Library Policy and Procedures and Regulations
This policy describes the library circulation, acquisition, and collection management as well as operations, services provided and access to the collections. The primary mission of the library is to ensure quality services, and enhanced online access to its resources by library patrons (faculty, students, staff, alumni and community members).
1. Circulation
Borrowing Eligibility, Privileges
Faculty, students, alumni, staff, and members of the community have privileges for accessing library online resources remotely or borrowing from the library, upon the presentation of a valid ID card.
Faculty members can borrow up to 12 books at a time for the period of 60 days (long term loan period) and the textbooks (instructor copy) can be borrowed for an entire semester.
Undergraduate and graduate students can borrow up to 6 books for the period of 25 days (normal loan period).
Staff members can borrow up to 4 books for the period of 25 days (normal loan period).
Privileges for all other eligible borrowers (such as community users, MoU signed university students etc.) are approved by the Manager of the library.
The loan period of materials placed on reserve is overnight, public holidays or weekends only. This is to enable a wider use of reserved materials by students and other community patrons.
Audio-visual materials such as compact discs (CDs), digital video (versatile) discs (DVDs) have overnight or weekend loan periods. Those audiovisual materials that accompany books can be circulated for the same length of time as the books. These are kept at the circulation audiovisual cabinet.
Renewal of borrowed material can be done once for the same period, provided that no one has placed a reserve request on the same item whether online or physically through circulation librarian. The reserved and short loan period (3 day or 1-day period) materials cannot be renewed by phone, email or online through the system.
Reserve: A requester may place a hold on any library item that is on loan, on order or on process. The patron will simply tag the item through the LMS (or catalog) or through Librarian at the circulation desk. Reserve requests prevent the patron from renewing the item and assure that the reserved item will go on hold for the requester as soon as it is returned to the library. Placing a hold does not change the due date of the item any way. If an item is due back 10 days or more from the date the requester wants it, the Librarian will place a recall; if it is due back in less than 10 days, the Librarian will place a hold.
All on loan materials are subject to recall by the Librarian earlier than their due date. If an item is recalled right after someone has checked it out, they will get the allotted two-week loan time first. If the borrower holds the recalled item beyond the due date, it will be considered overdue and a fine is charged (one dirham per day). Short loan items cannot be recalled. To request those items, the requester will need to place a hold online or through a circulation librarian. Recalls take precedence over holds. All patrons have the right to recall checked-out items.
Community patrons, residents of Dubai or nearby areas are welcome to use the UD Library resources and facilities as long as Faculty, Students and Staff access is not infringed. Library access, to borrow (checkout) materials, including community residents are required to apply for library membership (paid membership).
To be eligible for a library membership person should be:
18 years of age or older
Present photo identification (Emirates ID, Driving License)
Must be in good understanding with library policies and loan policies (brochures available and may be provided)
Understand circulating material: Maximum of two (2 items) at a time for two (2) weeks. Users will be asked to deposit the amount of a book price before check out of the item.
Know due dates: Patrons will be notified through email 3 days’ prior to the overdue date and the charge of 3 dirhams per day per item will be registered for any delay from the due date.
Damaged items are charged at the replacement cost of the item plus AED 30 processing fee per item. Lost and non-returned items are charged at the replacement cost of the item plus AED 50 processing fee per item.
Item renewal for next two weeks (once only) if no one has reserved (kept on hold).
No interlibrary loans will be done on a community member's behalf.
Remote access to library resources, interlibrary loan, multimedia material, reference material, textbooks, reserve material, periodicals and equipment are not available for community users. Printing is limited to 50 pages (or two articles) in a session and will be charged 25 fils per page.
Borrowing privileges are suspended when any item becomes overdue and will resume when the item(s) are returned.
Chronic offenders of library policies will have their borrowing privileges canceled.
All library user’s have a responsibility to make the library a safe, neat and pleasant place for reading, research, studying and doing productive work. Rules and guidelines must be observed.
2. Acquisitions
2.1 Reference Books
The library places orders for materials to the suppliers directly. Other means of acquiring library materials include gifts and exchange. The library places orders for purchase of regular materials any time when required by the college faculty. Materials in heavy demand or urgently needed in special circumstances will be purchased as a “rush order” any time and courier charges will be applied.
