Academic Catalog

Addendum D Internship Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for the Internship Program is set to specifically address the issues and concerns regarding the interns’ behavior and attitude during their Internship program, starting from the registration until the release of grades. Interns are expected to act in a professional manner at all times and must abide by the rules, policies, and procedures of the University of Dubai and the host company.


Failure to adhere to the stipulations in the Code of Conduct shall result in either, revoking one’s Internship and/or academic suspension or probation according to the UD Students’ Disciplinary Code of Conduct. As such, interns are expected to comply with the following:


1.       Punctuality

  1. Arrive on time and consistently attend all scheduled work hours, meetings, and training sessions.
  2. Notify your Field Supervisor promptly if you are unable to attend due to illness or any unforeseen circumstances.
  3. Notify your Field Supervisor in advance if you need to request time off for personal reasons, and ensure that work responsibilities are not adversely affected.
  4. Comply with UD Attendance rules.


2.       Professionalism and Respect

  1. Be in their best professional behavior, conduct and appearance at all times during the internship program as they represent the University of Dubai.
  2. Treat the ICDC team, Academic Supervisor, Field Supervisor, fellow interns, employees and all individuals associated with the host company with respect, courtesy, and professionalism, regardless of their position, background, or beliefs.
  3. Not to engage in acts of impropriety, personal and/or sexual harassments in the workplace is absolutely prohibited.
  4. Refrain from using violence, inflicting harm, threatening and coercing colleagues at the workplace.
  5. Dress appropriately at work at all times. Some companies require that interns come to work in corporate attire or local dress while others are comfortable with casual clothing. Interns must take note of the dress code of the company so as not to offend or be put in an embarrassing situation. 


3.       Confidentiality

Maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary and sensitive information encountered during the internship, including business strategies, client information, and internal processes, etc.

4.       Work Ethics and Performance

  1. Familiarize, adhere and comply with the set rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the host company, the University of Dubai, the directives set forth by the Internship and Career Development Center, and the assigned Field and Academic Supervisors.
  2. Any damage, loss, theft or destruction to property in the workplace is the sole responsibility of the intern. The intern must compensate/indemnify for items lost or damaged be it accidental or intentional in nature.
  3. Return the company ownerships such as reference material, laptops, mobile phone, parking cards, etc. by last day of Internship program. 
  4. Interns are required to not be engaged in any act of plagiarism – and submitting paperwork that is not their own without proper referencing the source.
  5. Do not conduct personal business over the phone, internet or email is not allowed unless doing so is part of an assigned Internship task wherein prior approval by the Field Supervisor has been given.
  6. Keep a positive attitude and show confidence.
  7. Display initiative and foresight to work with minimum supervision and flexibility in a diversified workplace.
  8. Strive for excellence in all assigned tasks and projects. Seek guidance and clarification from your Field Supervisor when needed and be proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and grow.
  9. Be open to constructive feedback and use it as an opportunity for improvement. Actively engage in performance evaluations and discussions with your supervisor.
  10. Be proactive and display strong leadership and team – working skills.


5.       Communication

  1. Use professional and respectful communication in all interactions, including emails, phone calls, and in-person discussions. Avoid the use of offensive language or behavior.
  2. Be mindful of your online presence and avoid posting content that could reflect negatively on the host company or compromise its reputation.
  3. In case the intern encounters any issues during their time at the company, whether they pertain to their training or difficulties collaborating with their field supervisors, they should utilize the established communication protocol to seek resolution. Initially, they should reach out to their Field Supervisor, who serves as their primary point of contact within the company. If the issue remains unresolved, the intern should then engage with their Academic Supervisor. Should the Academic Supervisor be unable to address the problem with the Field Supervisor, ICDC will step in and initiate a conversation with the Company’s HR Department to facilitate resolution.  


6.       Internship Termination

Host Company reserves the right to terminate an internship at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, violation of this Code of Conduct, poor performance, or changes in business needs. In such case, the company is required to submit a written report to both, the ICDC and the Academic Supervisor, explaining the reasons for the internship termination. Furthermore, students who are terminated from the company due to the above mentioned reason will fail the course. 


7.       Acknowledgement

    By participating in the Internship Program, you acknowledge that:

□ You have read, understood and agreed to abide by the Internship Code of Conduct.

□ You understood that violations of the Internship Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your internship.