Academic Catalog

Alumni Relations



1. Alumni Relations Office Responsibilities
The UD ARO plays a crucial role in maintaining connections and fostering strong relationships between the institution and its alumni. ARO will be responsible for coordinating university-wide activities related to Alumni Relations, including among others: 

  1. Support community engagement initiatives of UDAA and its chapters that give recognition and visibility to UD and its Alumni. 

  2. Develop and maintain a database of all UD Alumni via the Alumni Community Platform. The updating of Alumni data is an ongoing process that is managed and operated by the ARO.

  3. Create awareness about the ARO, its functions and programs to current students. The process starts the early stage of walk-in of new students to UD campus, hence nurturing the idea of “future engaged Alumni.” 

  4. Keep the Alumni well-informed of all major events and new happenings at UD and opportunities available for them to contribute to the future of UD. The dissemination of information is done through various channels such as emails, SMS, WhatsApp broadcast, Alumni Community platform, online Newsletter, mobile calls and social media platforms. 

  5. Develop a strategic plan, action plan and budgets for UD ARO activities.

  6. Initiate and implement meaningful programs which will benefit UD Alumni and students.

  7. Establish alumni chapters and coordinate their activities. 

  8. Facilitate and encourage the involvement of Alumni in the life of the UD community.

  9. Identify, document and promote major professional achievements by Alumni.

  10. Recognize and award Alumni who have made exceptional achievements in their field and contributions to society.

  11. Organize fundraising for Alumni and Friends of UD for UD development.

  12. Offer Alumni privileged access to UD learning resources to facilitate their life-long learning. 

  13. Encourage Alumni Give-back efforts: There are various ways Alumni can give to UD, such as providing financial support, giving their time to causes of interest, providing training, Guest Lectures, Mentoring, Internships and full time Jobs, etc. 


2. Alumni Data Confidentiality
UD is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of alumni data in a responsible and ethical manner. UD ARO is responsible for maintaining and managing the Alumni Information via the Alumni Community Platform (Hivebrite) in accordance with UD policies and the CAA regulations. 

Collection of Alumni Data
UD ARO to collect Alumni data through various sources such as:

  1. Alumni events

  2. Alumni surveys 

  3. Publicly available information such as social media profiles and news articles

  4. Interaction with alumni 

  5. Regular updates to contact information

All data is collected with the consent of the alumni and is used solely for the purpose of maintaining alumni connections and supporting alumni programs and activities and fundraising efforts. Data collected may include, but is not limited: 

  1. Contact Information

  2. Employment Information such as job title, employer, industry, salary

  3. Business name in case of entrepreneurs

  4. Further education such as degree, major and education institution

  5. Interests and hobbies

  6. Marital status


2.2 Storage of Alumni Data
UD ARO stores alumni data in the Alumni Community Platform (Hivebrite). The Platform is secure with limited access to authorized and well-trained personnel in data privacy. As an interactive online community platform, it provides all the tools needed for building, managing, and engaging the UD Alumni community. Through the UD Alumni Community platform, Alumni are invited to update their contact and employment information so that UD can keep them up–to–date. Also, through this platform, Alumni can connect and engage with themselves, form groups, post jobs, create events, share projects, etc. Also, they can apply for the Alumni diverse programs (ASMP, Guest Speaker Series, etc.) and request for related official documents such as transcript, degree certificates, access UD library resources and much more. 

2.3 Use of Alumni Data

UD uses alumni data for the following purposes:

  1. All Alumni Relations activities.

  2. Compliance with CAA regulations.


2.4 Disclosure of Alumni Data

No Alumni information will be disclosed to third parties unless:

  1. It is necessary to fulfill the overall objectives of this policy; or,

  2. It is required by law or pursuant to a court order.

In the event of disclosure, UD will enter into a confidentiality agreement for the purposes of protecting the privacy of the alumni data.

  1. Who can Request Alumni Employment information: 

    • UD President and VPAA.

    • Colleges  

    • Quality Insurance & Institutional Effectiveness (QAIE)

    • Ministry of Education 

    • Accreditation Bodies 

    • Ranking Agencies 

  2. Purpose for Requesting Alumni Employment Information 

    • The purpose should be legitimate and legal. 

    • Information from the Alumni database must not be used for personal projects, given, sold, traded, or exchanged to people or institutions not affiliated with UD. 