Faculty members are responsible for selecting materials in their subject areas. The library internal selection committee will select materials in general reference works and other subjects related to curricula in order to keep a balanced collection in all disciplines. The faculty members will provide the library with the list of materials needed for the next academic year by sending the email to the Manager of Library or Reference Librarian. The library will only acquire materials approved by the Deans of Colleges or who is representing them. The Manager of the Library must obtain the approval of the VPAA on the final lists ready for procurement. The Purchase Department in return will follow up the internal procedures and choose the relevant supplier in which the supply can be made within two to four weeks from the date of the purchase order (PO). The library will inform the Purchase Department the fulfillment of the order and submitting all invoices and delivery notes for payment.
2.2 Textbook Committee
The UD Textbook Committee consists of members representing the library and UD colleges and departments. These include Program Directors from CEIT, DBS, CoL and GUCR. Textbooks are acquired on the 6th week of each long semester (Fall & Spring) for the next semester. The acquisition is done once for long & short semesters (Fall, Spring & Summer). The committee works in tandem with the scheduling of courses output to ensure the number of students for that particular semester.
In order to safeguard the provision of textbooks based on the final UD schedule for the courses offered, and ordering textbook procedure is to be as followed:
The faculty member initiates the textbook ordering by sending an email to the library for the main title and its substitute.
The faculty of each college/department will initiate the order of the textbooks and reference books related to all courses that will be offered in that particular semester. The Program Director from each college/department will be notified of all required titles for the college/department together with the number of copies of each title related to the college/department’s courses offered.
The Program Director verifies the information of all titles and approves them.
The Librarian will verify the information provided on title, author, ISBN, and edition. When the Librarian approves, the Program Director of the textbook committee is notified by email of the request.
The library will collect the master orders and list of titles through the system to local textbook suppliers.
A follow up will be continued by the library to make sure that the ordered consignment to be received on time by the UD.
The UD will check the received titles against the original UD’s master list.
The textbooks are ready for students to purchase.
Electronic textbooks can be accessed for 12 months.
2.3. Research Publications
The library has developed a separate collection special for faculty published research works, working papers, and peer reviewed journals publication for DBS, CEIT and CoL. These valuable publications aimed to share with students of various levels in UD research experience. The research publications are extremely important and useful resources to the MBA, MSc and doctoral students who are conducting their research/theses. Online guidelines of bibliographic annotation in research are available on the library webpage at information skills.
3. Collection Development and Management
3.1 Library Holdings
The library holdings include collections of electronic journals, databases, electronic and printed books and interlibrary loan. Each collection contributes a distinct value or functionality to library services. Ownership of printed books and journals, for example, offers the greatest assurance of long term availability while subscription allows access to a wide range of electronic information that give greater accessibility to larger numbers of users. Webpages offer access to currency, accessibility outside the library and the ability to manipulate digital files. Interlibrary loan offers the greatest range of choice for library users to fill the gap of what is not subscribed in the library collection.
The suggested materials to be acquired by the library are:
Electronic resources: include databases, electronic books, online videos, slides, newspapers and interactive learning materials.
Printed resources: include books, serials, periodicals, newspapers and pamphlets.
3.2 Documentation of Collection
Every item in the library collection must be recorded online in a publicly-accessible catalog and listed as an individual record. Statistics should be taken for all borrowed materials through the LMS (catalog).
All items for which a purchase order has been placed and all items newly-acquired by the library by other means, are entered on the online LMS (catalog) at the earliest stage possible. Records of the library belongings are updated and amended as the status changes. Items known to be needed urgently, and items purchased for teaching collections or research are availed with high priority. Donations and bequests which are accepted for addition to the general and teaching collection are dealt with on the same basis as purchases. Electronic data held remotely and accessible under license by users of the library are not normally entered on the catalog but are listed on the library’s website.
Replacement Policy
Items reported as missing to the library circulation desk are listed and searched for by the library staff for the period of at least one week. Those not found after four weeks of search are designated as missing in the online catalog. Items known to be destroyed or otherwise lost are withdrawn from the catalog and marked lost. Therefore, they are considered for possible replacement. Any person responsible for this loss is accounted for replacing the lost material or pay the current price of the item.
Retention and Weeding Policy
Research and teaching collections including the reference collection, have been retained indefinitely and have not been routinely weeded. Short-loan and reserve collections are reviewed and weeded routinely in consultation with the Dean/Program Director of the college. Any textbook with a new edition, the old edition is transferred to the research collection as an additional title for long term circulation purposes. In research collection, duplicates and uncirculated materials for almost three years are removed from open shelves and retained in closed shelves for historical research purposes. If more copies of a particular title are available will be disposed of or will be sent for gift and exchange. Weeding is done for textbooks which are more than 5 years old and have almost no circulation profile. This will improve the library collection based on actual and future needs for curricular support, research programs, as well as extracurricular activities in the UD.
4. Operations
4.1 Operating Hours
Library office hours are from 8:30 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday to Thursday and from 10:00 AM to 9:00 PM on Saturday. Professional library staff are also available on Saturdays. Library hours are subject to change due to inter-semester break and during examination period. Library remains closed on public holidays.
4.2 Staff
Employ staff with the appropriate library qualifications and skills for professional positions.
Ensure that paraprofessionals and support staff have the skills needed for the assigned duties they have to perform, in addition to communication, information and technology skills.
Provide training to keep abreast with the new developments in the library field and management.
4.3 Equipment and Facilities
To choose comfortable furniture for individual reading and group work.
To have strong shelving and displays for the purpose of library holdings.
To have cubicles with screen displays for group study and discussion purposes. Bring your own device (BYOD) policy is used for the cubicles.
To have carrels for individual study and privacy.
Reservations will be taken on a first come first serve basis.
Students should comply with library regulations and fire safety requirements.
5. Services
Circulation service: The circulation of library materials to all users will be in accordance with specific loan regulations for each group of users and categories.
Reference service: The library will provide efficient and effective reference service to all patrons regardless of their categories or level of study. It will also provide assistance in the use and utilization of the electronic materials and information retrieval to a patron.
Access to library collection: Library provides a user-friendly interface to facilitate easy access. It also provides federated search which provides robust information available in the collection on one platform.
Orientation program: The Library participates in the UD Orientation program for new students. The program teaches new students the ways to search for information, the databases available for each category (undergraduates and postgraduates) and shows ways to get and use information. Students are introduced to other library services such as references services, self-check-in-kiosk, reserving the books online and contacting librarians.
Cooperative arrangements and inter-library loan: The library employs the inter-library loan practice with similar libraries in the country and region as well as document delivery to obtain materials which are not available in UD’s library collection for research projects. The relationship has been established with the neighboring counterparts to share experiences and information resources. Interaction between the library and the academic units in the UD is encouraged. The requests can be placed by sending an email to the reference librarian and the request will then be processed with the concerned university. Requesters are encouraged to contact the Manager of the Library if there is any difficulty in using this service. The library will send directly the required articles to the requester upon receipt through UD email. Five (5) requests per person per day can be served.
6. Access
The library uses Liberty as the LMS that provides a user-friendly searching interface for all library holdings along with some integrated web based products. The system allows seamless access (on campus as well as off campus) to full text academic journals, periodicals and electronic books. Summons 360 serial solutions is used to allow federated search access to information. Knimbus is used to allow students to access all library online databases off campus.
7. Library Assessment
The Library and Learning Resources assessment mechanism helps in establishing a service-oriented framework that facilitates regular monitoring of various UD library services and resources to ensure high quality. Below is a list of various assessment techniques used for evaluating these services and resources.
The library services are evaluated by the Department of Quality Assurance and Institutional Effectiveness on a regular basis. Surveys are conducted regularly each academic year and are administered to faculty, students and staff. The survey is placed online through the Learning Management System (Moodle) for faculty and students alike.
The overall performance of the library on expected outcomes, services, acquisition and resource management as well as meeting of accreditation standards is assessed on a yearly basis. Annual planned growth activities for the library provide data for budgetary allocations, planning collection development and refining services.
Benchmarking against best business and engineering schools has been used to develop library resources and services. Lists of print and electronic resources are obtained from other libraries as aids for collection development and assessment.
Library policies exist to serve as guidelines to maintain and achieve the quality of library resources and services.
8. Code of Ethics & Conduct
General Regulations
The borrower is expected to abide by the following general library regulations which are posted on the library bulletin board, which include:
The borrower should be aware of due dates.
Users must leave library premises immediately in emergencies, and when requested to do so by the librarian.
No user may mark, mutilate or annotate books, and any marking or damage found must be reported to the Librarian.
Hand-held scanners and cameras may be used only with the permission of the Librarian.
Eating and drinking are strictly prohibited in any part of the library to avoid damage to library stock and equipment as well as disturbance to other users.
Smoking and use of matches or lighters is strictly prohibited in any part of the library.
The use of personal electronics is not permissible in the library to avoid disturbance to other users. Mobile phones must be switched off or kept silent in the library. The use of a laptops is permissible; provided they are not a nuisance to other library users and they are not used in areas where there is a specific prohibition.
Misuse of library facilities or conduct prejudicial to the proper use of the library by others, particularly as a quiet place for reading and study, is forbidden.
Users shall normally be responsible, in whole or in part, for any damage caused to library materials, equipment, furniture or the premises in general.
