Academic Catalog

By-Laws of the Governing Body


The Bylaws document is provided in the Appendix I.

Appendix I (A1.4) Revised By-laws of UD

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The Revised Bylaws* of 

The University of Dubai

*The proposed amendments of the University of Dubai Bylaws were approved by the Board of Trustees meeting held on February 28th, 2022

The Revised Bylaws of the University of Dubai – Feb 2022

Section 1 – Definitions

Article (1)

The following words and phrases wherever mentioned in this system have the following definitions unless the context suggests otherwise:

The Country: United Arab Emirates

The Emirate: Dubai

The Ruler: His Highness, the Ruler

The Chambers: Dubai Chambers

The Bylaws: The bylaws of the University of Dubai

Board of Directors: Board of Directors of Dubai Chambers

The University: University of Dubai (UD)

Board of Trustees: The University Board of Trustees

The Chairman: Chairman of the Board of Trustees

Academic Affairs Council: The council responsible for organizing the academic and educational affairs at the University of Dubai according to these bylaws (AAC)

College Faculty Council: The council responsible for organizing the academic and educational affairs in different colleges

Committees: Any permanent or temporary committees formed by the Board of Trustees or specialized councils

The President: The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the University of Dubai

The Provost: The Vice President of Academic Affairs (VPAA)

VPOA: The Vice President of Operational Affairs

CAA: Commission for Academic Accreditation, Ministry of Education 

Article (2)

The University of Dubai is a Higher Education Institution (HEI) fully owned by the Chambers and a subject of its supervision. It is managed with financial and administrative independence according to these bylaws and the regulations issued accordingly. 

The University has the right to own, borrow, issue contracts, accept donations and proceed with all actions and procedures that enables it to achieve its objectives.

Section 2 – Objectives

Article (3)

The University is concerned with developing and supporting human resources in the country and providing specialized professionals in the fields of digital economy, business administration, law, engineering, and Information Technology (IT) and services through achieving the following objectives:

  1. Improving students’ and scholars’ skills in the country and preparing them to fulfil their obligations towards serving their community through the provision of University-level academic education and professional qualifications. 

  2. Developing economic, social and technological studies.

  3. Encouraging and supporting impactful theoretical and applied scientific research.

  4. Attracting, absorbing and locally using the latest technologies.

  5. Creating interaction between the University and the community.

Article (4)

The University adopts the latest tools and methods in the educational field and chooses the majors and research subjects. It is especially focuses on the following:

  1. Providing the educational and practical curriculums in different fields of its specializations according to the market needs.

  2. Focusing on the practical field and considering it a crucial part of the theoretical study and including it as part of programs’ credit hours. 

  3. Associating the practice of each major and the programs offered by the University with the nature of the community 

  4. Empowering learning in each specialization through implementing programs and majors that suit working and non-working students.

  5. Organizing conferences, seminars, training and qualifying workshops that serve the University objectives.

  6. Cooperating and building strong relations and educational/scientific linkages with other colleges and universities and institutes. Joining unions and international educational associations related to the academic accreditation inside the country and outside and enter into agreements to facilitate the exchange of knowledge to serve the needs of the University. 

Section 3 – The organizational structure of the University of Dubai

Article (5)

The organizational structure of the University is formed as follows:

  1. Board of Trustees.

  2. Committees formed by the Board of Trustees.

  3. The President.

  4. Academic Affairs Council.

  5. Standing Committees.

  6. College Faculty Council.

  7. The different colleges, academic divisions, supporting educational units and centers. 

  8. Administrative divisions. 


Article (6)

  1. The Board of Directors appoints a Board of Trustees that consists of nine members chosen as follows:

  1. Three members of the Board of Directors including the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and his/her Vice Chairman. 

  2. The Director General of the Chambers.

  3. Five members chosen by the Board of Directors excluding its members with high academic qualifications. 

  1. The duration of the mandate of the Board of Trustees is three years, and the Board continues to use its authority until the Board of Directors appoints a new Board of Trustees.

  2. The Board of Trustees annually evaluates its own effectiveness through a process outlined by the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.

  3. The evaluation shall be available to the CAA, when requested.

Article (7)

The Board of Trustees is granted a discontinued monetary reward by the Board of Directors. 

Article (8)

  1. The Board of Trustees members have no fiduciary or conflict of interest with the University of Dubai and are not involved in day-to-day operations of the UD. The board is focused on strategic roles appropriate to a board, and delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer (President) who has the responsibility and the authority for the day-to-day operations of the University of Dubai.

  2. No Board of Trustees member shall use his/her personal or official position to influence any issue which has conflict of interest with the University.

  3. The Board of Trustees ensures effective monitoring and controlling of the University of Dubai through the following activities:

  1. Monitor implementation of plans to provide the required resources to achieve the University objectives. 

  1. Approve the estimated annual budget and submit it to the Board of Directors for approval and supervising its execution. 

