Academic Catalog

Graduation Ceremony Policy


The following policy articulates the regulations/procedures for the graduation ceremony, which applies to all UD students in both undergraduate and graduate programs. It identifies procedures and responsibilities for streamlined operations.


1. Graduation Eligibility
The University confers degrees during its commencement ceremony to students who have completed or are expected to complete their graduation requirements within the same academic     year (including summer sessions). UD conducts its graduation ceremony usually between the months of April and June.  


2. Steps for the Graduation Ceremony Process

  1. The process for graduation starts with the formation of a Graduation Committee at the beginning of the spring semester of each year for effective planning, and to oversee the logistics of the event. 

  2. The Graduation Committee is appointed by the President and usually includes ex-officio: The DOA, the Registrar, the Manager of the Student Services Department, and the Head of Facilities Management, among other members.

  3. The DOA shall normally chair the committee.

  4. The Committee must prepare a comprehensive plan of action covering related activities, a budget and a timetable for these activities. Examples of activities include the identification of the event venue, invitation of guests, arrangements of caps and gowns, physical preparation of the venue, catering, degree certificate completion, liaising and coordinating related activities with the graduating students, among other activities.  

  5. The budget along with a time plan of actions must be approved by the President within two months from the date of committee appointment. 

  6. About two months before the scheduled event, the Graduation Committee shall send emails to eligible students informing them about the date and time of the ceremony, the venue, fees and payment deadline, as well as information about the collection of the caps and gowns, and other relevant logistics. 

  7. The event agenda must be finalized by at least one month before the graduation ceremony, and is to be approved by the President.


3. Selection of the Graduating Class Speaker (Graduates’ Speech)

  1. The Graduating Class Speaker is normally a graduate student (or two) who addresses the graduating class and the audience in a final farewell to classmates, faculty, staff, parents, and guests. 

  2. The Chair of the Graduation Committee solicits nominations for the Graduating Class Speaker from the graduating class, faculty and staff.  At least two nominations are recommended to the President for selection by at least one month before the ceremony date. The President shall make a decision within two weeks.

  3. The criteria for nomination are as follows; the student must:

  • Be in ‘Good’ academic standing

  • Has no previous disciplinary action / record

  • Have a minimum CGPA of 3.5 for undergraduate and 3.6 for graduate students

  • Be fluent in Arabic

  • Be articulate and have good public speaking skills 

  • Have an active leadership experience at UD 


4. Honors Announcement

  1. To highlight students’ achievements, honor students will be the first graduates to receive their diplomas in a descending order and according to their program/major. The honor levels are specified in EP 3.6 Academic Progress Policy. 

  2. If a student has completed the graduation requirements before the graduation ceremony, the CGPA will be known, and the honor level will be announced along with her/his name in the graduation ceremony and published in the graduation booklet.  However, if a student has not completed the graduation requirements by the ceremony date, the honor level will be announced along with her/his name in the graduation ceremony, but will not be published in the graduation booklet as it may change after completing all courses.

  3. The list of graduating students along with the Honors status shall be prepared by the Registration Department and approved by the Deans and the AAC before two months of the graduation ceremony. 

  4. The students in graduate programs will be awarded first followed by the students in undergraduate programs.

5. Procedures for Students

  1. Students must complete and sign with their academic advisors the last graduation plan during the first week of the last registered regular semester/term that precedes the graduation ceremony. This plan lists the unfulfilled requirements to be completed for graduation before the end of the academic year. Academic advisors shall ensure that students are made aware of the graduation requirements and update/reaffirm the graduation plan accordingly. 

  2. The Registration Department conducts an initial audit of the student's academic file to determine if the student meets the degree requirements within the deadline.  

  3. If the student has any outstanding requirements/obligations to either the Registration or Finance Departments, he/she will not be permitted to attend the graduation ceremony.

  4. A student who has any outstanding requirements/obligations will not be issued the Degree Completion Acknowledgment Certificate or the diploma until all requirements have been fulfilled. There is no exception to the policy.

  5. Once the audit of the student’s academic file is complete, the student will receive an email and/or SMS from the Registration Department as to his/her eligibility to attend the graduation ceremony. An email confirming ineligibility and indicating the pending unfulfilled requirements will be sent to the concerned student(s) as well. 

  6. Based on the audit results, the Registration Department will prepare the graduation list which includes the names of all students entitled to attend the graduation ceremony. The list may be updated as deemed appropriate by the Registration Department within two months from committee appointment. The list must be approved by the Program Directors/Deans of the respective colleges and finally ratified by the AAC.

  7. Ineligible students may contact the Registration Department for further clarifications. 

  8. To participate in the graduation ceremony, students shall pay the related fees (a Graduation Fee and a Certificate & Attestation Fee) at the Finance Department before one month of the graduation ceremony, and must complete the Graduation Requirements Form (Appendix I). 

  9. Before receiving their Degree Completion Acknowledgement Certificate or their attested degree certificate, graduates must complete the Graduation Clearance Form (Appendix II) and return it duly signed to the Registration Department. This form is intended to ensure that the student has cleared any pending balance with the accounting office, returned borrowed books to the library, etc. 

  10. Graduates must also complete the “Graduating Students-Exit Survey” which forms a basis for continuous improvement at UD.

  11. All acknowledgement certificates/transcripts shall be released after 2 weeks from the entry of last course grades taken by students. 

  12. Diplomas shall be released within two months from the completion of the degree requirements.