Academic Catalog

8.1 Library and ITS Resources

The library is located on the 2nd floor of the main University building. The total space of library is 507 square meters. The seating capacity is 272 in addition to 7 carrels along with 7 study cubicles for group studies and discussions.

The library remains open from 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM and online databases can be accessed 24/7 remotely.

The basis for determining collection parameters of the Library, four collection levels are established; Basic, Core, Undergraduate, Graduate and Research Level. The UD Library intends to cover the four levels to meet the needs of the academic programs and research. More electronic databases and books of relevant subject areas along with the printed books will be added to enhance the library collection. Decisions on new acquisitions are taken by faculty members, but the librarian circulates trials of new databases and new catalogues for new materials. Students and faculty have access to electronic resources of the library from off-campus locations. Library holding of printed serials (hard-copy) are decreasing since e-journals are replacing these. These journals have perpetual access with lifelong ownership. UD library has perpetual access of 175 Emerald journals since 2010 which cover all related concentrations of business, information systems and general education. The total number of books reached to 22,275 books in 2016-2017 which shows an increase in the number of books from last year.

The library holdings from 2012-13 to 2014-17 are shown in the below tables.

A Table showing College Wise Library Holdings – A Summary

Library Holdings printed + e-books IT/IS Journals (Printed) Serials (Print/Online) CD-ROMs/Video/Audio cassettes World Bank Publications
A. CEIT-related 8129 14 4200

B. Business-related 8533 4 10294

C. Law related 620 -
865 638 (online)
D. English, Gen. Education, Reference, Miscellaneous 4983 2

Total: 22,275 20

Source: Library and Learning Resource Center

Other Resources Library Holdings

Online subscription for Business databases

  1. AIS;
  2. ProQuest ABI;
  3. ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
  4. EBSCO
  5. JSTOR
  6. Emerald
  7. LexisNexis
  8. Westlaw Gulf
  9. Kluwer Arbitration
  10. Springer link
  11. IEEE-Xplore
  12. Eikon
  13. World Bank e-library
  14. Islamic Finance News
  15. IGI e-books
  16. ACM
  17. Scopus Journal Index

Library Services

  • Circulation

    The borrowing policy ensures library resources are available to all patrons. Faculty members are allowed to check out items for 60 days, with 10 items at a time. Students and staff are given 25 days’ check-out with 4 items at a time.

  • Reference Services

    An active reference service is available to answer queries concerning the patron’s need of the library, and its services. The librarian assists patrons and researchers in using the electronic resources and in information retrieval. Reference librarian is available to assist all patron’s research works.

  • Digital Library Access Services

    The Library provides access to thousands of e-journals with indexes, abstracts and full text through EBSCO, ProQuest ABI/INFORM & ProQuest Dissertations and Theses. UD has unlimited access rights to these databases and are accessible at both on and off campus. A number of other databases are also available such as Emerald, Association of Information Systems (AIS), IMF e-library, EIKON, Springer link, World Bank, LexisNexis, Kluwer Arbitration, Islamic Finance News, etc. Library is considering subscription of more databases such as in the coming years.

  • Online Public Access Catalog

    Destiny Library Manager, USA (Follett Software) is being used at the library. This system provides powerful and user-friendly searching interface for all library holdings (printed and electronic). The Destiny integrates, centralizes cataloguing, circulation, searching and reporting functions. It is a web-based browser which support federated search function and material can be searched by author, title, subject, keywords and series.

  • Current Awareness

    Formal and informal instructional facilities are provided to all patrons. All new students are given instructions on the use of library services and resources during the orientation week. Informal instructions are provided on a regular basis through library brochures at the circulation desk.

  • Photocopying Services

    A self-service operated machine is available for copying library materials. The library circulation desk can add the balance to students’ account when needed. Copyright laws are strictly observed while making photocopies of the material. Two multiple use (printer, photocopier & scanner) machines are also available for students’ use.

  • Inter-Library Loan

    The library has arrangements to provide journal articles, reports, and other documents from regional libraries. This service supports the research activities at University of Dubai and keeps the library fill the gap of the library collection. UD is also a member of network of 22 academic and research libraries in the UAE and share onsite library and reciprocal borrowing through the network. UD has joined ANKABUT, whereby has access to many international repositories of universities outside United Arab Emirates. Almost has increased access to information resources by 40% of the researchers’ needs.

  • Open Learning Resources Center

    The Center is equipped with 38 latest laptops and provides free access of the library resources to all patrons. All laptops are equipped with Internet, wireless LAN, and web browsers (more than 3) with connection to network printers all over the University of Dubai.

  • Research Assistance

    Library recently has started assisting students in their research works. It has initiated on its webpage an information skills’ corner that consists of three types of manual of styles which help students to cite sources, annotations and arranging other bibliographic information. Most common manual of styles is Chicago Manual of Style, American Psychological Association (APA) and Harvard Manual of Style.

  • Audio Visual

    All cubicles are equipped with 40 inch screens for interactive learning and audiovisual presentation. Bring your own device (BYOD) policy is used in those cubicles and students or faculty are using their own laptops to use. All international peer reviewed publications of the faculty are made publicly available for students.

  • Library Hours

    Students have access to the library from 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM for physical visitors. It remains available online for 24/7 to access databases, library catalogues and electronic resources. Library staff are available during the entire work day (and well into the evening) for assistance to information search and retrieval. They can also be contacted by phone or email through the University website.