  2. Approve investing the University money appropriately. 

  3. Approve the tuition fees based on the President’s recommendation. 

  4. Suspend operations of one of the colleges, divisions, units or centers for the period decided by the Board of Trustees based on the President’s recommendations.

  5. Assign a committee or more and specify its duties and authority to execute any missions defined by the Board of Trustees.

  1. The Board of Trustees evaluates annually the performance of the Chief Executive Officer (President) through a process outlined by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.

Article (9)

If there was any vacancy in the Board of Trustees, the Board of Directors appoints a substitute no later than two months from the vacancy date. 

Article (10)

The Board of Trustees holds its periodical meetings three times a year. The Chairman sends the invitations at least ten days prior to the date of meeting. The invitations include the agenda and topics to be discussed. 

Article (11)

The Board of Trustees might be called upon for exceptional meetings in the following cases:

  1. The occurrence of urgent subjects defined by the Chairman. 

  2. A response to a written request by the majority of the members. In this case, the Board of Trustees is invited two days prior to the scheduled date. 

Article (12)

The quorum for the Board of Trustees meetings is the presence of the majority of the members including the Chairman or the Vice-Chairman. The decisions are taken based on the majority of votes of the present members. If the voting count was equal, the decision is taken in favor of the half that includes the Chairman. 

The Chairman can invite needed experts to attend the meetings of the Board of Trustees but they will not have a counted vote in the deliberations. 

Article (13)

Meeting minutes are written for each meeting including the names of attending members and absentees, decisions and recommendations. The Chairman then signs it and it is kept in a special record with serial numbers according to the sequence of the meeting dates.

If any of the members did not agree on any of the Board of Trustees decisions, this should be recorded in the meeting minutes and his reasons should be included. 

Article (14)

A member of Board of Trustees loses his membership in the following cases:

  1. The member lost his position in the Board of Directors.

  2. The member lost his/her position if he/she was one of the members appointed because of their positions.

  3. The member requests in writing to be released from his position.

  4. Failing to attend the Board of Trustees meetings three times in a row without an acceptable excuse. 

  5. The member was convicted in a criminal mishap involving honor or honesty. 

  6. The member was incapable of fulfilling his/her duties because of health issues or in the case of death. 

Article (15)

The Chairman or the President represents the University in front of others or in the court of law. The Chairman signs the decisions and agreements issued or approved by the Board of Trustees and he/she practices his authority defined by these bylaws.

Article (16)

In the case of the Chairman’s absence, the vice Chairman practices all his/her authorities. 

Article (17)

The Board of Trustees assigns the needed committees–based on the President’s recommendations – to achieve the University objectives and guarantee the easy flow of work. He assigns the responsibilities and authority of each committee related to the nature of its work.

Article (18)

  1. The Board of Trustees has the right to grant its powers to the Chairman or the vice Chairman or any committee.

  2. The Chairman is allowed to grant the President some of his powers.

Article (19)

The Academic Affairs Council is formed as follows:

  1. The President as the Chair of this council.

  2. The Vice-Presidents (VPAA, VPOA), and Head of Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness.

  3. The deans of colleges and program directors.

  4. Heads of scientific centers.

  5. Registrar.

  6. Head of Library.

Article (20)

The Academic Affairs Council supervises the organizing of the studies in the University and suggests its content, and practices the authority granted by these bylaws and the regulations issued accordingly including:

  1. Suggesting regulations and decisions related to the University and submitting those to the Board of Trustees for approval.

  2. Looking into the proposed programs, projects and plans provided by the different colleges and scientific divisions and educational units and centers and submitting those to the Board of Trustees.

  3. Approve schedules of courses and academic calendars. 

  4. Studying the curriculums contents, defining the language suitable for the lectures and reviewing the plans for academic and training programs.

  5. Coordinating between the different activities within the colleges, divisions, units and centers.

  6. Selecting the external reviewers or auditors and the observers of the performance level in the University according to the internal regulations.

  7. Setting the basics and procedures of evaluating the academic performance of the students.

  8. The continuous revision of the education, research and training levels and submitting suggestions to the Board of Trustees in this regard.

  9. Evaluating the University work and its fulfillment of the community needs and submitting it to the Board of Trustees.

  10. Assigning the scientific committees needed to achieve the University objectives and quests. 

Article (21)

The President is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and is assigned by the Board of Trustees and he must hold a doctorate degree.

Article (22)

The President exercises the power given to him by these bylaws and the regulations issued accordingly including:

  1. Approve process statements (new or revised policy statements) as stipulated from time to time by the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA).

  2. Representing the University in the court of law and in the educational and administrative occasions, other authorities and parties connected to the University activities.

  3. Forming the disciplinary councils and defining the procedures, authorities, penalties posed on the faculty members, employees and students in the University.

