16.2 Mentoring at-Risk Students
Students with CGPA below 2.0 are considered at-risk. The assigned advisor shall advise the student to retake courses with low performance (i.e. F” & “D” grades) in order to improve the CGPA. At-risk students are not allowed to register for more than 4 courses during fall/spring semesters and not more than 1 course in winter/summer semesters.
Each faculty member may voluntarily choose to provide mentoring for a group of at-risk students within his/her department. Mentoring includes student assistance, monitoring and progress reporting. At the end of each academic year, faculty members will be recognized for their achievements monitored through the annual faculty Development Plan. The plan for helping at-risk students (also on probation) includes:
- Hold regular individual meetings with at-risk students.
- Advise at-risk students to repeat courses with grades “D” or less prior to registering in any further courses in order to improve their GPA
- Request at-risk students to visit instructors frequently during office hours.
- Provide at-risk students with peer-support and mentoring from Teaching Assistants (TAs) periodically.
Deans of colleges will request from department chairs/faculty a feedback report on the performance record of each at-risk student from course instructor(s). The progress is monitored through special forms maintained in the college/department.