Academic Catalog

Course File Policy


The University requires course files to be maintained by the instructor teaching the course during the semester/term.  The course file contains comprehensive information about the course delivered by the instructor. At the end of the semester/term, a course file audit is carried out by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness QAIE office to ensure course file requirements are completed by the instructor.


1. Course File 


  1. Course files must be submitted in an electronic format.

  2. The course file should be submitted in the designated server or drive within three weeks after the final exam period ends. This can be done by periodically updating the course file upon finalizing each assessment. 

  3. It is the responsibility of the Program Director to communicate to the faculty to ensure complete submission of the course file. 

  4. Full time and part time faculty members should ensure that the submitted course files are organized as indicated below, and must contain all the below-listed items: 

  • Folder 1: Course Syllabus

          1. Current syllabus 
          2. Previous syllabus 

  • Folder 2: Instructor Teaching Materials 

1. PowerPoint slides 

2. Other teaching materials (specify by folder) 

  • Folder 3: Assessment Instruments (without answers). 

1. Classwork 

2. Homework/Assignments

3. Project

4. Quizzes 

5. Midterm exams 

6. Final exam 

      7. Other assessment instruments are mentioned in the syllabus

  • Folder 4: Model Answers and marking schemes/rubrics: 

1. Classwork 

2. Homework/Assignments

3. Project

4. Quizzes 

5. Midterm exams 

6. Final exam 

7. Other assessment instruments are mentioned in the syllabus. 

  • Folder 5: Examples of Student Works: (one sample across the range of students’ performance, i.e. with high, median and low grades) – Including turnitin reports, if applicable. 

1. Classwork 

2. Homework/Assignments 

3. Project

4. Quizzes 

5. Midterm exams 

6. Final exam 

7. Other assessment instruments that are mentioned in the syllabus. 

  • Folder 6: Student Attendance 

1. Student attendance records, generated by CAMS

  • Folder 7: Course Assessment Report

1. The Course Assessment Report (CAR), signed by both the Instructor and the Program Director. 

       2. Assessment of Learning Report (AOL) as generated by CAMS 

  • Folder 8: Quantitative Analysis of Grades 

1. The Official UD Grade Summary, as generated by CAMS, to be signed and dated by the authorized persons

  • Folder 9: Students’ Course Evaluation Report 

1. Contains the official UD student evaluation report of the course and teaching, found in Moodle, once released from the QAIE. 

  • Folder 10: Course File Checklist & Internal Audit Report

1. Course File Checklist with comments from Course File reviewer (Form in Annex 6). 



2. Roles and process:

Maintaining complete and organized course files is the responsibility of the instructor and it is highly recommended that the faculty start to prepare their course files incrementally early in the semester. The Program Director is primarily delegated to ensure that this is done according to standards and on a timely basis. 


2.1 Duties of the Instructor: 

The instructor is requested to perform the following duties, at various periods during the semester

  1. To prepare the course file with all the requirements mentioned in guidelines for the preparation of the Course File (Annex 7). 

  2. To upload the course file to the designated drive or server within three weeks from the end of the final exam period. 


2.2 Duties of the Program Director: 


The Program Director is requested to perform the following duties, directly or through delegation, at various periods during the semester: 

  1. Provide access to the previous course file to the instructor before the start of the semester to ensure continuous improvement (if the instructor has changed). 

  2. Ensure that the course syllabus conforms to the originally approved MOE syllabus. 

  3. Ensure that the material taught/used is relevant and is updated including the textbooks. 

  4. Ensure that the assessment instruments listed in the syllabus are appropriate to the course level and that they measure the right CLOs. 

  5. Assign an exam moderator for different programs/areas of study early in the semester. The moderator must moderate the midterm and final exams to ensure relevance, appropriate level of difficulty and that exams are free of errors. 

  6. Ensure that all questions in a given assessment instrument are diverse and aligned with the associated CLOs specified in the Course Syllabus. 

  7. Ensure that all instructors use UD official cover page template for all assessment instruments specified in the course syllabus (Annex 2). 

  8. Audit the course files for completeness and accuracy. This can be done by designating an internal course file reviewer or through the College’s Curriculum Committee (Annex 6). 

  9. Follow up on previous recommendations made by the faculty members, as mentioned in the Course Assessment Report (Annex 5) to improve the course, showing evidence of implementation, if applicable, and to review future plans for improvement, for possible implementation in a timely manner. This may also be done by the College’s Curriculum Committee. 

  10. Ensure that faculty members upload their course files on the designated server/drive within three weeks from the end of the final exam period. 

  11. Send a copy of the internally audited course files to the QAIE within two (2) months from the end of the previous semester/session/term. For part-time and resigning faculty members, this should be done as early as possible in order to sign the relevant clearance form. 


3. QAIE Course File Random Audit 

  1. Once the Program Director completes their audit within two (2) months, they will inform the QAIE Department who will then audit a random sample of courses for every faculty member to ensure compliance with CAA 2019 Standards and the QAIE guidelines. This will be done within one month from the receipt of the audited course files from the Program Director. 

  2. Part-time faculty and leaving faculty members course files will be given priority for the audit.  For part time faculty, a clearance email will be sent to the department secretary to process the payment.

  3. QAIE will prepare a summary report of the findings and suggested improvement on a semester/term basis. This report will be communicated to the college Dean and Program Director for addressing the findings.

4. Submission of Course File Guideline 

  1. Part-time faculty will not be paid unless a clearance email is sent by QAIE to the department secretary who will then process payment. 

  2. For FT faculty, if the course file is not submitted within the set guidelines, the College will issue a warning letter to the faculty, which will be placed in the faculty file. If the case is repeated for the second time, the faculty will be placed under probation. 

For resigning or non-returning faculty all course files must be submitted within the set guidelines and cleared the audit process including signoff of the Settlement Checklist (Appendix I) thirty (30) days before the faculty’s last day.