Academic Catalog

Standing Committees


The role and responsibilities of the councils and committees are as follows:


University Level Academic Affairs Council (AAC)


AAC looks into all matters related to academic affairs of the University.  It serves as a forum for discussing matters related to the overall operations of the University. 


A. Academic Policies Function

  The Academic Deans and Program Directors are members of the AAC, which functions as a part of the academic policy-making system in the Academic Affairs division of the University. 


B. Academic Personnel Policies Function

  The AAC shall review and recommend revisions to faculty personnel policies.


C. Academic Programs Function

  The AAC will recommend approval or disapproval of proposed changes to academic programs. 


D. Academic Budgeting Function

  The AAC provides general advice to the President and VPAA concerning academic budgets. 


Members include: UD President (Chair), VPAA, DOA, College Deans, Program Directors, QA&IE Manager, Student Services Manager, Library Manager, Registrar and Minutes Secretary.


1.2 Academic Integrity Committee

The Academic Integrity Committee aims to enhance awareness of academic integrity on campus among the students, faculty and staff. It reviews and proposes relevant policies and procedures, as well as liaising with other stakeholders to keep the issue of academic integrity in the public areas. Thesis include, but are not limited to, the Student Orientation, Faculty/Staff Onboarding, the Student Union, etc.

Members are appointed by the President.


1.Academic Promotions Committee 

The Promotion Committee is formed by the VPAA (or designate) in order to evaluate promotion files submitted by faculty members. Duties are described in the UD -PPM.

Members for this committee are approved by the President.


1.4 Advancement & Fundraising Committee

Advance the mission of the University through fundraising, donor relations and alumni engagement. Specific responsibilities of the committee may include:

  1. Develop and Implement comprehensive fundraising strategy to meet the University’s fundraising goals and objectives.

  2. Formulate general rules and policies of fundraising.

  3. Develop marketing material (webpage, corporate video, electronic forms, PowerPoint material, promotional material, etc.).

  4. Identify potential donors, including individuals, corporations and foundations and cultivating relationships with them.

  5. Collaborate with university staff, faculty and alumni to promote fundraising initiatives and solicit donors

  6. Actualize fundraising mechanisms.

Members for this committee are appointed by the President


1.5 Blended learning Committee

The Blended Learning Committee leads UD’s blended learning initiatives which include but are not limited to:

  1. Review the university status of readiness and needs for blended learning. 

  2. Coordinate with the academic units to identify programs and courses to be implemented in blended learning.  

  3. Coordinate with the academic and administrative units to identify and resolve challenges for converting programs into hybrid mode.

  4. Represent the university at Ministry of Education initiatives of University Consortium for Quality Online Learning (UCQL).

  5. Coordinate with Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation for Education AGF for the UCQOL initiative

Members include: representatives from the colleges and IT Departments.


1.6 Commencement Committee

The Commencement Committee has the responsibility for the planning and implementation of the graduation ceremony at the University of Dubai. Commencement Committee members coordinate different aspects of this annual event and make recommendations to the UD President as to the physical location, processional, protocol, invitations, promotion, identification of possible keynote and graduate speakers and publication of an event program. The Commencement Committee holds regular meetings as needed. The committee publishes minutes of meetings to be sent to all Commencement Committee members and UD President. 

Members include:  The Committee is appointed annually by the President and include Chair, one faculty representative; Marketing; Student Services; Alumni Affairs; Student representatives of the graduating class; Graphic Designer and Purchasing Officer and others as deemed necessary.


1.7 Community and Industry Engagement Committee
The Community and Industry Engagement Committee is responsible for assuring  comprehensive and cost-effective outreach programs and services to industrial and governmental communities. It is also responsible for developing liaisons with communications and networking-related enterprises to promote UD services within the region.

Members include: Program Directors, Alumni Affairs Manager and Marketing Manager. 


