Academic Catalog

UD Expectations and the Code of Conduct and Values and Ethics


1. Expectations
There are expectations for the behavior of UD community members. The UD community is comprised of all UD staff, faculty, and students.  All are individually and collectively responsible for any behavior and fully accountable for any action.  

UD is a multicultural community of people with diverse identities, backgrounds and beliefs. All members are committed to learning from one another in an atmosphere of positive engagement and mutual respect. This commitment is central to the campus life at UD whether in classes, programs, workplace, or everyday interactions with one another. 

Each UD member must take responsibility for their own learning and awareness about multi-culture, ethics, conduct, character, and values. No one has the right to malign another person based on: race, gender, age, religion, nationality, disability or any other personal attribute.  Any violations including verbal or written abuse, threats, harassment, intimidation or violence against any member or group will not be tolerated. To promote a healthy community, each person at UD should take the responsibility to identify and speak out against such behavior if it occurs.

The following sections describe the code of conduct, values, and ethics that all UD community members shall follow uniformly during their association with UD.


2. Code of Conduct

All members of the UD community shall exert utmost efforts to ensure:

  1. Respect for the individual and commitment to equal opportunity in a diverse society.

  2. UD organizational interests exceed our individual interests and differences.

  3. Individual rights and privileges are to be exercised responsibly.

  4. The conviction that no one is above the law.

  5. Respect for the view of others.

  6. Responsibility and accountability for one’s actions.



3. Code of Values

Allegiance to these values obligates the UD community members to refrain from behaviors which threaten the freedom and respect that every individual deserves.  The UD community affirms the value of: 

  1. Integrity: We act with integrity in accordance with the highest academic, professional, and ethical standards.

  2. Tolerance: We respect and honor the dignity of each person, embrace civil discourse, and foster a diverse, inclusive, and safe community.

  3. Responsibility: We act responsibly and hold ourselves accountable for our decisions, actions, and their consequences.

  4. Discovery: Through advanced research and scholarship, we seek and create new knowledge and understanding, and foster creativity and innovation, for the benefit of the society.

  5. Excellence: We strive for excellence in all of our endeavors.

  6. Social Commitment: We work together for the betterment of our University and the communities we serve.

  7. Agility: We maintain a future-oriented, global and resilient mindset to meet the evolving needs of the market.


4. Code of Ethics

The purpose of the UD      Code of Ethics is to set standards for the conduct of members of the UD community.  It does not prescribe rules as to how members should act in all situations. Specific application of the code must take into account the context in which it is being considered.

  1. Responsibility

This involves knowing the difference between choices and outcomes; evaluating short versus long-term consequences, and accepting those consequences without justifying actions or blaming others to escape      disciplinary actions and/or accountability. To act responsibly, one should: 

  • Distinguish between choices and outcomes. “Right and Wrong” concern choices- reflecting one’s values - over which an individual has much control. “Good and bad” concern outcomes - reflecting events set into motion by choices - over which an individual has little control.

  • Resist short-term consequences associated with temptation, greed, ego, ambition, pride or some other unearned power or achievement. Such choices usually provide quick-relief of personal and/or professional problems - at the expense of others.

  • Foresee long-term consequences associated with one’s actions or decisions. Such choices usually are in the best interests of the community and help an individual resist unethical actions or quick-fix decisions.

To embrace responsibility, a person has to:

  • Reflect on one’s choices or intended actions before setting them into motion.

  • Choose the most ethical course of action that causes the least harm to others and/or community - proceeding with, postponing, or rejecting a decision.

  • Assume responsibility for that choice - whether the outcome is good or bad.

In this background, staff and faculty members of the UD community have a responsibility to:

  • Maintain high standards of academic and professional conduct.

  • Resist pressures (personal, social, organizational, financial, and political) to use own influence inappropriately.

  • Seek appropriate guidance and direction when faced with ethical dilemmas.

  • Accurately represent their own areas of competence, education, training and experience.

  • Recognize the limits of one's own expertise and confine oneself to performing duties properly that they are educated, trained and qualified for, or otherwise, making referrals when situations are outside their own areas of competence.

  • Be informed of current developments in your own fields, and ensure continuing self- development and enhancement of expertise.

  • Stay knowledgeable about differences in cultural and value orientations.

  • Identify and provide appropriate referrals for students/staff who experience unusual levels of emotional difficulty.

  • Provide other community members with information, orientation, and support services needed to facilitate adaptation to a new educational and cultural environment.

