Academic Catalog

Credit-Bearing Micro-Credentials Policy

1. Introduction

The University of Dubai is committed to developing an innovative education system that promotes lifelong learning and offers flexible learning opportunities. CBMCs are introduced to address societal challenges and keep pace with economic and technological changes, upskilling and reskilling are essential for meeting the needs of dynamic employment markets.

Credit-bearing means that a credit is awarded upon completion of a course/unit, including its assessment requirements. CBMCs may be stackable and recognized towards meeting the admission requirements and studying for an accredited qualification or degree.

2. Objectives

The objectives of this policy are to establish a unified system for the development, promotion, and implementation of CBMCs at UD. This policy aims to:

  • Develop and offer CMBCs that are specifically designed to meet the evolving demands of the job market, ensuring that learners acquire relevant skills and knowledge that are in high demand by employers.
  • Provide opportunities for individuals to enhance their existing skills or acquire new ones, enabling them to stay competitive in their current roles or transition to new career paths.
  • Contribute to the broader ecosystem of knowledge and innovation by offering courses that foster creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking, thereby driving progress in various fields.
  • Offer structured learning opportunities that support the ongoing professional growth of individuals, helping them to stay updated with industry trends and advances in their field.
  • Create educational opportunities that are accessible to all learners, including individuals with special needs, the elderly, minorities, low-skilled workers, and those in geographically remote areas, thereby promoting equity and inclusion in education.
  • Encourage partnerships between employers and educational institutions to ensure that CBMC offerings are aligned with industry needs and standards, facilitating a better match between education and employment.
  • Design and deliver courses in various formats and delivery modes, such as on-site, virtual, and to accommodate diverse learning preferences and schedules.
  • Develop courses that help individuals navigate career transitions and enhance their mobility within the job market, enabling smoother changes between roles or sectors.

Promote a culture of continuous learning by offering courses that support ongoing personal and professional development throughout an individual's life.

3. Principles of CBMCs

UD is learner owned and is driven to meet employability and industry needs. They are specific to help learners build the required work-related competencies. Delivery is brief and designed for upskilling, reskilling, and supporting continual professional development.

Fundamental principlses of micro-credentials are as follows:

  1. Short period of time
  2. Credit-bearing
  3. Assessment based
  4. Learning pathways
  5. Portable
  6. Stackable
  7. Engaged with Industry

Adherence to quality assurance standards.

 4. Course Development

4.1.   Needs Assessment

Identify the need for an CBMCs, considering factors such as:

  1. Offered across all subject areas.
  2. Offered in all settings in which formal learning may occur (on-site, virtual, blended).
  3. Assessed against standards defined in the QFEmirates.
  4. Designed to address societal, personal, cultural, and labor market needs.
  5. Do not constitute a full qualification/degree.

4.2.   Proposal Process, Submission and Approvals

1.CMBC’s must be presented and approved by the UD AAC. 

2. After AAC approval a proposal is submitted to the QAIE which includes the following information: 

A. QF level

B. Suggested qualification or program title

C. Number of credits

D. Whether this is part of a full program or qualification

E. List of CMBC courses to be included in the program including:

    • UD course codes
    • Course titles
    • If applicable, prerequisites for each course 
    • QF Emirates level of the course
    • Credit value of the course
    • Syllabi for each course

       F. Admission requirements

  • If the CBMC is a component of an accredited full degree: admission will follow the entry requirements for the full degree program. A CBMC should be offered to learners who have satisfied any prerequisites of the course(s) constituting the CBMC. 
  • If the CBMC is stand-alone:  UD will formulate detailed admission requirements for the CBMC based on the requirement of its course(s) and ensure publication of the admission requirements. A CBMC should be offered to learners who have satisfied prerequisites of the course(s) constituting the CBMC. 

3. QAIE will submit the application to NQC for accreditation
4. After approval, QAIE will inform the respective college and program director, registrar and marketing department for adaptation of the CMBC into UD’s offering

4.3 Implementation 

A. Course Design and Content Development:
CBMCs courses will be designed and developed according to best practices in instructional design, discussion forums, and other engaging activities to facilitate student learning.


B. Credit Hour Allocation

CBMCs range between 1-15 credit hours. Credit hour allocation for CBMCs and courses will be determined based on the amount of time students are expected to spend engaged in course-related activities, including instruction, assignments, and assessments.  


