Academic Catalog

College Advisory Board - CAB


1. Definition

The College Advisory Board (CAB), is a group of corporate, academic and professional leaders in the field who are committed to support UD’s programs and its activities to achieve UD’s mission. The CAB serves as a communication and networking bridge with the outer community to offer insights, expertise, and recommendations to the university's leadership team to help enhance the university's academic and research programs, as well as its reputation and impact. The CAB activities are of an advisory nature; hence it shall not be engaged in any decision-making related to College activities. 

2. Board Formation

The Dean of the respective College, in consultation with the University President and Provost, the Dean will chair the CAB. A co-chair may also be assigned by the Dean, if needed. Once members are chosen, they will be sent a formal invitation to join the CAB. The board shall normally consist of 5 - 9 members excluding the Dean, serving for a term of two years. Memberships can be renewed for additional terms based on the member’s interest, contribution, and the discretion of the College Dean. The proposed members should be key players in the field offering relevant yet diverse perspectives and experiences. If any member withdraws from the CAB before the end of the term, he/she can be replaced at the time.

3. Board Mission & Duties

The CAB is a reflection of the College’s dedication to establish and maintain partnerships and build affiliations with the business community. The UD-CAB will be the springboard for the UD College to connect with various stakeholders to exchange information and ideas, and enable a better service to the community.

The CAB mission is served through the following activities:

  1. Offer feedback on the university's offered curriculum and skills development programs, and ensure that graduates are equipped with the skills and knowledge that meet market needs. 

  2. Share developments in the field, and provide advice in the development of new programs.

  3. Assist in the identification of external funding sources and resources to support UD’s academic and non-academic activities.

  4. Serve as an advocate of the University and a communication link between the College and the community. 

  5. Facilitate internship and job opportunities through connecting UD’s graduates with potential employers and industry contacts. 

  6. Other activities to support the College and UD in achieving its missions.

4. Meetings

UD values the time and resources of the CAB members and hence will keep the physical meetings to the barest minimum.

  1. The CAB shall normally hold biannual meetings. CAB members are also expected to attend major University events upon invitation.

  2. The CAB members are also invited to meet with various local and international accreditation teams whenever they visit the Colleges for the initial or renewal of accreditation.

  3. If the physical presence during meetings is not feasible due to travel and other reasons, CAB members can participate over convenient forms of online communication.

  4. The meetings shall be run according to a pre-set agenda, which typically includes a general program update, field updates, and the main topics of discussion where input is solicited from the members. Minutes are taken and circulated for review within 3 weeks from the meeting.

  5. Copies of all approved minutes shall be stored at the respective College and the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

  6. A CAB meeting shall not normally exceed 3 hours.

5. Honorarium for CAB members

An annual honorarium of AED 2000 per CAB member (or in-kind equivalence) may be provided as a recognition of participation in the CAB in addition to a certificate of service.