Academic Catalog

Short Research Visits Policy


1. Procedure

  1. UD allows faculty members to visit top 200 international universities outside the UAE during the summer period to pursue either individual or collaborative research. Top 200 universities are considered as of the latest announced rankings from QS. Such visits foster the faculty’s professional development and enhance his/her research productivity. 

  2. The host organization must have a program or policy to host international researchers, and it must provide the necessary facilities and infrastructure to support the activities of the UD researcher. This includes working space and access to facilities like libraries and labs.

  3. The duration of the visit has to be for at least one month, starting anytime from the beginning of UD’s summer session until the date of reporting back to duty at UD.

  4. The percentage of faculty members allowed to participate in this program at any time should not exceed 25% of the overall department faculty count. This is to ensure that department operations do not get negatively affected.

  5. If approved, the visit will be with full salary pay; however, the faculty member must bear the travel and other related expenses. Arrangement of visas, other related requirements and documentation remain the responsibility of the faculty member. 

  6. A UD faculty member may benefit from financial support schemes offered by visiting programs at the host university; however, he/she is not allowed to work for pay while there.

  7. The faculty member must show significant progress in generating a publication emanating from this visit in a ranked journal or international conference that is indexed in Scopus (See FP 5.13) within one year from return.  The publication must also show the affiliation of the University of Dubai and the host University (for joint research). If no progress is generated, the faculty can’t apply for another paid leave for the following  year.

  8. Faculty members on probation are not entitled to participate in such visits.

  9.  Faculty members on resignation notice cannot participate in this program.

  10. A faculty member is eligible to participate in this program once every two years if the department’s allowable absence ratio is not reached. Priority is given to new applicants.

  11. In view of the responsibilities of faculty members engaged in senior administrative duties, participation in the research visits needs the approval of the VPAA. 

  12. The faculty member must submit a written request to the Dean at least two months before the start of the planned visit. The request should contain the following:

    • A description of the purpose of the visit that includes a brief research proposal, if possible. 

    • The intended output of the visit must be explicitly described; 

    • An updated research profile of the candidate;

    • The bio of the collaborator (if any) at the host institution;

    • A detailed research visit plan for the full duration;

    • An invitation letter from the host institution signed by the relevant Department Head or College Dean.                                               

    • Information on the resources and facilities to be made available to the visiting faculty member.

  13. The Dean will forward his/her recommendations to the VPAA for approval.

  14. The applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

    • Quality of the proposed research project and suitability of themes based on UD research priorities; 

    • The research record of the UD faculty; 

    • The potential of the work to result in an article in a ranked international peer-reviewed journal or conference proceeding within a reasonable amount of time;

    • Suitability of the host institute for the proposed visit;

    • Potential benefits to UD;

    • Potential for long-term collaboration;

    • Calendar of activities/events at the College/UD (e.g. conferences, accreditation), which necessitates the presence of the faculty member at UD during the requested leave period.

  15. The requests should be decided upon by the VPAA within three weeks from initial receipt.

  16. Approved requests shall be notified to the applicant through the respective Dean. 


2. Requirements Upon return

The faculty member must do the following upon his/her return:

  1.  Present a written progress report to the Dean as per the initially submitted research visit plan;

  2. Make a presentation during the college’s research seminar to share his/her experience and present the main outcomes of his/her research work;  

  3. Show to the Dean significant progress in a publication emanating from this visit within one year from return.