    • Alumni requesting individual information on other Alumni will be referred to Alumni Community Platform where they can find name and contact information for Alumni who have made their information available for access.  In case a graduate requests information of another alumnus from the ARO team, ARO staff should obtain permission in writing form the concerned alumnus for sharing out his/her contact details with the requester.

  3. Procedure to Request Alumni Employment Information 

    • The person requesting Alumni Employment information should fill in the Alumni Employment Information request form describing the purpose and how the information will be used.

    • Request for Alumni Employment Information should be approved by the respective College Dean Office before it is sent to ARO.  

    • The request should be submitted to ARO at least two weeks prior to the requested date. 

    • Requests are approved mainly for university-related activities. In case the release of this information is approved, the following should be adhered to: 

    • The requester has to ensure proper Use of Employment Information. 

    • Alumni Employment Information provided may only be used for the purpose described in the request. 

    • Information is provided for a one-time purpose. 

    • Complete confidentiality of the information provided is imperative and is the responsibility of the requester. 

    • Alumni data should not be shared with university part-time students or part-time staff.

    • Transfer of the information to another party is strictly forbidden.

  4. Access to Alumni Community Platform
    Access to the Alumni Community Platform is given to the following offices: 

    • UD President, VPAA and Colleges through Deans.

Communication with Alumni 

  1. The UD ARO acts as the central liaison office between the university and all Alumni.

  2. The role of ARO is to ensure efficient, consistent and meaningful interactions with alumni while respecting their privacy and preferences.

  3. Regular communication with alumni is essential for maintaining strong relationships and keeping them engaged with the institution. Alumni receive written or electronic communications containing information of relevance and interest. 

  4. Communication channels may include email newsletters, social media updates, alumni events, and personalized messages.

  5. Communication with Alumni can also be done through the UD Alumni Community platform. This platform provides: 

  • Authorization to the UD ARO staff to communicate with UD Alumni. 

  • Facilitate the communication with the UDAA and chapters.

  • Ensure relevant and timely communication with the Alumni. 

* There are Alumni who may request not to share their contact details with other departments or to remove themselves from university mailings. This should be respected.


4. Alumni Relations Office Services, Programs and Events

The Alumni Relations office provides several services and programs to UD graduates with the aim of building a strong and lasting relationship between the university and our alumni, promote the alumni participation in the institution’s activities and events and foster a sense of community among alumni.


4.1 Alumni Services
Alumni Community Platform (Hivebrite)
The University of Dubai Alumni Community is a private social community platform, created exclusively for the alumni of the University of Dubai. By joining this platform, UD Alumni will be able to interact with their classmates, share their interests, participate in association events and connect with the Alumni Relations Office and Alumni Association’s Board.


4.2 Alumni Career Services

The ARO disseminates career information, career services and activities such as Job Fair, Job Placement and Career Workshops, On-campus recruitment to fresh graduates and coordinates their participation. 


4.3 Events and Business Functions

The ARO coordinates the participation of UD Alumni in the university’s major functions such as graduation ceremony, conferences, seminars, workshops, job fairs, webinars, sport activities, international trips, etc. 


4.4 The UD Alumni Relations Programs and Events

The UD ARO, in collaboration with the UDAA has launched a series of meaningful programs and events to serve Alumni needs and interests, strengthen their ties to each other and to the University, support UD student personal and professional development and enable them to become active participants of UDAA. 
Alumni Programs:  


A. Alumni-Student Mentoring Program (ASMP) 

The ASMP was designed and launched in the Academic Year 2008/2009 in order to provide opportunities for students (mentees) and alumni (mentors) to connect and interact and hopefully benefit greatly from such an exciting win-win mentoring relationship. By definition, a mentor is an advisor who may provide UD students with academic or career guidance, networking opportunities and insights to the working world.


