Academic Catalog

Faculty Conference Attendance Policy


1. Conference Attendance Support & Frequency
Faculty members may attend up to four (4) conferences abroad in a given academic year (a maximum of two in a regular semester). However, UD shall financially support up to two (2) conferences  per year if the conferences meet UD’s quality requirements and satisfy the following:

  1. The faculty member must be presenting original research papers in both conferences.

  2. There is minimum disruption to classes which can be amply rectified by make-up sessions or arranging a substitute in a timely manner. 

  3. The maximum number of allowable absent days for a single conference is four (4) days (plus 1 day for pre-conference workshops/trainings, if applicable) excluding travel days, and the total days of absence must not normally exceed 16 days per an academic year excluding travel days. 

  4. The same procedures for attendance shall apply for all physical/face-to-face conferences even when a faculty member is subsidizing conference attendance from research funds/grants or self-funds. It should be noted, however, that all approved conference travels shall be considered as official leave.

  5. In addition, a faculty member can also attend approved virtual/online conferences, with registration fees paid by UD, if the faculty’s allocated research fund has not been exceeded.


2. Conference Quality

The conference to be attended must be Scopus indexed.

  • For DBS, CoL and GUCR, a full paper presented at a conference (which is not Scopus indexed) to be attended must  be accepted for publication within 24 months after the conference date in a Scopus indexed PRJ. 


3. Conference Attendance Procedures

To facilitate the review and approval of the conference-attendance request, it is strongly recommended that the steps described below are taken into consideration.  Failure to do so will result in the rejection of the request or further delays. Faculty members are advised to start processing the request as early as possible (normally two 2 months in advance), keeping in mind plausible delays due to visa requirements and processing travel arrangements.  

  1. The faculty member must submit a formal request in the form of a memo, addressed to the Dean, stating the intention to attend a conference with details about the conference (e.g. copy of the conference call for papers, the conference date and location, acceptance letters, etc.) along with the full documents/items of Appendix I

  2. The Dean shall make a final recommendation subject to budget availability within two weeks from the date of application receipt. If the proposal is approved, the Dean shall recommend the proposal with all the attachments to the VPAA. If the proposal is not approved, the Dean shall intimate the concerned faculty member about the status and further action to be taken by the concerned faculty member under copy to the College Research Committee Chair and the VPAA.

  3. The VPAA shall review the Dean’s recommendations along with attachments for conference attendance. The VPAA in turn shall recommend the proposal (if found in order) to the President for approval.


4. Important Notes

  1. Applications for conference attendance (with or without UD funding) cannot be accepted retro-actively; i.e. for a conference already attended without getting final approval as per the process listed in this document.   

  2. Faculty members are advised not to pay for the conference registration fees or attempt to apply for a visa before they receive a final acceptance to attend from UD. The University shall not be liable to refund such fees if the application for attendance is rejected. 


5. Conference Expenses

Note that as per UD regulations, a faculty member will be paid:

  1. Registration fees for the conference and related pre-conference workshops/training. 

  2. Air ticket booking (by filling the travel requisition form and sending it to the Purchasing Department)

  3. Per-diem allowance of USD 500 per day up to a maximum of four (4) nights (if approved to attend the pre-conference workshops) are paid for conferences held outside the UAE.

  4. A per diem allowance of USD 200 per day will be paid for conferences held in UAE outside the Emirate of Dubai.

  5. The maximum allocated budget for a faculty member shall not exceed the balance of his/her annual research budget. If the request is recommended by the Dean, the faculty should ensure that the expense claim and purchase requisition forms are duly signed.

6.  Virtual Conference Attendance    

The above requirements do not apply for faculty members attending virtual conferences. Instead, faculty members are required to secure the approval of their Dean in writing and ensure that there is an allocated budget to guarantee their participation. In addition, faculty members must also ensure that there is no conflict between their conference attendance and class lectures.