Academic Catalog

Faculty Staff Employment Relations


1. Employment Relations and Regulations

  1. UD faculty and staff members are expected to adhere to the UD Code of Conduct, values and ethics outlined in Policy A1.9. Failure to do so may subject the UD employee to disciplinary action as outlined in Policy FP 5.9.

  2. UD may end/terminate the employment contract of any of its employees as per the guidelines specified in Article 120 of UAE Federal Law No 33 Year 2021 without a notice period in the following cases: 

    • If the employee is using a false identity or if he/she submits forged documents or certificates.
    • If the employee willingly causes substantial material loss to UD.   
    • If the employee intentionally violates instructions concerning the safety of UD stakeholders, provided that such instructions are visibly displayed.
    • If the employee repeatedly fails to perform his/her basic duties despite repetitive warnings (See FP 5.9).
    • If the employee divulges any substantial secrets of UD.
    • If the employee is found guilty of a major offense by UAE courts.
    • If the employee is found drunk or under the influence of drugs during working hours.
    • If the employee physically assaults any member of the UD community in the course of his/her work.
    • If the employee excuses him/herself without a lawful excuse or approval for a period exceeding his annual permissible quota.
    • If the employee illegally exploits his/her job position to obtain personal results and gains.
    • If the employee works for another establishment without complying with the controls and procedures established in this regard.  
  3. During the probation period, the contract may be terminated at any time before its expiry period by UD in the event of unsatisfactory performance. He/she is expected to provide 14 days’ notice period in order to terminate your contract with UD, otherwise, it will be deemed as a non-fulfillment of your contract. In either case, you will only be paid for the actual work done.


2. Termination of Contract

The employment contract shall be terminated in any of the following cases: 

  1. If the parties agree in writing to terminate it. 

  2. Upon the expiry of the period specified in the contract unless it is extended or renewed in accordance with the provisions of this Decree by law.

  3. At the request of one of the parties, provided that the provisions of this Decree by law regarding the termination of the employment contract and the warning period agreed upon in the contract are abided by. 

  4. The death of the employee or his/her total permanent disability, as proven by a certificate issued by the Medical Authority.

  5. The employee has been sentenced by a final judgment of imprisonment for a period not less than three (3)


  1. The Establishment is closed permanently, in accordance with the legislation in force in the State.

  2. The bankruptcy or insolvency of the Employer or any economic or exceptional reasons that prevent the continuation of the business, in accordance with the conditions, controls and procedures specified by the Executive Regulation and the legislation in force in the State.

  3. The Worker's failure to fulfill the conditions for renewing the work permit for any reason beyond the control of the Employer.

Termination of appointment of any faculty member prior to the conclusion of the semester or academic year for which he or she was appointed shall be on the basis of the following:

  1. Academic cause including service falling significantly below the standard, which the University may reasonably expect of a person holding the academic rank.

  2. Academic misconduct including failure to follow international standards for credit and ownership of intellectual material.

  3. Frequent or unjustified absence from duties related to instruction at the university.

  4. Physical or mental disability of such nature as to produce academic cause.

  5. Personal conduct in flagrant conflict with the purpose of teaching and scholarship or the purpose and goals of the university.

  6. Personal conduct detrimental to university morale and/or values.

3. Employment Contract Termination Warning

  1. Either party to the employment contract may terminate the contract for any legitimate reason, provided that the other party is notified in writing, and commits to work within the warning period agreed upon in the contract, provided that the period is not less than thirty (30) days, and not more than ninety (90) days.

  2. The employment contract shall remain effective for the duration of the warning period referred to in this Article, and end upon the expiry of the period, and the employee shall be entitled to his full wage for that period according to the last wage received thereby, and he must work during that period if the Employer asks him to do so. An agreement may be made to exempt from the warning condition or reduce its duration while preserving all the rights of the Worker for the warning period agreed upon in the employment contract. The warning period must be the same for both parties unless it is in the interest of the employee.

  3. The party who does not abide by the warning period must pay the other party a compensation called a warning allowance, even if the failure to warn does not result in harm to the other party. Such compensation shall be equal to the employee's wage for the entire warning period or the remaining part of it.

  4. The warning allowance shall be calculated according to the last wage received by the employee for those who receive their wages by month, week, day or hour, and according to the average daily wage referred to in this Decree by law for those who receive their wages by piece-meal.

  5. If the employment contract is terminated by the Employer, the employee has the right to be absent during the warning period for one unpaid working day per week, in order to search for another job. The employee may specify the day of absence provided that he informs the employer thereof at least (3) three days prior to the day of absence.


4. Harassment 

UD has zero tolerance towards harassment. UD is committed to treat all faculty and professional staff equally with dignity and respect. All UD faculty and staff members are expected to reflect the same.


5. Conflicts of Interest 

  1. All projects/assignments undertaken by UD staff/faculty must always consider UD’s legitimate interest over personal interests.

  2. UD employees must not use their positions at UD to earn unlawful favors at the expense/interest of UD. 

  3. UD encourages its staff and faculty to stay updated with their area of experience, which may involve engaging with industry and government to enable knowledge expansion and sharing. However, it is prohibited for a UD staff/ faculty to be associated with any external entity, or take any paid or unpaid responsibility during or outside the working hours without an advance and explicit approval/non-objection letter obtained from the President prior to engaging in any activity.

  4. Sanctioned activities can be undertaken through UD (e.g. IERCEFZ Consultancy) or at the employee’s private capacity considering the following conditions: 

  5. Any conflict of interest must be reported explicitly to the Human Resources Department immediately when it occurs.

  6. More details on the conflict of interest policy is discussed in Policy PDI 10.1.

  7. The university prohibits nepotism in all its forms, defined as the favoritism or unfair treatment of individuals based on familial or personal relationships. Faculty and staff are expected to adhere to a fair and equitable hiring, promotion, and decision-making process, ensuring that personal relationships do not unduly influence recruitment, appointment, evaluation, promotion, or other employment decisions within the university. Disclosure of such relationships is required, and appropriate measures will be taken to mitigate conflicts of interest and maintain a transparent and impartial environment.


6. Gifts, Entertainment & Travel 

UD strongly discourages its staff/faculty and their relatives from accepting any form of gifts; monetary or non-monetary, from UD students, suppliers or any other related party who has a potential interest with UD. Any form of gifts must be explicitly reported to the Line Manager. However, UD permits non-substantial gifts which are of a value under 500 AED, which don’t create a future or any obligation to the giver.