Academic Catalog

13. Distant Learning Policy

13.1 Purpose

This Policy is intended to define the requirements, procedures, assessments, and continuous enhancement methods that must be followed to offer a course in a Distant Learning (DL) delivery mode.

13.2 Scope

This policy shall be applied to all undergraduate and graduate programs at the University of Dubai (UD) that offer course/courses through a DL delivery mode.

13.3 Definition

Distance Learning occurs when students and instructors/researchers are physically located in different geographical locations.

Access to instructional, learning, or research materials are made available through the use of Smart Learning technologies, such as computer-based learning, mobile learning, flipped classroom, and blended learning.

The communication between the students and instructors or research supervisors could be made online, through internet or mobile, off-line, or a mixture of both.

Blended learning (BL) uses online educational practices and may involve students spending a significant period of their studies away from the University to undertake a project, conduct a fieldwork or research, either independently or under the auspices of another organization.

13.4 Distant Learning Software

All programs at UD that offer courses through a DL delivery mode, are required to use the following software available at UD:

  1. Moodle
  2. Zoom

13.5 Requirements and Procedures

  1. All undergraduate and graduate programs that wish to offer courses through a DL delivery mode, must obtain approval from the Commission for Academic Accreditation (CAA), unless the DL mode of delivery is a mandatory requirement, due to unforeseen circumstances.
  2. All instructors who wish to offer DL courses must seek orientation/training from the University IT Center to use the Moodle and/or Zoom software and obtain the necessary hardware.
  3. All students who are going to take a DL course must receive proper and sufficient orientation/training from the course instructor and the IT Center.
  4. UD shall provide the students access to Moodle and Zoom software but shall not provide any hardware requirements to be used off-campus, such as PCs and laptops.
  5. All courses offered through a DL delivery mode, must have a schedule that is approved by the Program Director, the Dean, and the Provost.
  6. All instructors who are offering a DL course must be available online during the scheduled time of the DL course.
  7. Online office hours must be announced to students, whereby the instructor responds to student questions, in real-time, through Moodle/Zoom, emails, WhatsApp, or other means of communication.
  8. The teaching and learning guidelines specified in the syllabus of a regular course that is offered in-class, must be followed when the course is offered in a DL delivery mode.
  9. Any changes to the syllabus must follow the University established procedures and must be reviewed by the QA&IE Department to assure compliance with the University and CAA Standards, before it is implemented.
  10. Student attendance must be taken regularly during the DL course.
  11. Student Assessment in a DL course shall follow the assessment scheme defined in the course syllabus.
  12. Tests and exams must be conducted in campus.
  13. In some circumstances when tests and exams can’t be conducted in-campus, they can be replaced by smart technological methods that are available and proven the integrity of implementing them remotely.
  14. Internship and Industry projects, are usually conducted off-campus, but faculty must maintain proper and scheduled communication and follow-up with student through Moodle/Zoom, emails, WhatsApp, or other means of communication. Such communication must be recorded for future reference.
  15. Practical assignments and tests/exams that are required to be conducted in a laboratory, must be performed in-campus.
  16. If a student could not attend the DL course, perform the required assignments, or take the test/exam, for unforeseen reasons, he/she must send a notification to the Program Director/Dean. In such a situation, the case shall be resolved as per the University regulation regarding absence, taking into consideration the severity of the unforeseen reasons.
  17. Student misconduct during a DL course session, shall be treated in accordance with University policies and regulations of student misconduct.

13.6 Continuous Enhancement

  1. At the end of the DL course, the QA&IE Department shall assess the effectiveness of the DL delivery mode, to monitor the compliance of the University and CAA Standards and improve teaching and learning.
  2. The assessment shall be based on student and faculty feedbacks, analysis of the course file, and other methods as applicable.