Academic Catalog

Equipment and Software Replacement Policy


Licensure & Renewal 

  1. All software installed on university PCs/workstations/servers must be licensed in accordance with copyright law.

  2. The IT Manager is responsible for preparing a list of all administrative/research software used throughout the university, indicating the software usage by course title, number, and research purposes, after coordination with the Deans/Managers of Departments.

  3. The IT Manager is responsible for timely renewal of software licenses with prior notification to the concerned and due approvals.

  4. To ensure that students do not install unlicensed software on university PCs, all software installation privileges of students are denied from the main domain policy.


  1. When requesting new software, faculty and staff must provide the IT Manager with the software license agreement.

  2. The IT Manager will review the software license agreement to ensure that it is compatible with the university's software licensing policies and procedures.

  3. Once the IT Manager has approved the software license agreement, the software can be installed on the university PC/workstation/server.

Hardware Maintenance & Upgrades  

The IT Services manager ensures that appropriate measures are taken to maintain and upgrade all existing hardware in line with current technologies. The following describes UD strategy, and the replacement cycles for the following hardware: 

  • Windows Desktop – 5 years  

  • Apple Desktop – 5 years  

  • Windows Laptop – 5 years  

  • Apple Laptop – 5 years  

  • Tablet – life of hardware  

  • Monitor – life of hardware  

  • Printer – life of hardware  or contract

  • Servers, LAN, and internet related equipment are examined yearly and upgrade needs are determined. Peripherals such as printers, scanners, LCD projectors, etc. may have a life cycle of more than three years depending on their usage. Such equipment are examined yearly and their replacement is determined, furthermore, a maintenance company does a periodical checkup for all these peripherals.  


Assessing Needs 

A yearly assessment of IT needs for each academic year is conducted by the IT Committee which meets during the last week of August of the preceding year to assess UD’s needs (purchases, upgrades, replacement and maintenance) in terms of new IT hardware and software. The IT Committee includes the IT Services Manager and one representative from each functional unit. The IT Committee requests from the various UD functional units to submit their IT needs. A detailed report is then forwarded to UD’s President for approval.  

The IT Committee is assigned to:  

  • Assess all instructional media equipment (hardware such as: projectors, in-class PC’s; and needed software including the “Moodle” course management system) in classrooms for their adequacy. 

  • Assess all faculty, staff, and laboratory computers for their adequacy. 

  • Review the current status of technology at UD IT Infrastructure.

  • Generate an inventory list of needed hardware and software needed for research, instruction, administrative or other purposes. 

  • Establish from all colleges and departments their current and future needs on an annual basis in all areas of IT, including staffing.

  • Develop a 5-year plan to project IT needs at the University in the areas of hardware, software, networking and staffing with an estimate for the budget based on the data and information collected on the above items. 


All IT educational needs, hardware and software, must be communicated to UD’s IT Committee. The IT Committee conducts yearly appraisal of additional needs and submits a proposal to UD’s President for approval. Once approved, a purchase requisition is submitted to the IT Services manager. In the case of software requests, the Manager checks the minimum hardware requirement in order to install the software.