Academic Catalog



  1. Position Descriptions:

  1. Board of Trustees
    The Board is the governing body and legal part of UD that approves and monitors policy.

  2. President
    The President of the University is selected by the Board, continues in office at the pleasure of the Board, and receives such compensation as the Board may direct.
    The President is the liaison between the Board and the University and executes Board policies to operate, develop, and promote the University mission and objectives; performs such acts, duties, and responsibilities that promote the interests of the University consistent with University regulations; represents the University in public and presides at public academic occasions, or designates a University officer to preside; keeps the Board informed of University operations and activities.

  3. Vice Presidents
    The President appoints the Vice Presidents with the approval of the Board. They continue in office at the pleasure of the President and receive such compensation as the President may direct with the concurrence of the Board. The Vice Presidents are: 

    • The VPAA and  DOA as delegated, second in responsibility only to the President.

    1. Report to the President and have the powers and duties as the President designates, with the concurrence of the Board. 

    2. The most senior Vice President will normally exercise the powers and duties of the President if that office is vacated and during the President’s absence. 

    Succession Statement

    The following statement applies to the positions (Dean, Director, Chair, Registrar, or Manager) described below:

    In case of death, resignation of the (Dean, Director, Chair, Registrar, or Manager), or inability to act, the reporting Senior may appoint an Acting (Dean, Director, Chair, Registrar, or Manager) who shall perform all the duties of the (Dean, Director, Chair, Registrar, or Manager) until the position is filled or until the disability of the (Dean, Director, Chair, Registrar, or Manager) ceases.

  4. Manager of Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness
    Reports directly to the President. The Manager of QA&IE develops methods and procedures to monitor, assess, and evaluate the effectiveness and quality in all University areas. This includes, but not limited to, evidence-based student learning assessments that should indicate student success through course design and delivery, teaching and learning practices, and student progress monitoring by academic and administrative support units; prepares and manages the requirements and documents for academic accreditation; and produces and maintains relevant documentation for stakeholders and accreditors.

  5.  Manager of the Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Research and Consultancy Economic Free Zone

    Reports directly to the President. The manager is responsible to plan, develop, manage and coordinate the entrepreneurship, innovation and business center activities. 

    • Develop and support the implementation of a plan for establishing industry partnerships and collaborations in support of entrepreneurship and innovation.

    • Develop and manage the innovation center including identify opportunities for delivering further value added services for members, recruiting new members and managing membership offers.

    • Develop the center’s scholarships/fellowship plan for attracting entrepreneurs/innovators.

    • Support the efforts of UD related to entrepreneurship and innovation. 

  6. Deans

    Report directly to the VPAA and are the leaders of the college to which they are appointed. Deans oversee all matters pertaining to academics and operations within that college. The VPAA appoints the Deans with the advice of the appropriate college faculty with the approval of the President and the Board.

    As the principal executives of their college, the Deans perform a variety of planning and management functions and seek the counsel of their department leaders and faculty, and delegate duties whenever possible. In addition, as faculty members, they are expected to participate in teaching, research, and other college activities.


    • Oversee the preparation of college academic plans and follow-up on implementation.

    • Submit proposals for recruitment of faculty members and other employees involved in academics.

    • Monitor teaching and learning processes and direct activities to enhance student learning within the college.

    • Submit reports to superiors when required about academic, administrative, and financial matters. They also show student activities, performance, teaching and learning issues, and college strengths and weaknesses.  

    • Prepare and submit college budgets to the VP for Administration and Finance.

    • Supervise the academic advising of students and implement policies to enhance research activities within their college.

    • Evaluate the performance of faculty and other support staff within their college.

    • Monitor assessment and use the results to improve the quality of teaching and learning activities within their college and ultimately, the University. Review plans for professional faculty development before submitting them to the VPAA.


  7. Program Director
    Reports directly to the Dean. Program Directors are expected to participate with the Deans in the development of academic standards and support those standards in all interactions with all faculty, students, and staff. Directors are expected to accept responsibility for administering university policies and are expected to encourage and support appropriate innovation and change.

    In case of the Program Director death, resignation, or inability to act, the Dean may appoint an Acting Program Director, with the consent of the VPAA, who shall perform all the duties of the Program Director until the position is filled or until the disability of the Program Director ceases.

  8. Director of Research Affairs
    Reports directly to the VPAA. The Director works closely with internal and external stakeholders to optimize the capacity and productivity of UD’s research initiatives.

    • Review the university’s research strategy and policies and submit the necessary recommendations in this regard.

    • Oversee the university’s research programs and monitor the progress of research projects and activities. 

    • Manage research partnerships and identify external funding opportunities.

    • Propose programs for promoting and developing the research activities of the university to both internal and external stakeholders. This may involve organizing conferences and workshops and publishing research outcomes on the university website.

  9. Registrar
    Reports directly to the VPAA. Responsible for all aspects of administration related to the total student experience, from application to graduation and beyond. A vital link between University senior management, faculty, administrators, and students. Assists with policy, procedures, and all facets of student records management and maintenance.

