Academic Catalog

Health and Safety and Environmental Policy


  1. Safety manuals are to be continuously updated and made available and accessible to all stakeholders.

  2. Adequate resources need to be allocated and made available to continuously implement appropriate health and safety measures.

  3. Safety orientation and training should be conducted for all faculty, staff and students.

  4. Contractors and suppliers and others providing a service for UD shall, as part of their contracts, agree to comply with all relevant health and safety regulations and procedures as directed by UD.

  5. During the initial laboratory session, students shall receive an introduction to the safety protocols specific to that lab. They will be familiarized with the safety procedures relevant to their assigned tasks, identify potential hazards such as physical and electrical risks, and adopt suitable safety precautions before initiating any new operation. Clear and comprehensive safety instructions will be provided to guide students throughout their lab activities.

  6. Non-compliance with safety procedures and regulations will result in suspension from the laboratory.

  7. All safety signs and equipment (fire extinguisher, goggles, first aid kits etc.) in the laboratories and UD buildings must be placed in visible places.

  8. Emergency phone numbers should be made available to all faculty, staff and in all labs would include:

    • University of Dubai Safety Officer

    • Security Office

    • Nurse

    • Dubai Fire Department Ambulance

  9. In case of emergencies please contact the Facilities Office.

  10. This policy will be reviewed at intervals no longer than 2 years, and/or whenever there is a change of circumstances that may affect the health and safety of employees, students or visitors.


1. Fire Drills

  1. The Facility Services must coordinate and arrange practice fire drills at least once annually. If the department has a high staff or student turnover the fire drill needs to be carried out twice a year.

  2. The Fire Drill shall be conducted in accordance with the Dubai Civil Defence guidelines.

  3. Advance warning of the drill to all occupants is recommended. It may not be beneficial to arrange a drill without warning, as the problems introduced may outweigh the benefits. An unannounced drill could also result in the unwanted attendance of the fire and rescue service. If the particular fire alarm system is monitored, the University Security Services (or other alarm receiving center) must be informed beforehand that a fire drill is about to take place. 

  4. For areas that have more than one escape route, the escape plan should be designed to evacuate all people on the assumption that one exit or stairway is unavailable because of the fire. This situation should be arranged not by locking or barring doors, or using physical barriers, but by locating a designated person at a suitable point on an exit route. The benefit of this scenario is to encourage individuals to use alternative escape routes, which they may not normally use. 

  5. Every opportunity should be taken to learn lessons from any fire drill. The appointment of persons to observe the evacuation of the building may help to highlight any areas of concern and identify any failings. Also all persons participating should be asked to report any problems encountered during the exercise. For example, alarm audibility, obstructed escape routes, congestion, poor signage, any problems with opening final exit doors and any difficulties experienced by people with disabilities. 

  6. Details of all fire drills should be recorded in a log book or other suitable record, and should be available for inspection. Details should include the time and date of the exercise, the time taken to achieve a full evacuation, the problems encountered, and the action taken to rectify such problems. 



2. Fire Risk Assessments

  1. This section of the policy ensures smooth implementation of a robust fire safety management regime, and is based upon the principle of risk assessment, which to a lesser degree has already been established under the UD Comprehensive Risk Assessment which is referred to in Appendix-II of this policy.

  2. The attached template/summary sheets (refer Appendix-I) should be used to record the significant findings of the risk assessment specific to each individual building, and is to include details of the actions required and undertaken to remedy any problems recorded. The risk assessment, once completed, must be kept up to date, and should be checked on an annual basis. 

  3. The local fire and rescue authority has the right to inspect any building to check that duties are in compliance. They may also check that any significant findings noted in the assessment have been satisfactorily explained, addressed or acted upon. Consequently, the enforcing authority will expect to be able to see a copy of the current fire risk assessment upon demand.


3. Laboratories

  • All laboratories are furnished with the requisite safety equipment including  first aid kit, fire detection and adequate fire-fighting equipment. All laboratories have well-ventilated fume-cupboards.
  • It is mandatory that students wear personal protective equipment.
  • Emergency exit signage is to be clearly visible for all persons within the lab.
  • Emergency evacuation map is to be clearly visible for all people within the lab.
  • Safety signages are displayed within the lab.
  • Risk assessment is available within the lab.


4. Possession of Weapon/Firearms/Dangerous Instruments on Campus

  1. It is strictly prohibited  to possess any weapon, firearm, or other dangerous instrument, on the premises owned or controlled by UD.

  2. Any employee observing another individual in violation of this policy should immediately report the incident to UD security.

  3. UD Security will assume responsibility for a thorough investigation of the incident.

  4. A report of the incident will be forwarded to the manager of human resources by the UD security.

  5. The manager of human resources will seek legal counsel and will render a decision regarding the status of the violator.


5. Smoking on Campus

  1. Consistent with public health regulations of U.A.E, smoking or carrying of lighted cigars, cigarettes, pipes, or any other form of smoking object is prohibited in any indoor area at the campus, including but not limited to classrooms, offices, laboratories, dining facilities, pantry rooms, staircases and loading docks. Smoking is permissible only in the designated areas of the University. 

  2. Complaints about compliance on smoking should be reported to the security supervisor of the area where the violation has occurred


6. Alcohol & Drug Consumption

  • All accidents and dangerous incidents will be reported within 24 hours logged as soon as possible.
  • All accidents/incidents that result in injury or property damage or that could have resulted in serious injury or property damage (near miss) must be thoroughly investigated by the security supervisor.
  • The investigation must determine the cause of the incident so that appropriate action can be taken to prevent recurrence.
  • The investigation report shall be completed as soon as possible after the incident and reported to the facility manager.
  • The security supervisor and facility manager shall determine what steps are to be taken to prevent recurrence.
  • Any disputes arising from the investigation will be investigated and arbitrated by the senior management.


7. Incident/Accident Reporting Investigation Procedure


8. Monitoring of Health and Safety Policies and Regulations