1.8Course Offering and Scheduling Committee

The committee is responsible for: 

  1. Preparing course Scheduling by following the streamline process as per the policy. 

  2. Ensuring even distribution of courses in terms of days offered.

  3. Maintaining the allowed maximum class size.

  4. Ensuring proper student advisors during the advising and registration periods. 

Members include: Program Directors, Registrar, Finance Manager and Student representative.  

1.9 Curriculum Review & Development Committee
The Curriculum Committee will be responsible for:

  1. Approving recommendations of unit level curriculum committees for courses that are taken by students in other colleges or units.

  2. Developing and reviewing the strategic plan for new programs for the next 5-10 years.

Members include: Dean of each college and others as assigned by the President or VPAA

1.10 Ethics and Values Committee (EVC) (University Level)
EVC oversees infusing ethical values into educational and administrative processes. The committee members have a greater responsibility to convince various groups (students, faculty and staff) within the UD community about the validity and viability of the EVC and the need for their active participation in the planning process. The committee will work with the procedures stated in UD Policy A1.9 entitled “UD Expectations and the Code of Conduct, Values and Ethics,” for reinforcing values through personal accountability, trust and honor, as well as  procedure for handling violations of values (if any) by any member of the UD community.

Members include: The President/VPAA appoints an investigation committee whenever needed.


1.11 Faculty Student Council Committee (FSC)

The Faculty Student Council Committee (FSC) serves as a link between students and faculty at the University of Dubai. The primary goal of the FSC is to provide a platform for students and faculty members to collaborate, communicate, and discuss many topics and problems impacting the University community.

  1. To facilitate communication between students and faculty members and promote collaboration between different departments and student organizations.

  2. To improve the quality of education and student life through suggestions and feedback from students and faculty members.

  3. To enhance the overall university experience for students, faculty members and staff.

  4. To provide a forum for students to voice their opinions, suggestions and concerns.

  5. To provide guidance and support to students in their academic and personal development.

  6. To ensure that university policies are fair and equitable to all students and are in line with the overall mission and values of the university.

  7. To encourage and promote diversity, inclusivity and equity in the university community.

Members include: Program Directors and UDSU representatives.  


1.12 Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness Committee (QAIEC)

QAIEC is composed of heads of all functional units at UD and works closely with the Office of Quality Assurance & Institutional Effectiveness, with the Manager of QAIE functioning as the coordinator. The QAIEC provides a forum for sharing assessment techniques and periodically revises the QAIE processes and reporting format. 

Members include: QAIE Manager (Chair) and members from the academic and administrative units.

1.13 Internship Committee
The internship committee is responsible for:

  1. Ensuring effective implementation of the relevant internship policies and updating it as needed.

  2. Reviewing employers’ feedback received from surveys carried by the Internship and Career Development Unit and suggest suitable actions as needed.

  3. Evaluating effectiveness of internship activities on semester or academic year basis and suggest improvements as needed.

  4. Reviewing current UD Internship providers and propose new internship providers in relevant fields, if any, to the Manager of the Internship and Career Development Department. 

Members include: Manager of ICDC (chair) and representatives from each college


1.14 Information Technology (IT) Committee

The IT Committee will be responsible for:

  1. Reviewing the current status of technology at UD including hardware, software and the network and generate an inventory list.

  2. Establishing from all colleges and departments their current and future needs on an annual basis (in May of each year for the following academic year) in all areas of IT, including staffing.

  3. Studying the feasibility of providing multimedia capabilities in all classrooms, training faculty to develop their courses using, for example, PowerPoint and making them available on the University Web Server.

  4. Closely monitoring the effective implementation of Moodle learning system and effective integration (in Moodle) and use of TURNITIN software.

  5. Studying the feasibility of requiring laptops from students and whether a proper use can be made from these computers by the students and the faculty.

  6. Developing a 5-year plan of the needs of the University in the areas of hardware, software, networking and staffing with an estimate for the budget based on the data and information collected on the above items.

Members include: Director of IT, a representative from DBS, CEIT, CoL, GUCR, heads of non-teaching departments and Student representatives.


