. Registration Hold
    The respondent may not register in any courses, or receive any transcripts or access any of his/her records until s/he clears up the reasons for which s/he received this disciplinary action. This is applicable when the student has outstanding payments for damage and unauthorized possession of UD property and UD community belongings, or the respondent failed to attend the SIC hearings. Other penalties are applicable in these cases as well.

  6. Suspension 
    The respondent is prevented from attending or registering in any courses at UD for one or more regular terms as deemed appropriate by the SIC committee after approval by the UD President. This is appropriate when verbal /physical aggressiveness or similar offenses were committed against any member of the UD community, theft and embezzlement on campus, and intentional damage was done to UD property or where defamation of the university has occurred.  

  7. Expulsion
    The respondent is permanently barred from attending any courses or events at UD. This disciplinary action by the SIC (after approval by the UD President) is appropriate if:

    • The violation is committed with malice, and is of a kind likely to cause harm to another person in the UD community. 

    • The respondent has been suspended before. 

  8. Removal of Graduate Degree
    The disciplinary action is applied to graduate students when the Masters thesis or PhD dissertation is found to be plagiarized. In such a case, the master or doctoral degree will be removed from the student.

  9. Disciplinary Probation
    Disciplinary probation can be given to a respondent who previously received a disciplinary warning letter or committed any violation that led to any of the above disciplinary actions, except “Registration Hold.” The SIC committee may also recommend disciplinary probation for any other cases that it considers grave enough to deserve this disciplinary action. When a respondent is on disciplinary probation, s/he shall not represent the university in any capacity (sports teams, competitions, etc.). This includes events taking place both on and off of the University campus. Furthermore, s/he shall not hold office in the UD Student Union or any other student organization. 

  10. Restitution
    A payment for financial injury to an innocent party in cases involving theft, misappropriating, destruction of property or fraud. The evaluated costs to be paid may be in addition to receipt of any of the above disciplinary actions . The fees will be applied by the SIC or a designated office.

  11. Withholding Degree
    The university may withhold awarding a degree otherwise earned until the completion of the process set forth in this Student Disciplinary policy, including the completion of all disciplinary actions imposed, if any. 

  12. Deactivation
    Loss of all university privileges for Students Groups or Organizations including recognition and funding for related projects. In severe cases such as fraud, drug distribution or engagement in political activities, Student Group will be dissolved.   

  13. Other Disciplinary Actions

When deemed appropriate, other “educational disciplinary actions ” may be imposed by the SIC in combination with any of the above-listed disciplinary actions. The respondent may be requested to participate in a community service project ranging from 1 day to 3 weeks period, attend a seminar, meet with the student counselor or undertake a research assignment, for example. 

2.2 Repeat Offenses

  1. Failing a semester: The second time a student receives this disciplinary action, she/he will get suspension for one semester. Any courses taken outside during suspension will not be transferred at UD. The third time will lead to expulsion.

  2. Suspension: The second suspension will be for two semesters while the third will lead to expulsion.

  3. Disciplinary Probation: The first offense during the disciplinary probation period will lead to a suspension for one semester. A second offense during the disciplinary probation leads to a second suspension for two semesters while any further violation will lead to expulsion.


3. Reporting of Student Violation

  1. Every UD employee is obliged to report any of the listed below violations by completing the Student Campus Violation Report Form Appendix I. This form will be available on the UD website and with security officers. The form should be submitted to the DSS or the UD security officers. 

  2. It is the responsibility of the security officers to monitor the students’ behavior inside UD campus and report any student violations by completing the Student Campus Violation Report Form Appendix I and submitting it to DSS.

  3. All student’s campus violations will be documented through a student Warning letter issued and signed by the manager of DSS.


4. Fees for Students Campus Violations

The fine amount will be determined by the offense but within the ranges described in the S 6.10 Student Finance Policy (Section 7.4)