Any library user can have his/her bag searched when leaving the library should the electronic security system be activated.
Library users are expected to treat library staff and users with respect and courtesy.
If a library user is caught attempting to remove library material or part of it, without library staff’s permission, the member of staff on duty has the right to take appropriate action, according to UD policy.
All users must start vacating the library premises 10 minutes before closing time.
The borrower is responsible for the material checked out on his/her ID card.
Intellectual Property Rights:
Users must comply with the provisions of any relevant legislation, such as, laws relating to intellectual property rights, including copyright.
Users must comply with the terms of any license agreement between the university and a third party, which governs photocopying, photography and the use of software and access to data.
Code of Conduct for IT and Other Library Resources:
Internet and other computing services in the library are governed by the following code of ethics.
Users must not use IT facilities for games, chatting, downloading unacceptable material, storing non-academic material or any other personal material (such as personal advertising), creating, exchanging, displaying or publicizing offensive and libelous statements.
Social and moral practices in the UAE must be observed by all users.
No equipment may be removed from the library without prior written permission from the Manger of the Library.
Users must take all precautions to avoid causing corruption of data in the library system.
Users must not deliberately modify or change the integrity of the online services and facilities of the library.
Users must not remove or modify information stored in the system.
It is the responsibility of users to ensure that they are computer literate and familiar with the IT equipment available. The library staff will help in building search strategies for information searching and retrieval.
Users are responsible for charges incurred through the use of the IT facilities other than those offered by UD. These may include buying books from, or subscribing to e-journals and e-books, buying other goods electronically, sending faxes etc.
The library is not responsible for loss of data, and/or its corruption due to malfunctioning of equipment, or power cuts while working etc.
ITS provides usernames and passwords to the UD community. Users are responsible for the security of their password.
When downloading information from remote sites users must take all reasonable precautions not to infringe the copyright laws of the UAE.
Any violation of this code of ethics will be dealt with in accordance with S 6.11 Student Disciplinary Policy.
9. Library Sanctions
The Librarian may impose fines on users, or suspend or withdraw their library membership privilege in whole or in part, if they violate these regulations. The library staff on duty reserves the right to note the user’s ID number and to request that he/she leaves the premises if found to be violating these rules. According to the type of violation, actions may vary from a verbal warning, fines and revoking of privileges, to being reported to the SIC where appropriate action will be taken according to S6.11 Student Disciplinary Policy.
The library staff on duty may issue a warning to any library user who violates the library code of ethics and conduct. Repeated or extreme violations may be referred to the SIC for further consideration.
Fines are enforced to encourage prompt return of library materials. Notices are mailed before materials are overdue. However, failure to receive a notice does not excuse a borrower from overdue fines. All borrowers are subject to a uniform system of fines generated automatically by the library system. Users appealing against fines because of illness must produce a medical certificate for inspection by the Librarian.
The fine for overdue normal loan materials will be AED 1 per item per day.
If the borrower fails to return the borrowed item on time, after 90 days of due date the system will presume that the item has been lost. It will automatically mark it as lost and send it to the lost item log. In this situation, the borrower must pay the fine for the first two weeks plus the charge of the lost item.. If the borrower reports that an item is lost, within two weeks of the return due date, then he/she has to pay the fine for the number of days passed before reporting the item as being lost, plus the charge for the lost item. The charge for a lost item shall be the actual cost of the item plus an AED 50 processing fee.
Damaging (writing, marking, tearing …etc) any library material is prohibited, and the user will be asked to replace or pay the cost of the item plus an AED 30 processing fee.
Fines for reserved overdue items accrue at the rate of AED 2 per hour for reserved materials which were borrowed overnight. Those items with daily/weekly loan periods accrue fines at the rate of AED 1 per day. Under special circumstances, special permission may be granted to check out reference materials (reference books & journals). If special permission is granted, the fine for those items not returned by the due date is AED 1 per day.
Revocation of Privileges
Library privileges may be revoked, in whole or in part, or not renewed, if users fail to adhere to established library requirements. Such sanctions include:
Restriction of access to IT facilities (action decided by the Manager of Library).
Withdrawal of the use of all IT facilities (action decided by the Manager of Library).
Suspension of borrowing privileges and membership of the library, in whole or in part, for a period that shall not normally exceed one semester. In extreme cases, membership shall be withdrawn permanently.
Borrowing privileges can be revoked if:
The borrower has not returned the material on time, and still holds it.
The borrower has not paid the fines or charges for lost materials.
The borrower has violated any Library Rules, Regulations, or Policies.