B. Alumni Guest Speaker Series  

As a commitment to maintain strong alumni presence on campus and to develop and nurture the UD community, the Alumni Guest Speaker Series was introduced in 2008/2009. Throughout the academic year, graduates are invited to come on campus and talk to students in the classroom about topics and subjects closely aligned with their areas of expertise. This platform serves as a conduit for alumni to share their profound insights, accumulated wisdom, and practical experiences with the current student body. Interested Alumni in participating in Guest Speaker program apply through the following link:


C. Alumni & Friends of UD Scholarship Fund Program (AFUDSF) 

The AFUDSF was launched in Academic Year 2009/2010. The objective of this program is to support the UD mission by providing financial support to UD undergraduate students who meet the Alumni & Friends of University of Dubai Scholarship Fund’s guidelines established by the UDAA and The Alumni Relations Office.  Students applying for scholarship fund must complete the following application:


D. The UD Alumni Continuous Learning Program (ACLP)

 The ACLP was created in the Academic Year 2013/2014 to support UD alumni in their professional development by equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to help them cope up with the ever-changing market demands and challenges. Through ACLP, UD provides Alumni with a number of free courses* (one) at the level of Undergraduate and graduate degrees under the basis of first come- first serve. These courses are selected from the current list of offered courses and declared/promoted by the University prior to the Fall and Spring semesters. Graduates are using the following link to apply for ACLP:


E. The UD Alumni Awards Program

During the annual homecoming event, UDAA awards alumni members who reflect the University’s tradition of excellence, thereby bringing distinction to themselves and UD through their outstanding achievements in both professional and social life.


Nominees along with proof of achievement for all the following awards are to be sent one month before the ceremony. Selections are made by the Alumni Relations Office. The Alumni awards are 6 categories as shown below: 


F. Professional Achievements Award

Given to the UDAA members who have achieved great success in their professions, have superb records of distinguished career accomplishments and who have made outstanding contributions to their professions.


G. Most Active Alumni Award

Given to the UDAA members who have shown extreme involvement in UD activities and programs and have demonstrated exceptional leadership and service to the University of Dubai and its activities and business functions, enhancing the affiliations with its alumni, student body and the broader community. 


H. Outstanding Alumni Entrepreneurs

UD graduates entrepreneurs who have established a new business or venture, or expanded an existing business that created economic and social value.


I. Outstanding Future Alumnus

Given to UD students, enrolled in a full-time undergraduate degree and with a minimum of three years of study who have consistently demonstrated outstanding academic performance and continuous voluntary service to UD.


J. Young Student Award

The Student of the Year award highlights the exceptional accomplishment of the students who has achieved, whether in competitions or overcoming adversity; the contribution that someone has made to the college and/or the wider community; and the inspirational nature of these accomplishments.


K. Most Inspiring Women Award

The Award is given to inspire the next generation by recognizing those young women who have beaten the odds to achieve their dream; been inspirational to others; set up businesses or are overcoming obstacles to pursue their career.  


5. Alumni Events


 5.1 The Alumni Homecoming

This event is designed to foster a sense of belonging, strengthen ties, and facilitate knowledge exchange among graduates from various disciplines. These gatherings allow alumni to reconnect with former classmates, professors, and staff while also providing an opportunity to stay updated on the latest developments at their alma mater.  A UDAA member has the right to introduce a friend or family member as a guest to the annual homecoming dinner by paying a nominal fee.

5.2 The Alumni Annual Meet with Dean  

Unlike the Alumni Homecoming event which is open to all graduates of the University of Dubai from the different programs and disciplines, the Annual Alumni Meet with the Dean is exclusively tailored for graduates of a given college offering them tailored experience. The purpose of this event is to strengthen ties between graduates and their college and provide them with an opportunity to stay updated of the recent achievements and new happenings of their college. It is also an opportunity for the college to celebrate graduates’ achievements 


5.3 The Annual Charity Gala Suhoor

A yearly Charity Gala is organized by the UDAA in the month of Ramadan. Proceeds from this event are donated exclusively to the Alumni Association & Friends of the University of Dubai Scholarship Fund and all financial records are transparent, reviewed and held by the university until disbursement to scholarship recipients. The event is open to the entire UD community, including alumni, faculty, staff, administration and current students. Local businesses, philanthropies and individuals who support the Scholarship Fund will also be invited to attend.


6. Publication

6.1 Alumni Annual E-Newsletter: Published on yearly basis, its purpose is to keep the UD alumni connected to each other and to the university. It reflects the UD Alumni Association’s business networking and social events. In addition, it keeps the alumni updated of new happenings and most recent accomplishments of the university.  Colleges promote their new programs and business functions through this newsletter that may be of interest to our alumni. We also encourage our alumni to share their personal and professional achievements through our Class Notes column.