  • Maintain confidentiality of private UD information accessed/disclosed during the course of work at the University.

  • Avoid defaming UD or its members: The employee shall not, during the course of the his/her employment at UD, nor at any time thereafter, directly or indirectly, in public or private, in any manner or in any medium whatsoever, deprecate, impugn or otherwise make any comments, writings, remarks or other expressions that would, or could be construed to, defame the University, its reputation or any of its members. Nor shall the employee assist any other person, firm or company in doing so.

  • Respect the values and laws of the UAE.

    B. Fairness

Fairness is associated with: 

  • Respect for the individual and commitment to equal opportunity in a diverse society. 

  • Support for the freedoms of religion, of the press, of speech, and of the right to assemble.

  • Belief that individual rights and privileges are to be exercised responsibly, especially with respect to others. 

  • Conviction that no one is above the law.

To resolve differences fairly with another person or group, one should: 

  • Consider all viewpoints in an attempt to be impartial; evaluating how one’s actions might affect one’s self and/or other parties. 

  • Seek advice from impartial mentors or experts and, if appropriate, common bonds with perceived adversaries. 

  • Evaluate the impact and consequences of one’s action and/or decision, making proper adjustments to prepare for the next encounter. 

To practice fairness, one should: 

  • Accept truth as one finds it, even if that truth goes against everything that one has hitherto believed; peer pressure or self-denial cannot stand in the way of such acceptance. 

  • Acknowledge, openly and freely, when one has been mistaken, tempted or biased; pride or ambition cannot stand in the way of such disclosures. 

  • Admit whether one has preconceived notions concerning an issue or a dispute; desire for or anger over outcomes cannot stand in the way of conflict-resolution.

In this background, students, staff and faculty members of UD community shall:

  • Not discriminate with regard to race, color, nationality, ethnicity, gender, marital status, age, or disability.

  • Demonstrate awareness of, sensitivity to, and respect for other educational systems, values, beliefs, and cultures.

  • Not exploit, threaten, coerce or harass others.

  • Maintain confidentiality, integrity, and security of records and communications.

  • Respond to inquiries fairly, equitably, and professionally.

  • Provide accurate, complete, current and unbiased information.

  • Refrain from becoming involved in personal relationships with students.

  • Accept only gifts that are of nominal value (less than 500 aed) and that do not seem intended to influence academic and administrative decisions, while remaining sensitive to the varying significance and implications of gifts in different cultures.


C. Civility

Civility is an ethical conduct and discourse that honors others’ viewpoints and solves problems without creating greater ones. Civility is associated with:

  • Respect for the views of others.

  • Responsible exercising of individual rights and privileges especially with respect to others

  • Belief that common interests exceed our individual differences. 

  • Esteem for the individual and commitment to equal opportunity in a diverse society.

A civil person aspires to: 

  • Solve problems regardless of own benefit but for the benefit of the community.

  • Use appropriate but penetrating discourse, even when others are inappropriate. 

  • Do the necessary analysis before judging others’ work or person rather than relying on summary judgment.

  • Solve problems via values of fairness, responsibility, and discretion (rather than through manipulation, deceit, and personal attack).

  • Embrace a shared set of values that analyzes or honors all viewpoints - even ones with which he or she disagrees - in pursuit of a higher and communal cause.

In this background, UD community members shall:

  • Show respect for the diversity of viewpoints among colleagues.

  • Refrain from unjustified or unseemly criticism of fellow members, other programs, and other organizations.

  • Use their office and title only for the purpose of conduct of official business.

  • Uphold agreements when participating in joint activities and give due credit to partners for their contributions.

  • Recruit individuals, who are qualified to offer the instruction or service promised, train and supervise them responsibly, and ensure by means of regular evaluation that they are performing acceptably.

  • Encourage and support participation in professional development activities.

  • Provide appropriate orientation, materials, and on-going guidance for participants.

  • Take appropriate steps to enhance the safety and security of participants.

  • Provide accurate, complete, current and unbiased information.

Policy Overview- UD Expectations and the Code of Conduct and Values and Ethics

Policy Name & No

A 1.9 Expectations and the Code of Conduct, Values, and Ethics

Policy Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to outline the expectations, values, ethics and the code of conduct for the UD community.

Policy Scope

This policy is applicable to all UD faculty, staff and students.

Issue Date

1 September 2013

Version No


Most Recent Version date

10 September 2024

Effective Date

10 September 2024

Next Review

10 September 2026

Policy Owner



Stipulation 5.13

Oversight Committee

Academic Affairs Council

Revision History

Version No


Description of Changes



Initial Release



Scheduled Review



Replace the word sanctions with disciplinary actions, changes of values based on the last strategic change

 V4  10/09/2024  
Added addendum to the policy: Including Online code of conduct, Library IT, Internship & International Trips Code of conduct


Definitions and abbreviations:




University of Dubai

Vice President, Academic Affairs

Academically Qualified


Addendum A Library code of Conduct

Addendum A: Library code of Conduct

  1. No user may mark, mutilate or annotate books, and any marking or damage found must be reported to the librarian at the time of check-out.

  2. Patrons shall normally be responsible, in whole or in part, for any damage caused to library materials, equipment, furniture or the premises in general.

  3. The borrower is responsible for the material checked-out on his/her ID card.

  4. Library code of ethics and conducts. Students who do not abide by the library’s code will face appropriate disciplinary actions.

  5. Patrons must comply with the provision of any relevant legislation, such as, laws relating to intellectual property rights, including copyright

  6. Patrons must comply with the terms of any license agreement between the university and a third party, which governs photocopying, and the use of software and access to data.

Addendum B IT Resources Code of Conduct

All the users of the IT facilities, whether accessed locally or through the internet, are governed by code of ethics:

  1. Users must not use IT facilities for games, chatting, downloading unacceptable material, storing non-academic material or any other personal material (such as personal advertising), creating, exchanging, displaying or publicizing offensive and libelous statements. Social and moral practices in the UAE must be observed by all users.

  2. No equipment may be removed from the University without prior written permission from the administration.

  3. Users must take all precautions to avoid causing corruption of data in the system.

  4. Users must not deliberately modify or change the integrity of the online services and facilities of the University.

  5. Users must not remove or modify information stored in the system.

  6. It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they are computer literate and familiar with the IT equipment available.

  7. Users are responsible for charges incurred through the use of the IT facilities other than those offered by UD. These may include buying books from, or subscribing to e-journals and e-books, buying other goods electronically, sending faxes etc.

  8. The university disclaims any responsibility for loss of data, and/or its corruption due to malfunctioning of equipment, or power cuts while working etc.

  9. When downloading information from remote sites users must take all reasonable precautions not to infringe the copyright laws of the UAE.

  10. Any violation of this code of ethics will be dealt with in accordance with the UD disciplinary policy.

Addendum C Online-Blended Learning Code of Conduct

Students are expected to abide by below in Online and/or Blended Programs: 

Maintain a Respectful and Inclusive Environment

  • Respect: Treat all participants (faculty, classmates, and staff) with respect and courtesy. Discriminatory, harassing, or abusive language and behavior are strictly prohibited. Stimulate conversation, be respectful of others' views, and refrain from personal attacks.
  • Inclusion: Promote an inclusive environment where diversity of thought and background is valued. Avoid any actions or language that could be perceived as exclusionary or discriminatory.

Abide by Academic Integrity Expectations

  • Honesty: Login to all UD platforms yourself, using credentials provided by UD. Submit your own work and do not engage in plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty.
  • Originality: Explicitly and properly cite all sources of information, ideas, and data that are not your own this includes AI generated material.
  • Collaboration: When collaboration is allowed, contribute equitably and acknowledge the contributions of others.

Utilize Communication Protocols

  • Professionalism: Use appropriate and professional language in all communications. Avoid using negative slang or language, or emojis & GIF’s that could be misinterpreted.
  • Constructive Feedback: Provide constructive feedback and participate in discussions in a manner that is supportive and not offensive.
  • Responsiveness: Respond to messages from instructors and classmates as per expectations outlined in the course.

Participation in Courses

  • Engagement: Actively participate in all course activities, including discussions, assignments, and group work.  Follow course syllabi expectations for group discussions and assignments.
  • Preparation: Complete all required readings and preparatory work before participating in course activities.
  • Attendance: Attend all scheduled online sessions and notify the instructor in advance if you are unable to attend. UD attendance policies are applicable to synchronous learning sessions.

Adhere to Technical Requirements

  • Equipment: Ensure that you have the necessary technical equipment, including a reliable computer and internet connection, to participate in the course.
  • Software: Use the required software and platforms as specified by the course instructor. Familiarize yourself with these tools to fully engage in the course.
  • Library Laptops:  If you use a UD laptop on a loan basis you must only use it for program-related activities and return the laptop in the same condition received  upon completing the course. 

