Academic Catalog

Addendum C Online-Blended Learning Code of Conduct

Students are expected to abide by below in Online and/or Blended Programs: 

Maintain a Respectful and Inclusive Environment

  • Respect: Treat all participants (faculty, classmates, and staff) with respect and courtesy. Discriminatory, harassing, or abusive language and behavior are strictly prohibited. Stimulate conversation, be respectful of others' views, and refrain from personal attacks.
  • Inclusion: Promote an inclusive environment where diversity of thought and background is valued. Avoid any actions or language that could be perceived as exclusionary or discriminatory.

Abide by Academic Integrity Expectations

  • Honesty: Login to all UD platforms yourself, using credentials provided by UD. Submit your own work and do not engage in plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty.
  • Originality: Explicitly and properly cite all sources of information, ideas, and data that are not your own this includes AI generated material.
  • Collaboration: When collaboration is allowed, contribute equitably and acknowledge the contributions of others.

Utilize Communication Protocols

  • Professionalism: Use appropriate and professional language in all communications. Avoid using negative slang or language, or emojis & GIF’s that could be misinterpreted.
  • Constructive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback and participate in discussions in a manner that is supportive and not offensive.
  • Responsiveness: Respond to messages from instructors and classmates as per expectations outlined in the course.

Participation in Courses

  • Engagement: Actively participate in all course activities, including discussions, assignments, and group work.  Follow course syllabi expectations for group discussions and assignments.
  • Preparation: Complete all required readings and preparatory work before participating in course activities.
  • Attendance: Attend all scheduled online sessions and notify the instructor in advance if you are unable to attend. UD attendance policies are applicable to synchronous learning sessions.

Adhere to Technical Requirements

  • Equipment: Ensure that you have the necessary technical equipment, including a reliable computer and internet connection, to participate in the course.
  • Software: Use the required software and platforms as specified by the course instructor. Familiarize yourself with these tools to fully engage in the course.
  • Library Laptops:  If you use a UD laptop on a loan basis you must only use it for program-related activities and return the laptop in the same condition received  upon completing the course. 

Abide by Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements

  • Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other participants. Do not share personal information, course materials, or discussions outside of the course environment. 
  • Recording: Do not record or distribute any part of the course without explicit permission from the instructor and participants.
  • Policy: Adhere to UD’s data protection policies.

Observe Netiquette Guidelines

  • Email Etiquette: Use a clear subject line, greet the recipient respectfully, and sign off with your name in all email communications.
  • Discussion Boards: Stay on topic, read previous posts before replying, and avoid dominating the conversation to give others an opportunity to take part.
  • Virtual Meetings: Mute your microphone when not speaking, use the chat function appropriately, and dress appropriately for video sessions.

Adhere to Live stream/Synchronous Learning Expectations

  • Avoid Disruptions: Limit background noises and distractions.  Enter the session on time.
  • Etiquette: Refrain from using the chat for conversations and topics outside of the course topics. Raise your hand and wait for the instructor to call on you to speak unless other guidelines have been provided at the beginning of the course or session.
  • Video: Cameras should remain on and you should remain visible throughout the live session(s).  You should maintain a professional appearance during live sessions.

Compliance and Consequences

  • Compliance: Adhere to all university policies, including the UD Code of Conduct and academic integrity policies.
  • Consequences:
    Violating the UD of conduct for online/blended learning may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to:
  • Dismissal from the University
  • Suspension from the University
  • A written warning
  • Failing the course
  • Zero graded assessment
  • Reported to the dean’s office and the disciplinary committee as per UD policy
  • UD policy violations actions


Kindly reference the S6.11 Student Disciplinary Policy for further details.


We are accountable individually for our own actions and accountable collectively for the culture and reputation of the Online Programs.

[ ] I agree to abide by the UD Code of Conduct.

[ ] I would like to discuss this with the Online Programs Director for clarification.


Student Name