Academic Catalog

Policy on Board of Trustees Membership Appointments and Term of Office and Replacement


The University of Dubai is a full subsidiary of the Dubai Chambers (DC). As per Article 6 of the revised bylaws of the University (both Arabic and English translated versions are attached in policy A1.4 By-Laws of the Governing Policy):

1. The DC’s Board of Directors assigns a University Board of Trustees that consists of nine members who possess a mix of academic and professional expertise. The members are chosen as follows:

  1. Four members from the Board of Directors’ including the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and his Vice Chair. 

  2. The Director General of the Chamber.

  3. Four members chosen by the Board of Directors excluding its members with high scientific qualifications. The education and experience of board members must be appropriate to their role in governance of an academic institution.

 2. The duration of the mandate of the Board of Trustees is three years, and the Board continues to use its authority until the Board of Directors assigns a new Board of Trustees.

Further, Article (9) of the University Bylaws states that if there is any vacancy in the Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors assigns a substitute no later than two months from the vacancy date.