Abide by Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements

  • Confidentiality: Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other participants. Do not share personal information, course materials, or discussions outside of the course environment. 
  • Recording: Do not record or distribute any part of the course without explicit permission from the instructor and participants.
  • Policy: Adhere to UD’s data protection policies.

Observe Netiquette Guidelines

  • Email Etiquette: Use a clear subject line, greet the recipient respectfully, and sign off with your name in all email communications.
  • Discussion Boards: Stay on topic, read previous posts before replying, and avoid dominating the conversation to give others an opportunity to take part.
  • Virtual Meetings: Mute your microphone when not speaking, use the chat function appropriately, and dress appropriately for video sessions.

Adhere to Live stream/Synchronous Learning Expectations

  • Avoid Disruptions: Limit background noises and distractions.  Enter the session on time.
  • Etiquette: Refrain from using the chat for conversations and topics outside of the course topics. Raise your hand and wait for the instructor to call on you to speak unless other guidelines have been provided at the beginning of the course or session.
  • Video: Cameras should remain on and you should remain visible throughout the live session(s).  You should maintain a professional appearance during live sessions.

Compliance and Consequences

  • Compliance: Adhere to all university policies, including the UD Code of Conduct and academic integrity policies.
  • Consequences:
    Violating the UD of conduct for online/blended learning may result in disciplinary actions, including but not limited to:
  • Dismissal from the University
  • Suspension from the University
  • A written warning
  • Failing the course
  • Zero graded assessment
  • Reported to the dean’s office and the disciplinary committee as per UD policy
  • UD policy violations actions


Kindly reference the S6.11 Student Disciplinary Policy for further details.


We are accountable individually for our own actions and accountable collectively for the culture and reputation of the Online Programs.

[ ] I agree to abide by the UD Code of Conduct.

[ ] I would like to discuss this with the Online Programs Director for clarification.


Student Name

Addendum D Internship Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct for the Internship Program is set to specifically address the issues and concerns regarding the interns’ behavior and attitude during their Internship program, starting from the registration until the release of grades. Interns are expected to act in a professional manner at all times and must abide by the rules, policies, and procedures of the University of Dubai and the host company.


Failure to adhere to the stipulations in the Code of Conduct shall result in either, revoking one’s Internship and/or academic suspension or probation according to the UD Students’ Disciplinary Code of Conduct. As such, interns are expected to comply with the following:


1.       Punctuality

  1. Arrive on time and consistently attend all scheduled work hours, meetings, and training sessions.
  2. Notify your Field Supervisor promptly if you are unable to attend due to illness or any unforeseen circumstances.
  3. Notify your Field Supervisor in advance if you need to request time off for personal reasons, and ensure that work responsibilities are not adversely affected.
  4. Comply with UD Attendance rules.


2.       Professionalism and Respect

  1. Be in their best professional behavior, conduct and appearance at all times during the internship program as they represent the University of Dubai.
  2. Treat the ICDC team, Academic Supervisor, Field Supervisor, fellow interns, employees and all individuals associated with the host company with respect, courtesy, and professionalism, regardless of their position, background, or beliefs.
  3. Not to engage in acts of impropriety, personal and/or sexual harassments in the workplace is absolutely prohibited.
  4. Refrain from using violence, inflicting harm, threatening and coercing colleagues at the workplace.
  5. Dress appropriately at work at all times. Some companies require that interns come to work in corporate attire or local dress while others are comfortable with casual clothing. Interns must take note of the dress code of the company so as not to offend or be put in an embarrassing situation. 


3.       Confidentiality

Maintain the confidentiality of all proprietary and sensitive information encountered during the internship, including business strategies, client information, and internal processes, etc.

4.       Work Ethics and Performance

  1. Familiarize, adhere and comply with the set rules, regulations, policies and procedures of the host company, the University of Dubai, the directives set forth by the Internship and Career Development Center, and the assigned Field and Academic Supervisors.
  2. Any damage, loss, theft or destruction to property in the workplace is the sole responsibility of the intern. The intern must compensate/indemnify for items lost or damaged be it accidental or intentional in nature.
  3. Return the company ownerships such as reference material, laptops, mobile phone, parking cards, etc. by last day of Internship program. 
  4. Interns are required to not be engaged in any act of plagiarism – and submitting paperwork that is not their own without proper referencing the source.
  5. Do not conduct personal business over the phone, internet or email is not allowed unless doing so is part of an assigned Internship task wherein prior approval by the Field Supervisor has been given.
  6. Keep a positive attitude and show confidence.
  7. Display initiative and foresight to work with minimum supervision and flexibility in a diversified workplace.
  8. Strive for excellence in all assigned tasks and projects. Seek guidance and clarification from your Field Supervisor when needed and be proactive in seeking opportunities to learn and grow.
  9. Be open to constructive feedback and use it as an opportunity for improvement. Actively engage in performance evaluations and discussions with your supervisor.
  10. Be proactive and display strong leadership and team – working skills.