  4. Suggesting the academic programs at the University.

  5. Managing the University affairs according to these bylaws, regulations and decisions.

  6. Reviewing the UD Mission & Strategic Plan periodically. 

  7. Preparing a detailed annual report about the University affairs and the different activities.

  8. Developing a proposal for the suggested annual budget and the University’s closing financial statements.

  9. Permitting the expenses according to the University financial regulations.

  10. Supervising the execution of the internal regulations and the decisions issued accordingly.

  11. In case of the President's death, resignation, or inability to act, the Board of Trustees may appoint an Acting President of the University, who shall perform all the duties of the President until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees or until the disability of the President ceases.

Article (23)

  1. The President is allowed to have Vice-Presidents (Vice President, Academic Affairs, Vice President, Operational Affairs or others), in addition to assistants depending on his/her need. They are appointed by a decision of the President. The VP who is handling academic-related affairs must hold a doctorate degree. 

  2. The Vice Presidents shall be appointed by the President, with the consent of the Board.

  3. The VPAA exercises the power of the President and holds his/her responsibilities when the position is unoccupied or in case of the President’s absence. 

  4. The authorities of the Vice-Presidents (VPAA, VPOA) and the assistants are determined according to the University regulations.

  5. In case of the Vice President’s death (VPAA, VPOA), resignation, or inability to act, the President may appoint an Acting Vice President (VPAA, VPOA), who shall perform all the duties of the Vice President (VPAA, VPOA) until the next meeting of the Board of Trustees or until the disability of the Vice President (VPAA, VPOA) ceases.

Article (24)

  1.  The University practices its educational activity through: 

  1. College of Business Administration (Currently named the Dubai Business School; DBS).

  2. College of Engineering and Information Technology (CEIT).

  3. College of Law (COL).

  1. The University is allowed to establish colleges, divisions, educational units and scientific centers. It can also merge or cancel some according to its needs and based on the Academic Affairs Council recommendations and the approval of the Board of Trustees.

Article (25)

The University has an administration system to run its operations according to the regulations.

Article (26) 

  1. The Board of Trustees grants the following scientific degrees based on the recommendations of the Academic Affairs Council:

  1. Bachelor's degree (QFEmirates Level 7)

  2. Postgraduate Diploma (QFEmirates Level 8)

  3. Master's degree (QFEmirates Level 9)

  4. Doctorates (QFEmirates Level 10)

  1. The Academic Affairs Council grants certificates and diplomas for professional and training programs.  

  2. The scientific degrees approved by the Board of trustees must conform to the degree requirements and regulations.  

  3. The Board of Trustees grants the degree of Honorary Doctorate (HonD) based on the recommendations of the University President.


Section 4 – The study and its regulations

Article (27)

The study in colleges, divisions, units and scientific centers is regulated by the University regulations. 

Section 5 – Financial affairs

The University capital

Article (28)

The University capital is equal to ten million dirhams as a one share fully owned and paid by the Chambers.

Article (29)

  1. The University has an independent budget suggested by the Board of Trustees and it is issued by a decision of the Board of Directors, it is financed by the following:

  1. Chambers contribution.

  2. Tuition fees.

  3. Training and qualifying courses fees.

  4. Profits of the University investments and activities.

  5. Authorities, contributions, aids, donations and grants.

  6. Any other resources approved by the Board of Trustees.

  1. The President prepares the annual budget of the University and submits it to the Board of Trustees two months prior to the beginning of the University next fiscal year. 

  2. The Board of Trustees submits the annual budget - after approving it - to the Board of Directors for approval two months prior to the beginning of the Chambers next fiscal year.

  3. The funds are not allowed to be transferred from one section to another or a clause to another in the budget unless approved by the Board of Trustees.

  4. The annual net profit of the University is declared by its auditors according to the accounting principles. 

The net profit is distributed as follows:

  1. No less than (10%) of the net profit is put on hold in the legal reserve account until this reaches (50%) of the capital at least.

  2. The rest of the amount is spent based on the Board of Trustee’s recommendations and the approval of the Board of Directors.

  1. The President prepares the end-of-year financial statements within two months of the fiscal year and submits it to the Board of Trustees along with the auditor report.

  2. The Board of Trustees submits the end-of-year financial statements and the auditor’s report to the Board of Directors.

Article (30)

At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Board of Trustees assigns an account auditor that is listed in the accountants and auditors record who handles auditing the University accounts and submits his/her report by the end of the fiscal year to the Board of Trustees along with his/her observations. 

Section 6 – Final regulations

Amending the bylaws

Article (31)

The Board of Trustees is allowed to suggest amendments to the bylaws of the University to the Board of Directors during a meeting attended by at least two thirds of the members including the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.

University Closing

Article (32)

  1. The University can only be closed by the Board of Directors’ decision.

  2. All of the funds and assets of the University including the fixed and the grants are then transferred to the Chambers.

  3. In all cases, the academic name of the University is a part of the University assets in addition to the current and fixed.

Tax exemption

Article (33)

The University is exempted of all income taxes and fees.

Article (34)

This Bylaws are to be published in the official newspaper and are effective starting the publishing date.

Bylaws amended on 28 February 2022