Academic Catalog

Honorary Doctorate Policy


  1. Policy Statements

  1. The Honorary Doctorate (HonD) degree is awarded by the University of Dubai to acknowledge distinguished individuals who have made profound and sustained contributions to a specific field, to the society or to humanity in general, at either the local or international level. The Honorary Doctorate degree is conferred honoris causa (for the sake of the honor) since the University has waived the academic requirements for the degree. The awarded Honorary Doctorate is a “Doctor of Humanities” (or alternatively a Doctor of Business), signifying exemplary public service.

  2.  The award shall be presented to a maximum of two recipients every cycle based on the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. 

  3. The University shall not confer an honorary degree in absentia.If a recipient is unable to attend the ceremony, the conferral of the degree can be deferred to an alternate opportunity.

  4.  If a recipient expresses their willingness to accept an Honorary Degree but passes away before the conferral ceremony, the University may choose to confer the Honorary Degree posthumously. In such instances, a relative or associate may receive the award on behalf of the deceased recipient, at the sole discretion of the BoT.

  5. The award does not entail any monetary remuneration.

  6. Recipients of an honorary doctoral degree from the University can add the title “Dr. (h.c)” before or after his/her name. It is also acceptable to use the acronym “HonD” before or after the name. not entitled to use the prefix ‘Doctor’ or ‘Dr’; instead, they should use the descriptor ’Honorary doctorate from University of Dubai’ in any reference to the award.

  7. All information pertaining to the process, deliberations, and decisions related to the conferment of Honorary Degrees, including nominee details, discussions, and outcomes, shall be treated as confidential and maintained in accordance with the University's privacy policies. Access to such information shall be restricted to authorized personnel involved directly in the Honorary Degree award process, and any unauthorized disclosure is strictly prohibited.

    2. Procedures 

2.1 Eligibility

  1. Honorary degrees are awarded to “distinguished persons” who merit special recognition for their outstanding achievement or exceptional contribution to society or humankind.

  2. The candidate must be a person of high integrity and moral standards who has demonstrated commitment to society or to humanity, and who is able to reflect the educational and ethical values of the University of Dubai. 

2.2 Nomination

The President of the University, trustees, or any member of the University faculty and staff can nominate a candidate to receive the honorary degree. The following procedure is followed:

  • Nominations are submitted using the “Nomination form” through the President’s Office at least 3 months before the spring graduation ceremony. 

  • The nominee must briefly describe the nominee’s contributions and must state the reasons for nomination/eligibility to receive such an award. It should also have a short biography of the candidate. 

2.3  Selection

  1. The President shall appoint a special Advisory Committee to evaluate nominations. The committee may include senior University staff and members of the BoT. 

  2. The committee shall conduct the necessary and appropriate due diligence and present its recommendations to the President for his approval. 

  3. The Committee shall recommend up to two candidates for each award.

  4. The final selection is made by the BoT.

  5. The University is required to inform the CAA of their intent to award an honorary doctorate, and supply the justification of the award for the recipient.

  6. A nominee cannot be informed of his/her nomination. A formal invitation is made to the nominee by the President only after the BoT has made the decision.  

2.4 Conferral

  1. The conferral of the honorary degree shall take place during the University’s graduation ceremony. 

  2. Recipients selected for the conferral of an Honorary Degree shall be formally notified by the President or their designate. The notification shall include details regarding the ceremony, expectations, and any relevant guidelines.

2.5  Register of Honorary Degrees

  1. The registration department is responsible for maintaining a registry of honorary award recipients and ensuring the dissemination of relevant information to the respective departments. This information will encompass the following categories:

  • Conferred (including posthumously);

  • Awarded but declined; and

  • Revoked (the cause or reason for the revocation shall be recorded).


2.6 Revocation

  1. The University retains the authority to revoke an honorary degree if circumstances necessitate such action.

  2. The decision to revoke an honorary degree will be grounded in clear, credible, and conclusive evidence established through due process. Such evidence shall demonstrate that the honoree engaged in criminal, unethical, or immoral conduct, diverging significantly from the values, ideals, and mission of UD.

  3. In situations where the association with the honorary degree awarded person may lead to reputational harm to the university, the advisory committee shall consider and make a recommendation to the President for the rescinding of an honorary degree.

  4. The President shall present to the BoT the evidence justifying the revocation of an honorary degree. The Executive Committee will thoroughly review and assess this evidence. If it determines that there is sufficient justification for revocation, the committee will submit its recommendation to the full BoT for a vote.

  5. If revocation is approved, an awardee will be notified in writing of the BoT’s decision by the Chair of the Board.

  1. 3. Timing:

  1. Nomination call notification announcement by the President: Normally by the 15th of January.

  2. Nomination closing date: End of week 1 of February.

  3. Work completion by the Advisory Committee: End of February.

  4. Final approval of the winning candidate(s): End of March.