5.       Communication

  1. Use professional and respectful communication in all interactions, including emails, phone calls, and in-person discussions. Avoid the use of offensive language or behavior.
  2. Be mindful of your online presence and avoid posting content that could reflect negatively on the host company or compromise its reputation.
  3. In case the intern encounters any issues during their time at the company, whether they pertain to their training or difficulties collaborating with their field supervisors, they should utilize the established communication protocol to seek resolution. Initially, they should reach out to their Field Supervisor, who serves as their primary point of contact within the company. If the issue remains unresolved, the intern should then engage with their Academic Supervisor. Should the Academic Supervisor be unable to address the problem with the Field Supervisor, ICDC will step in and initiate a conversation with the Company’s HR Department to facilitate resolution.  


6.       Internship Termination

Host Company reserves the right to terminate an internship at any time for reasons including, but not limited to, violation of this Code of Conduct, poor performance, or changes in business needs. In such case, the company is required to submit a written report to both, the ICDC and the Academic Supervisor, explaining the reasons for the internship termination. Furthermore, students who are terminated from the company due to the above mentioned reason will fail the course. 


7.       Acknowledgement

    By participating in the Internship Program, you acknowledge that:

□ You have read, understood and agreed to abide by the Internship Code of Conduct.

□ You understood that violations of the Internship Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of your internship.


Addendum E International Trip Code of Conduct

All the students who travel with University of Dubai’s International trips are expected to maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity, in addition to complying with all University policies and procedures. Some salient features of this code are provided below for ready reference:


  • Take responsibility for your actions at all times. Students traveling overseas for any cultural or educational experience are subject to full penalty of the laws of the host country. Neither The University of Dubai nor the United Arab Emirates embassy can protect students from the legal consequences of actions committed overseas.

  • Do not harm the reputation of the University of Dubai by any form of irresponsible behavior.

  • Respect cultural differences. This includes observing the proper etiquette in business/social settings, e.g. being punctual for appointments, not speaking out of turn, etc.

  • Respect the privacy rights of members of the community by avoiding all forms of intimidation, including sexual and physical harassment.

  • Refrain from causing physical injury to yourself and others. Students will be held financially and legally responsible for any and all damage they inflict upon other persons.

  • Refrain from causing damage to real or personal property of others. Students will be held financially and legally responsible for any and all such damages.

  •  Preserve the quality of facilities that you may visit or reside at during your travels.

  • Do not leave the city of destination for any personal excursions or trips.

  • Do not operate any motorized vehicles.

  • Do not participate in risky/dangerous activities.

  • Do not violate laws whether they result in arrest or not.

  • Do not deviate from the group flight (i.e. arrive or leave the sites on their own).

  • Follow the trip leader guidelines, directives, timetables and instructions avoiding any disorderly, disruptive, threatening, or intimidating conduct, gestures, or actions.

  •  Commit to the trip program and be always on time.

  • The consumption, possession or distribution of alcohol is absolutely prohibited and is a violation of the Code of Conduct. Additionally, any team members visibly under the influence of alcohol will be considered in violation of the Code of Conduct.

  • Curfew for team members will be as set by the trip leader. In exceptional circumstances, the trip leader may change the curfew.

  • Custody or usage of any drugs other than those prescribed by a doctor (provided that Doctor’s prescription should be available with you all time) is prohibited. Team members are reminded of the consequences that could result from prosecution of a drug-related offense in a foreign country. Report to the trip leader if you are following any doctor’s prescription.

  • Dress for the occasion and take into account your environment and the purpose of your attendance at the convention. Wear comfortable shoes. You’ll be on your feet most of the time.

  • Failure to abide by any of above mentioned rules set by the University of Dubai Code of Conduct & Responsibilities will result in disciplinary actions, which could include (but is not limited to) disciplinary sanctions and expulsion from the University.