  10. Manager of Library and Learning Resources
    Reports directly to the VPAA. The Manager provides strategic direction and vision to the UD Library. He/she is responsible for library budget planning and control; staff recruitment; effective supervision of library operations; professional development, and training.
    In addition, the manager bears the ultimate responsibility of physical facilities, space planning, and its infrastructure. They ensure high quality facilities and resources to support educational and research needs of the entire University community and also ensures that the library is in compliance with the accreditation standards.

  11. Manager of Alumni Relations Affairs, Career Development and Internship
    Reports directly to the VPAA. Responsible for ensuring high quality services of Career Development by assisting UD’s current and prospective students, alumni with their career paths, exploring career options, obtaining an internship or full-time job, and employers with their talent searches. Establish and maintain relationships with various corporations, agencies and organizations within assigned specialty field to gain in-depth knowledge of the operation and work environment, employment needs, hiring practices, academic/educational requirements/preferences and relevant trends of various companies in order to provide meaningful employment to UD students and alumni; seek out and assist in developing tailored opportunities to meet specific needs of students; develop contacts in new areas to meet student and alumni needs.
    Effectively support the UD Alumni Association and promote participation and good-will. Also, responsible for establishing a sustainable career advising resources center.

  12. Executive of External & International Relations
    Reports directly to the VPAA. Responsible for coordinating all the planning, organizing, implementation and evaluation of the Student Exchange and Study Abroad Program initiatives both for incoming and outgoing students. Liaise with possible academic partners from the discussion of the contents of the MOU/agreement to its signing formalities and its implementation and monitoring phase.  Work closely with the Admissions and Marketing Department in the recruitment of international students.
    Organize and coordinate visits of international delegations wishing to visit UD (i.e. international institutions such as universities and schools, government officials, organizations, etc.) with the intention to establish partnership/collaboration.

  13. Manager of Marketing, Student Recruitment and Admission
    Reports directly to the DOA.  Responsible for leading the Marketing Communication function and establishing the communication & branding strategy and the implementation plan. Marketing Communication function would look after end to end communication solutions for products & services and ensure proper brand management and correct delivery of communication messages.

  14. Manager of Student Services Department
    Reports directly to the  DOAVPAA. This office is responsible for student matters and includes functions such as counseling, learning support, student placement and careers, future employment, health, and student extra-curricular activities. Supervises the following activities: 

    • Participates in the promotional activities of the University designed to enhance its image.

    • Hosts formal and informal functions such as luncheons, outings, etc., to enhance student quality of life and social skills.

    • Serves as liaison with the DOA to ensure they identify and address the needs of their students. 

    • Keeps abreast of and informs senior management about trends and issues related to student affairs.

  15. Manager of Finance
    Reports directly to the DOA. Is responsible for all Financial and Administrative matters on a day to day basis. The Manager will also ensure that the University of Dubai is financially controlled in a professional manner and that administrative functions are fully complement the high academic value that the University of Dubai delivers. In addition to having direct line management for a number of support services staff, the Manager will work closely with Deans, Directors, and Heads of units and the University’s top management.

  16. Assistant Manager of Procurement
    Reports directly to the DOA. Oversees the activities of the department and is responsible for purchases for the University. The Manager also prepares  plans for the purchase of equipment, services and supplies.

  17. Manager of Human Resources
    Reports directly to the DOA. Provides essential administrative and human resource management, logistics, and maintenance support for all University functions. The Manager also provides professional human resource services to assigned university colleges/departments and employees including benefits, classification, compensation, employee relations, employment services, UD policies, and salary planning. Advises and consults with managers on employee and human resources issues.

  18. Manager of Information Technology Services
    Reports directly to the DOA. The Manager is responsible to ensure that information technology network, platform, and database are acquired, installed, operated, maintained and supported economically, efficiently and effectively. Manages infrastructure availability, integrity, security through proper monitoring and control mechanisms. Ensure that methods, standards, procedures used within the assigned area adhere to accepted professional industry standards. Finally, ensure that assigned staff are developed personally and professionally.

  19. Administrator, Procurement and Facilities Services
    Reports directly to the DOA. The Executive is responsible for campus facilities, procurement, logistics, and travel arrangements.

  20. Manager, Center for Executive Education
    Reports directly to the DOA. Develop new corporate clients and maintain contact with existing clients in order to ensure there is greater awareness of the center and its abilities.  Create new programs (bespoke, professional certificate, professional diploma etc.) complete with course syllabus and course outline to enhance portfolio and meet market requirements.  Maintain linkages with international and local practitioners/faculty/training provider’s/guest speakers and develop a pool of trainers for delivery of programs. Monitor the delivery of all the programs which is critical to ensure repeat business. Have open dialogues with faculty and students and use the evaluation of teaching performance as inputs to improve the next semester offerings by making required changes in either the faculty/course content/duration or course material. 


Organization Structure
College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT)