Academic Catalog

18.6 Disciplinary Sanction Appeal

A student may appeal only once a sanction, imposed by the Student Investigation Committee (SIC), only if s/he can provide additional information/new evidences to support his/her case by filling out the “General Petition Form”. The student should submit the form with supporting documents to the Director of Student & Alumni Affairs (SAA) who will forward them to the UD President. Grounds for appeal include:

  • Misapplication or misinterpretation of the rule alleged to have been violated.
  • Discovery of substantial new facts which were not available at the time of the hearing.
  • Disciplinary sanction imposed is grossly disproportionate to the violation committed; this is applicable only when there is no current policy for the violation.
  • Procedural errors which are prejudicial and which were committed during the disciplinary meeting or hearing.

If deemed appropriate, the UD President will then form a new committee to look again into the case and submit its findings to him. The student may not appeal the second decision.