1.15 Ministry of Education (MOE) Initiative Committee

The MOE Initiative Committee aims to highlight the major research news and achievements from UAE’s universities. The committee arranges to inform the magazine about UD innovation, research achievements or planned research events to be considered for publication in the magazine which is published quarterly. The committee also is expected to create and maintain UD’s own research magazine.

Members include: faculty representatives from each college.


1.16 Outstanding Faculty Award Committee

The Outstanding Faculty Award for Teaching and Research is designed to recognize those faculty members who demonstrate a consistent high level of performance in Teaching, Research and University/Community Service.  The Outstanding Faculty Award Committees is responsible for the review of the portfolios nominated at the unit level and makes a final selection based on an award rubric.  For more details, refer to the description of the teaching and research awards.

Members include: A representative from DBS, CEIT, CoL and GUCR.  The chair of the university level committee is selected by the President. Also included are student representatives


1.17 QAIE Audit Committee

The UD QAIE Audit Committee has the responsibility of auditing the functions and effectiveness of the Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness Department (QAIE). 

Members are appointed by the President.


1.18 Research Committee 

The responsibilities of the Research Committee include:

  1. Developing and continuously revising the University research strategic plan. 

  2. Developing a system for evaluating research activities that require internal or external funding.

  3. Determining UD’s research priorities and submit the necessary recommendations in this regard.

  4. Submitting proposals regarding the means of cooperation with institutions interested in academic research inside and outside the country. 

  5. Following up on the development of research activities that have been approved for funding.

  6. Submitting proposals in respect to publishing research and benefiting from the results.

  7. Proposing programs for promoting and developing the research activities of faculty members in the Colleges.

  8. Establishing a database system related to the research activities performed by faculty members based on evidence provided.

  9. Making recommendations to the president on intellectual property rights (IPR) emanating from UD research.

Review and approve proposals sent for external funding.

Members include: representatives from DBS, CEIT, CoL and GUCR. The chairs of the college level committee are represented at the university-level committee.


1.19 Institutional Review Committee

The Institutional Review Committee reviews research proposals involving human participants undertaken at the university, on behalf of the university and/or involving university personnel ensuring that that UD researchers are in line with research best practices, the UAE law, cultural norms and standards of professionalism. All researchers who plan to perform research that involves human participation at UD must obtain the appropriate ethical approvals in advance through this committee. This committee will monitor the compliance of the Research Ethics Policy and ensure that research activities do not violate the research ethics policy as stipulated in R 4.2.

Members for this committee are appointed by the President.


1.20 Scholarship Committee

The scholarship committee is responsible for:

  1. Reviewing and evaluating scholarship applications and determining which applicants are most deserving of financial assistance for their academic pursuits. 

  2. The committee should ensure that all applicants are evaluated fairly and impartially, without discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other personal characteristics. 

Members include: a representative from each college and a representative from the Marketing/Student Recruitment & Admissions. 

1.21 Strategic Marketing Committee
The Strategic Marketing Committee focuses on ways to enhance the publicity of UD and to provide our marketing and admissions departments with new ideas.

Members include: DOA, Marketing Manager, Admissions representative, Program Directors and students.


1.22 Strategic Planning Committee

The Strategic Planning Committee provides inputs and guidance regarding the University’s strategic plan.  The committee helps to develop and support the objectives and goals of the institution and identify and develop key performance indicators and assessment measures to document implementation and progress of the strategic plan. The committee also takes a lead on disseminating and promoting the strategic plan to University stakeholders. 

The President chairs this committee with the VPAA, DOA, Deans and Directors as members. 


1.23 Textbook Requirements & Library Holdings Committee

The Textbook Requirements & Library Holdings Committee will be responsible to:

  1. Coordinating with the Library to provide a list of all the textbooks, references, periodicals that are available in the library.

  2. Coordinating with the Library to provide a list of the statistics available regarding the economic, the social and the environmental fields in the UAE, the GCC and other countries in the Middle East as well as international statistics.

  3. Coordinating with the Library to provide a list of all the databases available at the Library concerning the various disciplines of the colleges. 

