Academic Catalog

Internal Research Fund Policy


The University provides internal research grants to support research projects conducted by full-time faculty members employed at UD. The availability of internal research funds and eligibility requirements are communicated through internal communication channels. Faculty members are expected to comply with these requirements and submit their proposals within the specified deadlines as per the call for proposals. Each submitted proposal that meets the requirements will be reviewed by two external experts in the respective field of specialization. Proposals will be ranked based on the average score assigned by the two reviewers. 

  1. Eligibility

  2.  Evaluation Criteria 

  3. Fund Amount 

    Projects without a Research Assistant: Faculty members who do not require a research assistant for their proposed project can request funding of up to AED 100,000.
    Projects with a Research Assistant: Faculty members who require a research assistant for their proposed project can request funding of up to AED 300,000.

  4. Budget Allocation Option for Course Release Time: 

    • Faculty can allocate part of their project budget to buy course release time.

    • Faculty can buy one course release time per semester for AED 15,000.

    • Alternatively, faculty can buy two course releases (one per semester) for a total of AED 30,000.

    • This option is only applicable to large projects with a maximum budget of AED 300,000.

    • This option is not applicable to small projects with a maximum budget of AED 100,000.

    • Course release time is only available for the Principal Investigator (PI).

    • Faculty may choose to opt-out of buying course release time if they prefer.

    • Dean's approval will be required if the project is selected to ensure the college can accommodate the course release without exceeding limits for hiring part-time faculty.

  5. Duration of the Funded Project

    Duration of the project should be one year.

  6. Review and Award Process

    Each project is reviewed by two external reviewers and are assigned a score. Proposals will be ranked based on the average score assigned by the two reviewers.  The President and VPAA will decide the number of projects to fund according to the availability of funds. For example we select the top 9 projects because we have 2.7 Million and each project is 300k.

  7. Reporting Requirements: 

    • Progress Reports: Recipients of UDIRF research grants are required to submit two progress reports during the project duration. The reports shall include an overview of research activities, achievements, challenges, and any deviations from the original project plan. Progress reports are presented by the PI, a Co-PI, or the project researcher during university research forums held twice per year.

    • Final Report: Upon the completion of the research project, grant recipients are obligated to submit a comprehensive final report. The final report should encompass an overview of the entire project, research findings, methodology, conclusions, and any recommendations. The report should also list the generated intellectual property (e.g. publications, patents, or products).