C. Assessment and Evaluation

Assessment methods in CBMCs courses will be aligned with course objectives and will include a variety of formative and summative assessments to measure student learning effectively.
Courses with final examinations will be conducted in person on campus, invigilated by faculty. For detailed information on the process, refer to UD PPM EP 3.8 Examination Policy.

5. Quality Assurance and Continuous Enhancement

  1. CBMCs are subject to the same quality assurance standards and evaluation as that of conventional programs to ensure portability, provide value, and ensure trust in the achieved credential. Quality assurance is essential to uphold confidence by national and international employers and education and training providers.
  2. All CBMCs courses offered by UD will meet the same academic standards including attendance, assessment, and other applicable areas. Reference UD’s policies on these topics for further information.
  3. The CBMCs Program Director, Program Directors and Faculty are responsible for ensuring the quality of content, assessments, and implementation of improvements and modifications.
  4. CBMCs will undergo regular monitoring and evaluation to ensure they meet established learning objectives and standards.
  5. The achievement of learning outcomes in CBMCs and   courses will be assessed through a variety of measures, including direct and indirect assessment methods. Faculty will collect and analyze evidence of student learning to inform program improvement efforts and ensure the continuous enhancement of educational quality.
  6. Feedback from students, faculty, and other stakeholders will be collected and considered in the review process.
  7. The review will assess program effectiveness, student performance, and any necessary updates or improvements in accordance with QA 2.1 Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness Policy. Based on the results of program reviews and feedback, necessary enhancements or modifications to the blended programs will be implemented.

6. Roles and Responsibilities 


The VPAA serves as the primary leader initiatives, overseeing strategic planning and implementation and ensures that CBMCs align with institutional policies and academic goals. 


  • Provides overall leadership and oversight for academic affairs within the college/school.
  • Manages resources and ensures alignment with the college's strategic goals. Facilitate training and professional development opportunities to enhance faculty proficiency in learning. Deans also manage resources within their academic units, ensuring compliance with institutional policies and fostering a supportive environment. 

Program Directors:

  • Program Directors collaborate with faculty to integrate technology into the curriculum, ensuring alignment with objectives. They take a lead role in monitoring and assessing the quality of components, providing constructive feedback for continuous improvement.
  • The Program Director must clearly define the course/program specifications and provide relevant support and guidance to learners.


  • Faculty members take responsibility for designing and developing experiences that align with course objectives. They implement effective teaching strategies in both CBMCs and face-to-face components, fostering student engagement and success. Additionally, faculty members develop fair and effective assessments, considering the unique aspects

QAIE Department:

  • Oversee the implementation of quality assurance processes for CBMCs and courses.
  • Conduct regular evaluations of course quality and effectiveness.
  • Provide support and resources to faculty and staff for continuous improvement in CBMCs and practices.
  • Collaborate with academic departments and administrative units to ensure alignment with institutional goals and objectives.

Provide prospective students with information about the CBMC. The following information should be provided to the learners, but not limited to:

  • Entry requirements
  • Learning outcomes
  • Content
  • Workload
  • Delivery mode
  • Assessment
  • Learning pathways
  • CBMC title
  • CBMC level
  • CBMC credits hours 



A learner who achieves a CBMC, will be issued a CBMC certificate and a transcript. The registrar will be responsible for issuing the certificate and transcript. Standard elements contained within a CMBC micro-credential certification are as follows:

  1.  Mandatory elements:
    • Title of the micro-credential
    • Learner name
    • Location of the issuer (City and Emirate)
    • Awarding body
    • Course learning outcomes
    • Level of learning outcomes against the QFEmirates
    • Credit value of the CBMC
    • Mode of delivery (e.g., on-site, virtual, or blended)
    • Type of assessment
    • Quality assurance methods applied to the micro-credential
    • Date of issue
    • Certificate with security chip for authenticity & verification purposes              
  2. If a student does not complete the CMBC in full, but completes part of it a transcript will be provided which indicates the information on the course(s) completed.  A certificate will not be issued.
  3. Submit a quarterly report of enrollments and completion progress on all of UD’s  CMBC programs to the QAIE who will in turn communicate enrollments and progression to CAA and NQC.