  4. Evaluating the available books, references, academic periodicals, (local, regional and international) statistics and databases for teaching and academic research purposes in accordance with the faculty members and the students’ needs.

  5. Submitting proposals for the acquisition of books, references, academic periodicals, statistics and databases which are added occasionally to the Library as per needs. 

  6. Following up on the issue of providing the Library with sufficient funding from the annual appropriated budget in order to develop the Library in various disciplines.

  7. Receiving faculty members’ and students’ proposals and complaints in respect of the facilities provided at the Library in various disciplines and following up on the implementation of these proposals or resolving the complaints in coordination with the Library.

  8. Following up on any issues with respect to purchasing textbooks/reference books for the Colleges.

  9. Preparing and forwarding a concise report (along with the applications for textbooks/reference books) to the Deans with respect to any comments on the applications and a statistical summary on the number of books and copies required by the academic departments.   

Members include: Representatives from DBS, CEIT, CoL and GUCR. The head of the Library serves as the Committee Chair.


1.24 Student Investigation Committee (SIC)

The SIC is formed when a serious or repeated academic integrity violation has occurred. The SIC will investigate serious and/or repeated allocations of academic misconduct such as cheating, plagiarism or fabrication and determine if academic misconduct has occurred and recommend sanctions to the VPAA.

Members are appointed by the VPAA with the chair being the Manager of the Student Services Department.


1.25 Social Responsibility and Community Engagement 

The Social Responsibility and Community Engagement Committee at UD brings together various activities that help make the society better. The committee monitors and documents actions, activities and initiatives that improve our local and global communities. The committee encourages all UD stakeholders to get involved in helpful ways and represent the university's dedication to teaching not only in the classroom but also how to be responsible and helpful members of society.

Members are appointed by the President.

1.26 EHS Committee  

The EHS Committee at UD is dedicated to fostering a safe and sustainable campus. By implementing safety measures and promoting responsible practices, the committee safeguards the well-being of the university community. With a focus on environmental sustainability, they drive initiatives such as waste reduction and energy conservation. Through workshops and events, students gain valuable skills and knowledge about EHS principles. 

Members are appointed by the President.

1.27 Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee at UD is dedicated to identifying and mitigating potential challenges. The committee proactively assesses various aspects of university operations. By analyzing potential risks and developing strategic responses, it ensures the institution's stability and continuity. Through careful planning and contingency measures, the committee minimizes disruptions caused by unforeseen events. Their efforts create a secure environment for students, staff, and stakeholders, aligning with UD's commitment to excellence.

Members: Chair, DOA and others as appointed by the President. 


2. Faculty Program Level

For smooth running of Schools, Colleges and Program it is recommended that activities can be undertaken in committees as deemed fit by the management at that level. This is a guide for committees which can be considered. Colleges may add additional committees as needed (e.g. accreditation etc.)



2.1 College Advisory Board (CAB)

Please refer to policy A1.8 College Advisory Board for additional information. 


2.2 Faculty Council

A Faculty Council consists of all full-time and part-time faculty members in the college/department.  Duties include the following:

  1. Discussing and approving the college’s faculty and staff plans;

  2. Initiating new programs;

  3. Attending meetings of Advisory Boards;

  4. Overseeing learning outcomes for each degree program and concentration;

  5. Verifying and approving the list of students who have fulfilled graduation requirements;

  6. Reviewing course syllabi;

  7. Reviewing promotion files;

  8. Reviewing all other matters related to the college/department.


2.3 Faculty Affairs Committee

The Faculty Affairs Committee is responsible for:

  1. Developing objectives for degree programs that are in line with the UD’s mission and objectives;

  2. Reviewing and updating course syllabi, the teaching methods and the methods for evaluating students and exams;

  3. Receiving proposals from degree program coordinators for the development of their academic plans;

  4. Following up on the results of the economic, social and political research in the UAE and the requirements of the business environment to determine their impact on the college’s research plans;

  5. Reviewing and follow up on the execution of each existing curriculum plan as well as the changes made to the existing plans and then forwarding a report to the Dean for Faculty Council approval;

  6. Analyzing results of various surveys made on academic issues and forwarding a report to the Dean;

  7. Discussing other academic issues, which are forwarded to the Dean for presentation to the Faculty Council. 

2.4 Curriculum Review Committee

The responsibility of the Curriculum Review Committee is to discuss and approve modifications to existing curriculum.


