Academic Catalog

Research Misconduct Policy


1.  Definitions of Research Misconduct
Research misconduct includes:

  1. Fabrication: making up results or other outputs (e.g. artifacts) and presenting them as if they were real.

  2. Falsification: manipulating research processes or changing or omitting data without good cause.

  3. Plagiarism: using other people’s material without giving proper credit.

  4. Misrepresentation: for example, misrepresentation of data, of interests, of qualifications or experience, or of involvement, such as inappropriate claims to authorship or attribution of work.

  5. Breach of duty of care: breach of confidentiality such as disclosing the identity of individuals or groups involved in research without their consent; improper conduct in peer review such as failing to disclose conflicts of interest; or not observing legal and ethical requirements or obligations of care.

  6. Failure to meet ethical, legal and professional obligations: for example, failure to declare competing interests; misrepresentation of involvement or authorship; misrepresentation of interests; breach of confidentiality; lack of informed consent; misuse of personal data; and abuse of research subjects or materials.

  7. Improper dealing with allegations of misconduct: failing to address possible infringements such as attempts to cover up misconduct and reprisals against whistleblowers.


2. Confidentiality
Allegations of research misconduct shall be:

  1. Handled with sensitivity and confidentiality.

  2. Investigated fairly, thoroughly and in a timely manner.

3. Reporting Allegations of Research Misconduct

  1. The Institutional Review Committee (IRC) is responsible to monitor all research projects conducted at the University and report any research misconduct to the UD President.

  2. Any UD Employee who has concerns regarding the rigor and integrity of the research carried out at the University should report these to the Office of the President.


4. Procedure for Investigating Research Misconduct

  1. The Chair of the RMIC shall commence the process of investigation the grievance and shall provide its report to the UD President, within 10 working days from the date the complaint was received.

  2. The RMIC report shall include details of the steps taken to determine the existence of research misconduct, the outcomes, and the reasons for the decision.

  3. The outcomes of the RMIC shall be one of the following: 

    • No misconduct committed. Allegation dismissed.
    • Misconduct committed. Allegations are confirmed and sanctions will be issued.
  4.  The UD President shall discuss the RMIC report with the VPAA, if the case involves a faculty member, or with the DOA, if the case involves a staff member before the University decision is issued.

  5. After discussion with the VPAA or the DOA, the President shall issue the University decision and submit it to the HR Department, within 5 working days from the date of receiving the  RMIC report.

  6. Copy of the University decision shall be sent to the RMIC.

  7. The University decision shall be signed by the President, and the VPAA or DOA, whichever applicable.

  8. The HR Department shall submit the University decision, on behalf of the President, to the faculty/staff accused of research misconduct, within one working day from the date of receiving the University decision from the President.

  9. Copy of the University decision shall be kept in the faculty/staff file.


5. University Sanction
If the outcome of the RIMC confirms that an allegation of research misconduct has been committed, then the University shall impose one of the following sanctions:

  1. Warning
    A warning is issued to the faculty/staff if the research misconduct has been committed for the first time.

  2. Dismissal from the University
    If the faculty/staff commits a research misconduct for the second time, and if the allegation of research misconduct has been confirmed by the RIMC, then the faculty/staff shall be dismissed from the University of Dubai.

  3. Removal of a Graduate Degree

In addition, a Master or a PhD degree can be removed after graduation in the event plagiarism is discovered/reported in the thesis/dissertation.