Academic Catalog

17.3.4 Code of Conduct During the Program (including Internship)

Program students must adhere to the stipulations of the Code of Conduct and refrain from practicing any of the following acts:

  • Plagiarism is:
    • submitting a paperwork that is not of your own without proper referencing the source.
  • Cheating is:
    • Submitting the work of others and claiming it as your own.
    • A person assisting the person in the act of cheating is also guilty of the same offense.
    • Fabrication is falsifying or inventing any information, data or citation that was not gathered in accordance with the standard guidelines.
    • Bribery.
    • Tampering/falsifying of records, certificates and official documents.
    • Disciplinary Action - In the event that a student violates the Internship Code of Conduct, a written report will be required from the Academic Supervisor and the Director of Student and Alumni Affairs. This report will be submitted to the UD Investigation Committee who in turn will investigate and submit its recommendation to the university President.

The following disciplinary actions shall be implemented for violating the Internship Code of Conduct:

  • Warning Letter - For first time violations, a warning letter is sent to the intern clearly specifying that any repetition whether of the same offense or not, will be dealt with a more severe sanction/disciplinary action.
  • Withdrawal and Failure from the Internship Program - Intern is withdrawn from the internship depending on the following severity of the case:
  • Repetition of the same violation.
  • Resulting in the defamation of the University’s reputation.