2.5 Achievement of Learning Outcomes Committee (AOL)

The Achievement of Learning Outcomes Committee responsibilities include: 

  1. Developing an annual plan for measuring the educational outcomes of the academic programs offered by the Colleges in line with their mission. This plan will include the following:

    • Defining the educational objectives developed by each department for the academic programs;

    • Defining the expected outcomes from each educational goal;

    • Defining the methods for measuring the extent at which each of the expected outcomes is satisfied.

  2. Developing procedures required in implementing the above plan and oversee the implementation process. This includes the following: 

    • Circulating the various measuring methods;

    • Collecting, summarizing and analyzing the data;

    • Identifying weaknesses and strengths and to propose methods for overcoming weaknesses;

    • Implementing the proposals submitted to overcome weaknesses;

    • Evaluating the consequences of implementing these proposals after providing a sufficient period of time for implementation.

  3. Developing a plan for measuring non-educational outcomes of the administrative services provided by the College.


2.6 Textbook Requirements & Library Holdings Committee

The Textbook & Library Holdings committee chair represents the college/department at the university level. The chair coordinates with the university level committee the requirements of the college/department.


2.7 Transfer Committee

This committee meets very frequently as per the demand raised by the Admission & Registration Department. Duties of this committee include: 

  1. Developing rigorous policies on transfer credits as well as implementing UD existing rules and regulations stated in UD-PPM S6.3 Transfer Admissions and Courses Policy in a transparent and consistent fashion; 

  2. Creating a databank for transferred/transferable courses from various educational institutions and their UD equivalent counterparts; 

  3. Reviewing files of prospect students transferring from institutions in the UAE with which UD has entered into MOU as well as processing applications for “transfer of credit” from a foreign or a UAE educational institution promptly and prior to students’ enrollment;

  4. Processing transfer students’ appeal requests in case of disagreement with the initial committee decision. 


2.8 Faculty Recruitment and Selection Committee 

The Faculty Recruitment and Selection Committee is assigned the task to screen job applications forwarded by the Dean. The applications that meet the requirements of the advertised positions are then evaluated, scored and ranked, based on well-established criteria. The Faculty Recruitment and Selection Committee then makes its recommendation to the Dean, who further reviews the applications and presents it to the College’s Faculty Council. The list of short-listed candidates is then forwarded to the UD President through the VPAA for further consideration. Members of the Faculty Recruitment and Selection Committee include program director and faculty member.


2.9 Research Committee

The responsibilities of the College Research Committee are:

  1. Promoting research-related activities at the College.

  2. Reviewing faculty proposals for internal and external grants.

  3. Organizing a research seminar series.

  4. Organizing an annual conference.

  5. Reviewing faculty proposals to attend/present in conferences


2.10 Strategic Planning Committee

  1. Developing a strategic plan for the college in accordance with UD strategic plan.

  2. Developing annual tactical activities for the college in accordance with UD strategic plan.

  3. Developing annual budget for tactical activities.

  4. Monitoring and implementation of the tactical activities.

  5. Liaise with the Marketing and Finance Departments to ensure alignment with the University strategic plan.


3.General Provisions

  1. Membership in the above committees normally serve a term of two years. Members who leave the university are usually replaced within 1 month. 

  2. Each committee must convene at least twice per year or as deemed necessary to fulfill its duties. 

  3. Minutes must be taken by a committee secretary. Approved minutes must be sent to the College/Department Executive for archiving, with a copy sent to the QA&IE. 

  4. The quorum for holding meetings and voting is based on a simple majority of members (i.e. over 50%) excluding the chair.